Saturday, December 30, 2006

Old Aquaintance


December 31, 2006

8:00, 9:15 & 10:45 AM

Nancy Davis preaching:



The death of President Gerald Ford has put me to thinking about some not-so-good old days. America was reeling from Watergate--and, remember, Ford became vice-president only after Spiro T. Agnew resigned in disgrace, ultimately pleading no contest to charges of accepting bribes and evading taxes. (My collection of eclectic stuff features an LP of Spirio T. Agnew speeches, including the classic line about “nattering nabobs of negativism.”) While history has looked favorably on President Ford’s decision to pardon Richard Nixon, public reaction was much more mixed at the time, and the pardon would play heavily into Ford’s 1976 election defeat. The nation was still suffering the after-shocks of Vietnam (maybe we still are). But what I remember as worst of all was the spiraling inflation. President Ford appealed to the public to plant WIN (Whip Inflation Now) gardens. With energy prices skyrocketing, he asked us to turn down the thermostats in our houses. I remember trying to take morning showers at the recommended temperature and turning blue. That said, Gerald R. Ford, born in Omaha, brought Midwest values of dignity, calm and common sense to the White House at a time when we needed them most. He was not among the great presidents, perhaps, but he can be counted among the important ones..

Nancy and I had thought about driving to Denver between Christmas and New Year’s. Given the weather out west, we are surely glad we decided to stay in Omaha and go to movies, instead. I know the reviews of “The Good Shepherd” have been mixed, but Nancy and I both thought it was a terrific film. Larry King may not be off base in saying it’s the best spy film ever made (does the PBS miniseries “Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy” count?)—unless you believe James Bond was a historical figure.


From BRANDON Q.: STRESSED OUT FROM THE HOLIDAYS? Then join us at the STRESS MANAGEMENT WORKSHOP at St. Andrew's on January 18, 2007, from 7 – 8 p.m. Community Counselor, Kim M., will lead the session. Please contact Brandon, Health Ministry Leadership Team Co-Chairperson, Pastor Charlotte. Please sign up for this event by January 10th.


MARK S. wrote on Wednesday: We had a new addition to the family yesterday at 4:11 pm. Grant Anthony was 8lb 10oz, 20". Everyone is doing well! We hope to be going tomorrow.


We received this nice note from HELEN H.: A very special “Thank you” to my “family” for your prayers, visits, cards and telephone calls while I was in the hospital and since my return home. It is indeed comforting to have a Caring Church Family. In Christian Love, Helen


PATTI BETH H. writes: “My grandfather, Al P., 79, passed away on December 26th. He had been in the hospital for 7 weeks and had recently been diagnosed with cancer.Until 9 weeks ago, he led a wonderful and happy life.” Please pray for our family.”


Nancy says I’m mis-hearing the song, but I’ve never understood why old acquaintance should be forgot and never brought to mind. The year of our Lord 2006 ends with me so very thankful for the acquaintances we have made since coming to Omaha 15 months ago, looking forward to strengthening those relationships and building new ones in the year ahead.


O God our help in ages past

Our hope for years to come

Be thou our guide while life shall last

And our eternal home

--Isaac Watts



Wednesday, December 27, 2006


We welcome new readers to A-MAIL--particularly those who gave us your e-address on Christmas Eve. If you ever want off the list, let us know.
December 31, 2006
8:00, 9:15 & 10:45 AM
Nancy Davis preaching:”LOSING YOUR LUGGAGE”
10:00—377; 3:00—465; 5:00—510; 7:00—576
PAM FLEURY writes: The St. Andrew's Singers will have rehearsal tonight (Wednesday) at 7 p.m. in the sanctuary. The children’s and youth choirs will not meet until next week, Jan. 3rd. If there are questions, please contact Pam Fleury at 498-9023.
LISA MAUPIN of United Methodists For Mission & Justice writes re the Food Challenge gift we were able to give Pearl Food Pantry: THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! Your generous gift to Pearl Pantry was not only good sized, but truly amazing. I hope that you know what a huge impact your church has made on Pearl Pantry. It will help them serve families in need all year around. Honestly, we have been left speechless by this gift! Thank you and Merry Christmas.
On Christmas Day, Nancy and I saw “DREAMGIRLS” at the 20 Grand. Twenty-some years ago, I bought the original Broadway album on vinyl, and am happy to report the film adaptation did not disappoint. Jennifer Hudson’s take on “And I Tell You I’m Not Going” falls into the category of WOW!!! And I actually got kind of teary at the end. Given the prominence of the James Brown character, as played by Eddie Murphy, it was startling to read that the “Godfather Of Soul” passed on the film’s opening day.
January 7, 2007
The First Worship Services Of The New Year
Bruce preaching: “ ’WASHINGTON'S CROSSING.”
If you are into New Year’s Resolutions, you may find this JEFF H. e-mail helpful. I share it with his permission:

To help me remember and reflect on my 2007 resolutions, I have decided to combine my resolutions into a mantra that I like to call my 2007 Resolantra. Here it is: HAVE NO FEAR, GIVE OF YOURSELF, BE OF GOOD CHEER.
I believe that each of these items fulfils a commandment from God.
HAVE NO FEAR: As the Bible commands me, “fear not, for I am with you.”
GIVE OF YOURSELF: Give my time, my talent, and my treasures.
BE OF GOOD CHEER: Be a light to others, spread joy, give encouragement to everyone I come into contact with.
CHARLOTTE MALLOTT asks: Prayers of sympathy for the family of Bill D., in his recent passing (brother-in-law of Robert H.). Prayers of sympathy for the family of Thelma C., in her recent passing (Norm C.’s mother). Prayers for Tiffany B., recovering from a second surgery (daughter of Susan and Craig B.).
Ecclesiastes 7:8, ”Better is the end of a thing than its beginning; the patient in spirit are better than the proud in spirit.”

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Christmas Eve

December 24
Christmas Eve
One Service, 10:00 AM, Nancy Preaching
“All Wrapped Up”

Candlelight Communion Services at 3:00, 5:00 & 7:00
Including a Christmas Drama by the Reckless Abandon Players
The Children’s Choir will sing at 5:00
The St. Andrew’s Christmas Choir and Bells will be featured at 7:00
GINA J. SHARES GOOD NEWS OF A GREAT JOY!: On Monday, December 18th Kip and I were blessed with our precious daughter at 3:43 p.m. Kaylee Marie weighed 7lbs 3oz and was 21inches long. We love her to pieces and thank God for her health and every moment we have had with her. Have a very merry Christmas. Kip, Gina, and Kaylee
DENISE J. writes: I would like to thank all the wonderful cooks who brought dinners for the last two weeks. They were wonderful and very much appreciated. It sure helped during this time recooperating with my back and neck. Merry Christmas to all.
From PENNY F.:
At ths time Matthew Ministries is not collecting any type of clothing or household items, as we do not have any organizations requesting them. If you have items like this you would like to donate, please place them in the shed in the Northeast corner of our parking lot (by the CEC entrance). It is well marked for donation drop-offs. These items are picked up regularly for distribution. As we get requests in the future we will alert you of the type and duration of the collection. We are still collecting hotel size toiletries for Siena/Francis House and they may be placed in the Siena/Francis box in the Rotunda at any time. Thank you for thinking of those less fortunate.

Friday, December 22, 2006

A Song in the Air

December 24, 2006
One Morning Service, 10:00
preaching: “ALL WRAPPED UP”
3:00, 5:00, 7:00
Each of these worship experiences will include a drama presented by the Reckless Abandon Players.
The 5:00 service will feature the Children’s Choirs.
The Christmas Eve Adult Choir will grace our 7:00 gathering.
We’ll be on regular schedule December 31, preaching at 8:00, 9:15 & 10:45: “LOSING YOUR LUGGAGE.”
“ROARDED”: A roar so profound an extra D is required to express it.
I’ve heard nothing but really good reports from those who participated in last weekend’s YOUTH CHRISTMAS PARTIES. And I understand we had a fine turnout. Terrific! Speaking of youth…
CONFIRMATION CLASS BEGINS ON JANUARY 7 AT 10:45 IN THE MUSIC ROOM. If you have a youth eighth grade or above who would like to attend this class and you have not yet contacted Nancy about that, please do so immediately. Confirmation Day is April 29!
DAN & DONNA T. write: With the house selling market in turmoil, we have been unable to sell our home. We are now looking to lease our home through the winter months. If you know of someone looking for a very large house to rent for up to 6 months, please contact the them. Thank you.
PASTOR CHARLOTTE asks: Prayers for Doug H., critically ill with a rare form of cancer, who has been hositalized (son-in-law of Mickey Vi.). Prayers of sympathy for all who grieve during this holiday season. Prayers for Stacy W., awaiting results of a biopsy. Prayers of sympathy for the family of Dorothy W., in her recent passing (aunt of Robert H.). Prayers for Bill D., who is terminally ill in (brother-in-law of Robert H.). Prayers of sympathy for Korey S. and family, in the recent passing of her grandfather.
There’s a song in the air!
There’s a star in the sky!
There’s a mother’s deep prayer
and a baby’s low cry!
And the star rains its fire while the beautiful sing
For the manger in cradles a King!
*I’ll look forward to seeing many of you on Sunday, morning and/or evening. If you’re traveling, come home safe. And to all: MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Challenge Exceeded

December 24, 2006
One Morning Service, 10:00
Nancy preaching: “ALL WRAPPED UP”

3:00, 5:00, 7:00
Each of these worship experiences will include a message from the Drama Team.
The 5:00 service will feature the Children’s Choirs.
At 7:00, we’ll hear from the Christmas Eve Adult Choir. (See Pam F.’s note below)
Joining the church on Sunday were LARRY & ANN W. Larry is retired from the University of Nebraska Medical Center. Ann is a babysitting grandmother.
We count 806 in our various worship services on Sunday. Add 162 children and we come up with a total strength of 968.
This is neat. We met, exceeded—yea, ROARED past our Food Challenge number. If you recall, our challenger had offered match our giving up to $2,000. In fact, we received $4,595. The challenger brought in the $2,000 check this morning, meaning we’ll be sending $6,595 to the food pantry at Pearl United Methodist in downtown Omaha. We’ll publish a complete report on holiday giving next month.
PAM F. writes:

The Christmas Eve Choir will rehearse this Wednesday evening (Dec. 20th) in the sanctuary at 6 p.m. It's not too late to join us----we would love to have more people help us sing for the 7 p.m. Christmas Eve service. If you have any questions, please let Pam know.
From STEVE S.:

Who’s preaching this Sunday?

What are they preaching?

What is going on when & where at the church?

Who do I call about a room reservation?

These questions and many more are answered at . The web site is back and adding new material every day. Right now you can read the text of the current week's sermon. Soon you will be able to download an mp3 of the entire service! We have every A-Mail sent out since May of 2006 online!, the website is the 1st place you should go for information and updates! The church calendar is available, and soon the Youth will have their page up & running. To quote a line often stated around this congregation: “As Jesus himself said to Andrew, “Come and see!”
JUDY H. tells us:

We are in need of ushers for the 3, 5, and 7 PM ushers on Christmas Eve. If you are planning to attend one of these services please consider offering your service to this important function. If you can help please notify Judy or Diana F.

Have you resolved in 2007 to find a new way to serve those in your St. Andrew's family? Take a look at BeFriender Ministry! BeFriender Ministers at St. Andrew's provide a listening presence for those in our congregation who may be going through a challenging time in their life - perhaps the loss of a loved one, financial stresses, or their own health issues. Rather than providing answers, BeFrienders serve as companions and confidants through the storm for those they serve. We will be starting a new training class of BeFriender Ministers on Sunday, January 14th from 4 to 6:30 p.m. Classes will meet weekly for eight weeks. To become a part of this class, or to ask more questions about BeFriender Ministry, please contact Pastor Charlotte at the church (Extension 18) or Sheila C.
MIKE R. passes the following along:

Stars and Stripes reports that donations are needed for wounded troops who are patients at . The hospital's Family Assistance Center ( ) is seeking shoes, gloves and winter jackets, postage stamps, prepaid phone cards, weightlifting gloves (for wheelchair patients), trousers with snaps or zips along the legs, razors, and prepaid gas or grocery cards. The Center requests that no cash or used items be donated. Donations can be sent to: Walter Reed Army Medical Center; Medical Family Assistance Center; Bldg. 2, 3rd Floor, Room 3E01; 6900 Georgia Avenue, N.W.; Washington D.C., 20307-5001.

JUST ARRIVED – “ADULT CHILDREN OF AGING PARENTS” newsletter. The lead article, “Assessment: Key to Aging Parents’ Well-Being, is just full of wonderful information for any who are facing the challenges of aging parents. A very helpful assessment tool is explained, along with the value of assessment. Check it out on the bulletin board near the coat room. Please feel free to TAKE – READ – AND RETURN.

CHARLOTTE asks: Prayers for Ruth P., who has non-Hodgkins Lymphoma, in addition to stem cell malfunction, requiring very difficult/strong medical treatment (Aunt of Tony K.). Prayers for Laura W., currently receiving cancer treatments and is expecting another child; pray, also, for her husband, Eric and their 2 children.
Luke 2:8-20

In that region there were shepherds living in the fields, keeping watch over their flock by night. Then an angel of the Lord stood before them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid; for see—I am bringing you good news of great joy for all people: to you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is the Messiah, the Lord. This will be a sign for you: you will find a child wrapped in bands of cloth & lying in a manger.” And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host, praising God and saying, “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth, peace, goodwill among people.”

When the angels had left them and gone into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, “Let us go now to and see this thing that has taken place, which the Lord has made known to us.” So they went with haste and found Mary and Joseph, and the child lying in the manger. When they saw this, they made known what had been told them about this child; and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds told them. But Mary treasured all these words and pondered them in her heart. The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all they had heard and seen, as it had been told to them.

Thursday, December 14, 2006



December 17, 2006
8:00, 9:15 & 10:45
Bruce preaching:
“CHRISTMAS EVE (Sarajevo, 12/24)”
This Sunday’s sermon started with a song running through my head as I was reading a small book by Joseph Ratzinger, written before he became Pope Benedict XVI. My first instinct was to share the song via CD, but then it occurred to me, given the talent we’ve accumulated--most particularly, Tyler S. on lead guitar--maybe our house band could do this justice. I handed the challenge over to Leon A., who has done the arranging. I am flabbergasted at how well the musical component has turned out. As to the sermon itself, it’s been a labor of love. We’ll hope to see you this Sunday, December 17, for “Christmas Eve (Sarajevo, 12/24).”
Having mentioned Leon and Tyler, I should also tell you that, for the featured number, Adam W., Gina F., Pam F. and Gene W. will be on various keyboards, with Bill W. on drums and Steve G. on bass. (Hope I'm not missing anybody.) Also on the musical program: the Horns Of Jericho will be part of a pre-service arrangement of “It Came Upon A Midnight Clear,” and The Ladies Ensemble will be singing “O Come All Ye Faithful” and “Come Messiah King.”
I had a wonderful experience, Tuesday afternoon. Craig S. was up here to tape an interview with By Diamond. By is recently back from Iraq. By and I had lunch together shortly after his return and he told me a story I know you’ll enjoy hearing. He did the telling yesterday in one take and we’ll look forward to sharing it with you on January 28. My sermon for that morning: “Saddam and Me.”
The member family that has offered the Food Challenge I wrote about last week, offering to match our giving up to $2,000, the proceeds going to Omaha’s Pearl Food Pantry, isn’t being challenged much on our end, yet. I think we’ve raised about $200 so far. If you’d like to help meet the challenge, we’ll have a special offering envelope available this Sunday.
Let me hasten to add that we’ve had a terrific response to philanthropic ministry this month. The Together Inc. Christmas Giving Tree was a huge success and we’ve had a fine response to our Casa La Pueblo project as well. We’re planning on issuing a full report in January on what was received. I am so proud of this congregation.
CHRISTMAS EVE, December 24, 2006

We will worship at 10:00, 3:00, 5:00 & 7:00.

The 10:00 service will feature a sermon by Nancy .

The three afternoon and evening experiences will be candlelight/communion services. The Children’s Choirs will be featured at 5:00, with the Christmas Eve Choir and Bells at 7:00.
Isaiah 9:2, 6-7

The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who lived in a land of deep darkness, on them light has shined.. For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; authority rests upon his shoulders; and he his named Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. His authority shall grow continually, and there shall be endless peace for the throne of David and his kingdom. He will establish and uphold it with justice and with righteousness from this time onward and forevermore. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will do this.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006



December 17, 2007
Bruce Davis
With Leon A. & The Sanctifications
Featuring Tyler S. on lead guitar

“CHRISTMAS EVE (Sarajevo , 12/24)”

Special Guest Appearance By Pope Benedict XVI

(The Sanctifications will be previewing their part of “Christmas Eve/Sarajevo ” at The Confidentials’ Christmas Show, 7:00 this Saturday evening, at the Strauss Bldg. on the UNO Campus. For tickets, call Stan S.)
On Sunday, we had the joy to baptize MADISON ASHLEY E., daughter of Deborah E.
Many thanks to all who participated in Sunday’s multi-generational Christmas music special. This was the second year for what is fast becoming a beloved Christmas tradition at St. Andrew’s. Our worship count was 1,344; of that total, the 9:15 service accounted for 1,027. What a joy to hear all those people singing, “O Come All Ye Faithful!”
CHRISTMAS EVE, December 24, 2006.

We will worship at 10:00, 3:00, 5:00 & 7:00.

The 10:00 service will feature a sermon by Nancy.

The three afternoon and evening experiences will be candlelight/communion services, with a Christmas Eve drama from our Drama Team. The Children’s Choirs will be featured at 5:00, with the St. Andrew’s Singers and Bells at 7:00.

Having lost our web site in the transition between network servers, we’re gradually getting back on line. Steve Smith has been heading this effort. Take a look at the new home page: It's a great look. Then click onto the “St. Andrew’s Links.” We’re going to particularly like the Photo Gallery.

Like most non-profit organizations, St. Andrew’s counts on having a strong December financially in order to make our year end totals balance, or at least come close. A strong finish to this already remarkable year of 2006 (bless your hearts) will have the added impact of getting 2007 off on the right foot. If you are in a position to do so, please consider making an over-and-above year-end gift to St. Andrew’s. As always, we thank you for your generous support of St. Andrew’s .
Do you like kids? Basketball? Working without pay? Well we have the spot for you! Upward Sports Ministry is in need of your talents regardless of your experience or knowledge! We are in need of Upwards Referees for all grade levels. Being a "referee" in Upwards is more like being a coach on the court during the game. As an Upward Referee you will be a positive influence for the children as well as aiding in building their skills and character. On average our Referees are asked to officiate 2 hours as a volunteer on Saturdays for 8 weeks from January 27 to March 17th. If you have been looking for a way to help out at church but haven't decided on a ministry, this may be a rewarding experience you're looking for, and I can promise it will change your life. Plus you might get to work along side "Upwards Man!" (What a perk that would be!) For more information contact Becky L.

LIVING THE QUESTIONS is a small-group study that explores beyond the traditions and rote theologies in which so many people and local churches seem stuck. It will help adults discover the relevance of Christianity in the 21st century and consider what a meaningful faith can look like in today’s world. LIVING THE QUESTIONS is a 13-week study beginning on Wednesday, January 17th at 6 p.m. Pastor Nancy will facilitate this study. It is for those who have completed Disciple I or have a good Bible understanding. Childcare will be provided upon request. Sign up at the Welcome Table.


You can know the freedom of a life filled with the fruit of the Spirit. In LIVING BEYOND YOURSELF, Beth Moore leads an in-depth study of the fruit of the Spirit – living proof that the Spirit of God dwells in us. This 11-week study will be offered on Thursday mornings beginning January 18th at 9 a.m. Julie T. will be facilitating this study. Sign up at the Welcome Table. Workbooks will cost $15.


From Adam and Eve to Noah and Abraham, Genesis recounts God’s persistence in starting over with God’s people. This message is both timeless and timely – for God’s people still seek the assurance that God is always working to make right what went wrong in the beginning. Corey Rector will facilitate this study on Wednesday evenings from 6 – 7 p.m. starting January 17th. Sign up at the Welcome Table.

Divorce and separation are among life’s most difficult and painful experiences. You need the help and encouragement of others as you attempt to heal and restore balance to your life. A DivorceCare group is a special place of encouragement, information and sharing. It provides you with an ongoing support team as you deal with the issues surrounding your separation or divorce. DivorceCare is offered at St. Andrew’s on Mondays at 6:30 p.m. The next session begins January 8th.
Congratulations to KURT & ANDREA H. on the birth of their son, ELIJAH!
Luke 1:46-49, "And Mary said, 'My soul magnified the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has looked with favor on the lowliness of his servant. Surely from now on all generations will call me blessed; for the Mighty One had done great things for me, and holy is his name.”

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Food Challenged

December 10, 2006
A Multi-Generational Christmas Musical Celebration
8:00 & 10:45, Nancy preaching: “TWO FOR THE ROAD”
There are FOOD CHALLENGES swirling around my life. The Omaha District of The United Methodist Church has offered a challenge that has apparently been answered very well by other congregations. St. Andrew's has been a little slow to respond, only because we’ve been in the process of collecting items for the Together Inc. Christmas Giving Tree—an effort that has been hugely well supported! And, as you’ll see in Netta’s column below, we’re in the middle of our La Casa push. Now, one of our member families has made an exceedingly generous offer. This family has told us that if we can raise $2,000 for ’s Pearl Food Pantry, they will match it. For a person like myself, who is too lazy to take a tag from the Together Inc. Tree and do any actual shopping, but can write a check, this is an attractive option. If you would like to participate, write a check to St. Andrew’s, with the note FOOD CHALLENGE. As the Pearl Food Pantry is one of the agencies supported by the Omaha District, we’ll have answered that challenge as well. FOR MORE ON THIS, SEE PENNY F.’S NOTE AT THE END OF THIS MAILING.
NETTA P. writes:
Just a reminder there are still lots of gifts to be purchased for La Casa del Pueblo, a Hispanic Community we are doing a Christmas outreach with for the 2nd year. You can pick up a “Chili” gift tag in the rotunda at the Lacasa table. (Look for the palm tree.) Return the gifts with tags attached to the table by Wed., Dec. 13.

We still need more people to make a pot of Chili. Please e-mail Netta if you can do this or sign up in the rotunda. Chili needs to be brought to the St. Andrew’s Church kitchen and put in the refrigerator on Saturday, Dec. 16. Please bring it in a non-returnable container.

If you plan to join us in our travels to La Casa del Pueblo on Sunday, we need to be there at 11:30. I would allow 20-30 minutes. Take I-80 East to the 24th street
exit. Go South (right) off exit ramp to E street. Take a right (west) a couple of blocks and you will see on your right. You can meet us in the lower level in their fellowship hall and we’ll go to their Spanish service as a group. Thanks for supporting this important outreach with Grace United Methodist Church/La Casa del Pueblo!
From DIANA F.:

Living The Questions will give you an opportunity to discuss this question and many more mysteries of faith and life. Living The Questions is a 13-week study beginning on Wednesday, January 17th at 6 p.m. Pastor Nancy will facilitate this study. It is for those who have completed Disciple I or have a good Bible understanding. Childcare will be provided upon request. Contact Diana if you want to register.

Experiencing the Spirit-Filled Life
You can know the freedom of a life filled with the fruit of the Spirit. In Living Beyond Yourself, Beth Moore leads an in-depth study of the fruit of the Spirit – living proof that the Spirit of God dwells in us. This 11-week study will be offered on Thursday mornings beginning January 18th at 9 a.m. Julie Taylor will be facilitating this study. She says, “I want everyone to experience the Peace and Grace you receive from this study. It is truly so up lifting and joyful!” Please contact Diana if you want to join this study as workbooks will need to be ordered. Workbooks will cost $15.

Divorce and separation are among life’s most difficult and painful experiences. You need the help and encouragement of others as you attempt to heal and restore balance to your life. A DivorceCare group is a special place of encouragement, information and sharing. It provides you with an ongoing support team as you deal with the issues surrounding your separation or divorce. DivorceCare is offered at St. Andrew’s on Mondays at 6:30 p.m. Contact Diana for more information.

COMING TO A THEATER NEAR YOU (in December) – CHARLOTTE’S WEB – also to Andrew’s in January; well, not the movie, of course. Stay tuned for further details.

Pastor Charlotte asks that, when submitting prayer requests for people from outside your family circle, that you get permission from that person to have it appear in the bulletin and/or be placed in the A mails. Thank you!
Charlotte asks: Prayers of sympathy for the family of 2 year old Zachary V., in his recent passing (friend of Heidi G.). Prayers for Helen H., hospitalized. Prayers for Logan T., who has been hospitalized (son of Pam and Greg T.). Prayers of sympathy for Linda E., in the recent and unexpected passing of her husband (high school classmate of Kathy R.). Prayers for Carlisa G., whose cancer has spread to her liver (friend of Sharon K.).

Why is a food drive relevant now, in December of 2006?

*Currently, more than 43,000 people live below the poverty line in the Omaha/Council Bluffs metropolitan area.

*Over 15,000 of those below the poverty line, or more than one-third of those affected by hunger, are children - in the area alone! These children are at risk for increased rates of infection and asthma, psycho-social and behavioral issues, and poor learning and academic results. Food insufficiency has additional negative outomes for adolescents including depressive disorders and suicidal tendencies.

From the Omaha World Herald, Fall 2006 - "The higher energy prices over the past year are forcing more working families to seek emergency assistance from 's food pantries. During the first seven months of 2005, it (the food bank) distributed nearly three million pounds of food. Through July of this year, the food bank exceeded that number by more than 300,000 pounds."

The demand for food from local food pantries is always up in November and December due to the holidays. Subsequently, by the end of the year and into January, food pantries struggle to meet the day to day demands of their customers. To sum up, Cindy Grady, Executive Director of Together Inc writes, "As Ghandi once said, "God comes to the hungry in the form of food". Your donation will make a difference!
Proverbs 27:1, “Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring.”
Comment: If this day falls flat, or ever turns to disaster, in any and all circumstance, we have the promise of “Emmanuel,” which means, “God With Us. ” That’s what this season is all about. Come share it with us at St. Andrew's!



December 10
8:00 & 10:45
Bruce preaching: “TWO FOR THE ROAD”



A Multi-Generational Christmas Musical Celebration
(For more on this, please see Netta’s notes below)
December 17
Bruce Davis preaching: “CHRISTMAS EVE ( 12/24)
December 24
Worship services at 10:00, 3:00, 5:00, 7:00
If you get a call sometime from St. Andrew’s, and the caller identifies his or herself as an OMBUD, here’s what that’s about. When Nancy and I came here in September of ’05, St. Andrew’s was going through a period of introspection. It was suggested that we form a group that would serve as a congregational listening team. Thus were born the Ombuds (short for Ombudsmen). They are: Sheila C., Bob F., Noel H., Mel M., Diane M., Ted Q. and Greg T.. Some of you have heard me talk about the membership inventory Diana F. has been coordinating. Now that we have a solid membership list, we’re going to ask the OMBUDS to help keep track of our flock. St. Andrew’s is a large, growing church, but we want to be careful that people don’t fall through the cracks. The Ombuds will not be calling to ask about money or anything of that sort. Theirs is a shepherding responsibility and we thank them for taking on this important task. Be nice to them.


Donating stock to meet your commitment under the Sharing, Growing, Changing Lives campaign is a great idea that is too often overlooked. Take advantage of the significant increases in the stock market recently by transferring your stock as a donation to St. Andrew’s account. Not only will you qualify for a tax deduction equal to the current market value of the stock, you will avoid paying taxes on the appreciated value. There’s still time to get this done before year end but you need to move quickly. Call Cami P., St. Andrew’s finance director, for all the details.
NETTA P. writes:

“COME TO THE MANGER” A Musical Christmas Celebration for Preschool (4 years old) thru 6th grade Sunday School classes, Youth Choir and Adult Choirs. Performance on Sunday, Dec. 10 at the 9:15 service. Practice on Sat. Dec. 9. See schedules below:

Rehearsal Schedule for Saturday, Dec. 9

9:30, Band, Narrators, Sound Tech, Living Nativity arrive and meet in the sanctuary

9:40, Youth and Adult Choirs arrive and meet in the choir loft

9:45, Preschool B and Pre-Kindergarten arrive and go to Sanctuary and have a seat in the front with parent.

Kindergarten – 6th grade meet in the

10:00, Rehearsal begins

11:00, Rehearsal ends.

**Preschool and Pre-Kindergarten can leave after “Away in the Manger”

Please be on time to make this hour productive!

Performance for Sunday, Dec. 10

8:45, Youth and Adult choirs meet in the music rehearsal room to warm up

9:00, Preschool and Pre-Kind. Arrive and sit with parents in roped off area in the sanctuary. After we get the older kids lined up we will pull them up. They are the first song on the program. After their song, they will return to sit with parents for remainder of program

9:00, Kindergarten-6th grades arrive and go directly to stage in your position where you practiced on Saturday. These children stay on stage for the entire program. It’s length is 35 minutes plus offertory.

Pancake breakfast is also being serviced this Sunday so save your appetite. Proceeds go to the youth program!
LaCasa del Pueblo Outreach

Join Children’s Ministries annual outreach to Grace United Methodist Church who mission is LaCasa del Pueblo, a Hispanic Community in Omaha. Sign up today in the rotunda to make a pot of chili to share with them when we go there on Sunday, Dec. 17. Deliver your chili to St. Andrew’s on Sat., Dec. 16 and put in the fridges in the kitchen. Put it in a non-returnable container please. Then, join us as we go to their Hispanic Worship Service on the 17th, share a Christmas Book read by Pastor Alberto and Pastor Nancy (Spanish and English) and then stay for a Chili Feed. We will be purchasing gifts for this community of Hispanics. You can help by picking up a Chili Pepper gift tag at the LaCasa table in the rotunda. Their community has nearly doubled since last year so we need more people to pitch in and purchase something for these families. Gifts, with tags attached, need to be turned in to St. Andrew’s Rotunda by Wed. Dec. 13.

CHARLOTTE MALLOTT asks: Prayers for Bill G., who has experienced a very serious heart attack (friend of Gale & Dee Harold). Prayers of joy for Trudy M. and Terry M., united in marriage on December 1st.
Ephesians 4:17-24: “Now this I affirm and insist on in the Lord: you must no longer lives as the Gentiles live, in the futility of their minds. They are darkened in their understanding, alienated from the life of God because of their ignorance and hardness of heart. They have lost all sensitivity and have abandoned themselves to licentiousness, greedy to practice every kind of impurity. That is not the way you learned Christ! For surely you have heard about him and were taught in him, as truth is in Jesus. You were taught to put away your former way of life, your old self, corrupt and deluded by its lusts, and to be renewed in the spirit of your minds, and to clothe yourselves with the new self, created according to the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness.