Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Box Sets & Beat Texas

Dear Saints Of Andrew:

October 22, 2006
Nancy & Bruce:
A Sermon On Depression.
Be watching your mail box for this month's PASSAGE. Inside you'll find a survey sheet, with this introductory paragraph: "As St. Andrew's continues to grow and plan for the future, your input is encouraged so that we can work collectively to accomplish our mission. With this information, we will focus on continuing core strengths and identifying areas in which we need to grow. Please take a moment and prayerfully complete this survey and return it to the survey box in the Rotunda. God bless and thank you. The St. Andrew's Administrative Council."
I've got the songs more or less selected for my 100 GREATEST HITS OF ALL TIME--to be auctioned off on November 17. It's going to be a six disc collection. The disc packaging itself is easy enough; Steve Groves is helping with that. But if I'm going to put the six discs into a box set, what do I do for a box? Any ideas?
I always like to do something special for Time Change Sunday, which falls this year on October 29. Last year, we did THE JOHNNY CASH SERMON. This year, members of our Drama and Music Ministries will join me in offering a sermon titled, "AT THE BALLET."
While my sporting energy has been directed toward the baseball playoffs, please know I will be rooting big for the Huskers this weekend. You may not know this, but for organizational purposes, the United Methodist Church in these United States is divided into what are called Jurisdictions. Nebraska is the northernmost component in the South Central Jurisdiction, which covers most of the Big XII Conference. Like the Big XII, the South Central Jurisdiction is dominated by Texas Methodism. Texas Methodists (with the exception of our own Bishop Sherer, herself a Texan, but an otherwise delightful human being) might have you believe the Methodist Church doesn't extend north of the Red River. So let's burn the orange and give our brothers and sisters in the Lone State a much needed lesson in humility.
Single Parents, Blended Families, and Foster Parents
Are you one? Do you know someone who is? Would you like to learn more? Maybe start a support group? An opportunity for you to learn more is coming in November. The Adult Discipling Ministries Team is sponsoring panel discussions as follows:
November 1 ˆ Singles Parents
November 8 ˆ Blended Families
November 15 ˆ Foster Parenting
Members of St. Andrew's will serve as a panel to share their experience and answer any questions you might have. All presentations will begin at 6 p.m. in Room Lower Level 4.

ADVENT DEVOTIONAL BOOK. Pastor Nancy is putting together a book of Advent devotions ˆ one each day from the first Sunday in Advent (December 3) through January 1. She and her committee are asking members and friends of St. Andrew's UMC to submit items for the book. Items for submission can be original writings or something written by someone else (please include name of author so we can give credit). These items do not all have to have a Christmas theme but we will need a few of those for the days closest to Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Submissions could be: reflections on a favorite scripture; memories of a past Christmas; or a poem or writing that has been special to you authored by someone else. Please include your name on your submission as we want those who read them to know who made that selection for the book. Submissions can be e-mailed to Nancy or brought to the church office. Deadline for submission is Monday, November 20. The books will be available for pick-up (one per family please) on December 3. If you have questions, contact Nancy.
CHERI S. writes: Just a reminder that the Sunday school classes are collecting donations to be used for our church auction. We are putting together baskets using the following themes; baby items, baby toys, Dora, dinosaurs, Hot Wheels, Veggie Tales, Barbies, crafts, primary books, Legos, sporting items, DVD's for elementary aged children, games, puzzles or books for 5th/6th graders, dinner or movie gift certificates and car care items. If you are willing to donate any of these items please place them in the black donation boxes located around the church on Sunday mornings. We truly appreciate all your support to make our auction a success!
Matthew Ministries invites you to attend
Sunday evening, November 5, 6:00
The Lower Level Music Room
If you have no idea what this refers to, please check out the Bruce Davis sermon, "CONSIDERING THE POOR," on the St. Andrew's web site:
SAMANTHA M. writes: I would like to add Dani W. to the prayer list. She was recently diagnosed with cervical cancer. She is a dear friend of mine who is 29.
Lamentations 1:4, 12, "The roads to Zion mourn, for no one comes to her festivals; all her gates are desolate, her priests groan; her young girls grieve, and her lot is bitter∑ Is it nothing to you, all you who pass by? Look and see if there is any sorrow like my sorrow." Lamentations 1:4, 12