Wednesday, January 31, 2007

The Bears

February 4, 2007
Bruce Davis preaching:
This being a first Sunday of the month, the youth choir will be with us at 9:15 & 10:45. We will share the sacrament of Holy Communion. We’ll hope to see you.
Many, of course, have kindly inquired about Nancy. The x-ray on her ankle was negative, and MRI on her knee was generally encouraging. In talking with her on the phone just now, she says the swelling is worse. She had hoped to get to the office today; I’m relieved she’s given up on that.
I continue to receive such compelling, thoughtful letters about “WARS IN IRAQ.” I could almost make them into a little book that would surely stir hearts. To repeat, the manuscript can be found on the St. Andrew's web site: ; click on Sermons.
Speaking of letters, we received this query about TRIVIA NIGHT, scheduled for Feb. 24.
QUESTION: I am quite interested in this Trivia night, and I have a couple questions. So are all of the questions "churchy"? or is it like Trivial Pursuit? Do you get points? Are their prizes for winning?
MY ANSWER: Most of the questions are non-churchy, there are points, and there is a prize for winning. It’s a lot of fun and I hope you’ll plug in.
RESPONSE: awesome, thanks!!
I’m very happy for my Chicago-oriented friends that the Bears will be in the Super-Bowl. Hopefully, it takes some of the sting out of the Cubs’ futility. Should be a good game. Speaking of sports, we’ll soon begin signups for another season of softball at St. Andrew’s. Watch for more information in future A-Mails.
February 11, 2007
Designed For People Moving Toward Membership At St. Andrew’s
Sign Up At The Hospitality Desk This Sunday or via Return E-Mail
We received the following from DEB E.: Arun Gandhi, the grandson of Mohandas K. "Mahatma" Gandhi, will attend the Friday, April 6, UNO School of Social Work Annual Symposium, featuring the Gandhi Award. Arun Gandhi is a co-founder of the M.K. Gandhi Institute for Nonviolence, which was founded in 1991. "This is a unique and wonderful opportunity to see and hear someone who is dedicated to social activism and justice on every level," said Theresa Barron-McKeagney, director of the UNO School of Social Work. "Arun Gandhi has taught and given presentations around the world; we are very fortunate that he is coming to UNO." This is the 10th anniversary of the awards presentation, and Carol Windrum is the 2007 recipient. Windrum founded "Peace with Justice Ministries" under the Nebraska Conference of the United Methodist Church. The cost to attend the symposium (which includes the luncheon) is $50 for students, $100 for non-students. The cost to attend only the luncheon is $25. For more information, call 554.2792 or 554.2793.
Pastor Charlotte asks: Prayers for Pastor Nancy, recovering from injuries due to a fall. Prayers for Greg B., experiencing major health issues; pray, also, for his wife Leann and their son, Tommy, as they cope with this stressful time in all their lives (friends of Lisa C.). Prayers for the family of Elsie G., in her recent passing (friend of Harlan and Diana F.).
Mark 26:26-30: While they were eating, Jesus took a loaf of bread, and after blessing it he broke it, gave it to the disciples and said, “Take, eat, this is my body.” Then he took a cup, and after giving thanks he gave it to them, saying, “Drink from it, all of you, for this is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins. I tell you, I will never again drink of this fruit of the vine until that day when I drink it new with you in my Father’s kingdom.” When they had sung the hymn, they went out to the Mount of Olives.

Monday, January 29, 2007


February 3, 2007
I’m writing from the waiting room at Methodist West. The Reverend Mrs. Davis took a tumble yesterday. She’s had an x-ray of her left ankle, now we’re waiting to have an MRI on the right knee.
I’ve received some very thoughtful e-mails regarding yesterday’s sermon. If you missed “WARS IN IRAQ,” you can find the manuscript on the ever-evolving St. Andrew’s web site: Having reached the home page, hit the SERMON link. What you won’t get is the powerful testimony we heard from By Diamond. I would add that the video was shot by Craig Strong and edited by Mark Van Kekerix. Mark didn’t have much editing to do on this one, as By told his story in one take. I’ve made it a point, since 9/11/01, to try to have lunch with soldiers returning from the Middle East . I have found them to be incredibly articulate in talking about their experience. I never ceased to be impressed by the caliber of people in our nation’s military.
Worship attendance yesterday was 775. Add another 133 children and you have a nice turnout on a cold morning.
TRIVIA NIGHT IS FEBRUARY 24! We had a great time at first Trivia Night last fall and we’re looking forward to this one as well. All those who attended the first one will definitely want to be a part of this one – and if you didn’t make that one, why not come along this time? You don’t have to be a brain – we all are carrying a lot more trivia around in our minds than we are aware of. You can bring some friends – in fact, you can have your own table of eight to be a team! Or you can come just by yourself and we’ll put you with a table – and you’ll meet new friends. Either way you will have a blast! We do need you to REGISTER AHEAD OF TIME so we can set up the tables and the way to do that is to sign up on the Trivia Night form in the rotunda. Cost is $5.00 per person if you register ahead of time - $10.00 per person if you just show up. (See what a bargain it is to register early?) We’ll start at 7:00 and end around 9:00 and child care is available if you call the church office and sign up for it. Nancy and Bruce are already working on the questions – some of them will be difficult (we promise!). But others will be easy (we promise!).
Our next PIZZA WITH THE PASTORS is scheduled for Sunday evening, February 11, 5:00-6:30. PWP is designed for persons interested in membership at St. Andrew’s. Sign up at the Hospitality Desk in the Rotunda, so we’ll know how much pizza to order.
DIANA F. tells us about some neat ministry options.:

You can still get your registration in to Diana for the Women’s Retreat – but you must hurry. needs to be notified this week of how many will be attending. Please contact Diana IMMEDIATELY if you want to attend!!

The life of a woman today isn't really all that different from that of Mary and Martha in the New Testament. Like Mary, you long to sit at the Lord's feet...but the daily demands of a busy world just won't leave you alone. Like Martha, you love Jesus and really want to serve him...yet you struggle with weariness, resentment, and feelings of inadequacy. Now Marys and Marthas alike, can draw closer to our Lord, deepening your devotion, strengthening your service, and doing both with less stress and greater joy. Join this women’s study on Monday mornings at 9 a.m. beginning February 5.

EVERY CALLING HAS ORIGIN: What have you been called to do? What are your strengths – your God-given gifts? How can I use those strengths in my everyday life? These are the things that you will discover in the E.C.H.O. class which will be offered during Lent. Classes begin Tuesday, Feb. 20 at 6:30 p.m. and Wednesday, Feb. 21 at 9:30 a.m. Each class runs for 1½ hours, and the class is 7 weeks in length. Contact Diana for more information, or to register.
Ode To A Capable Wife (particularly one who’s hobbling around at home now on a bum ankle and a swelled-up knee), Proverbs 31:10-12 “A capable wife who can find? She is far more precious than jewels. The heart of her husband trusts in her, and he will have no lack of gain. She does him good, and not harm, all the days of her life.”

Friday, January 26, 2007

Tipping Off

January 28, 2007
Bruce Davis preaching:
We’ll be working from the 14th chapter of Genesis and the 7th chapter of Hebrews.
As mentioned in Wednesday’s A-Mail, the Lt. Colonel By Diamond video will be early in the service, so you don’t want to be late. There’s a lot of reason, these days, to get to church early. Leon A. is doing very creative work with the pre-service music, typically taking one of the praise hymns we’ll be singing later in the morning and giving it a new arrangement, often featuring The Horns Of Jericho.
UPWARD BASKETBALL AND CHEERLEADING tips off tomorrow (Saturday) morning. As I understand it, the first game starts at 8:00 and there will be games going on until 3:00 in the afternoon. We’ve got 240 children involved in the program this year, up almost 150% from last season. Figure in a like number of moms, dads, grandparents, etc. and you get a sense of the logistics we’ll be dealing with. We invite you to stop by and take a look!
NANCY D. announces: REAFFIRMATION OF MARRIAGE VOWS SERVICE will be conducted after the 10:45 service on February 11. All couples who would like to do this are invited to meet at the front of the sanctuary at that time. Nancy will lead the service.
Okay, the Roman name for Paris was Lutecia, not Lucretia. Lucretia was the Roman noblewoman who was violated, then killed herself, but not before getting her menfolk to swear an oath of vengeance that led to the founding of the Roman Republic. I get my Romans confused.
JOB OPENING: Facility Manager - all aspects of building and facility managment at infoUSA. Position to be filled immediately. Call Dan T. if interested.
Among the books I read on my recently completed trans-Atlantic flights was Sue Grafton’s “S Is For Silence.” If any of our readers have read this book, I’d be interested in asking you a question I would not want to pose here, lest it ruin the ending for those who are yet to read it.
Pastor Charlotte asks: Prayers for Loreen B., who has a broken wrist and many bruises, due to a fall (Mother of Teri Q.). Prayers for Sherri R., preparing for surgery on January 30th (friend of Shirley C.).
Genesis 18:23-26, Then Abraham came near and said, “Will you indeed sweep away the righteous with the wicked? Suppose there are fifty righteous within the city; will you then sweep away the place and not forgive it for the fifty righteous who are in it? Far be it from you to do such a thing, to slay the righteous with the wicked, so that the righteous fare as the wicked! Far be that from you! Shall not the Judge of all the earth do what is just?” And the Lord said, “If I find at Sodom fifty righteous in the city, I will forgive the whole place for their sake.”

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Bon Jour

After a week of croissants, this Panera’s chocolate hazelnut bagel tastes pretty great.
We welcome new readers to A-MAIL, which has been off-line, due to the editor’s absence the past eight days.
January 28, 2007
Bruce Davis preaching:
We’ll have two video segments, including an interview with Lt. Colonel By D., a member of our congregation, recently returned from Iraq, and an ABC news clip that was to have aired at half-time of Super Bowl XXV. We’ll get into the Bible and visit Abraham, Chederlaomer, the tar pits of Siddim, with special attention to King Melchizedek. And, perhaps most important, we’ll pray to the High Priest who makes intercession before the throne. (NOTE: The By D. video will be shown early in the service, so don’t be tardy.)
Since we last corresponded, I’ve walked 186 steps down into the catacombs beneath Paris (that’ll show up in a sermon!); walked 226 steps up the Butte de Lion on the Waterloo battlefield, and have more or less climbed (fell up might be more descriptive) a sand dune on France’s Atlantic coast. This sand dune, I kid you not, was so big it dwarfed the forest below. I’ve eaten Flemish stew, been caught in a howling rainstorm outside Notre Dame, have watched the earth rotate via Foucault’s Pendulum. I’ve followed the trek of St. Denis, who was beheaded for preaching Christ in what the Romans called Lucretia, then picked up his head, walked north, pausing to wash the head, before finally stopping at what would be the site of the first Gothic cathedral.
There was a certain bitter-sweetness to this adventure. When I first scheduled the trip, I thought my daughter and her husband might be moving to the US later this year and I wanted to see their first marital home. I hadn’t reckoned on Mary being pregnant by the time I got there. It was an incredible experience, sharing Mary’s joy—just incredible. But leaving wasbittersweetknowing that she’s going to go through these next six months of pregnancy and have the baby before I see her again.
I’ve heard a lot of good things, already, about last Sunday’ service, including Nancy’s sermon, the only downside being that the foot of snow kept the crowd down.
Here’s the latest from JOYCE C. regarding one of my favorite groups in the church: The BLT (Boomers Laughing Together) Group is planning another fun year of fellowship activities for 2007. This is a great way to get to know others from St. Andrews and have some fun at the same time. If you would like to be included on our email list to receive information when we schedule activities/events --- or if you have questions regarding this fellowship group, please email Joyce C. -- we’d love to have you join us!!!
NETTA P. writes: We are in need of a teacher to finish out the year for our 3rd grade. The Hardings teach every other month so your time commitment would be February and April at 9:15. I would like to get someone immediately to watch the Hardings for a couple of weeks so you can learn the curriculum. You will have an excellent helper, Karen H., working along side with you. Please prayerfully consider this opportunity to make a difference in these children’s lives! Contact Netta. Thanks!
From NANCY D.: REGISTRATION FOR WOMEN’S RETREAT IS DUE BY THIS SUNDAY! Hey, ladies – don’t wait till the very last minute (or after the very last minute) to register for the retreat being held on March 2-4 at Mahoney State Park. We’ll start on Friday evening at 7:00 and finish before noon on Sunday. You will have a lot of fun, good fellowship with other St. Andrews women, and blessings from study and sharing. Let Nancy or Diana know you want to register and we’ll get you signed up! Don’t miss it! (NOTE FROM BRUCE: Nancy’s retreats are so popular that women from her two most recent appointments, Ballwin UMC in St. Louis and Campbell UMC in Springfield, Missouri, are already signed up for this one.)
From the world of YOUTH MINISTRY, BOB D. writes: This Sunday is the last day to order Super Bowl Sub-Sandwiches. The profits will go to help fund this years Senior High Mission Trip. The cost is $6 per individual sandwich. Orders will be taken after each service at the youth table located in the Rotunda. Sandwiches will be made fresh on the morning of the Super Bowl February 4th and will be ready for pick up after each service. Thank you for your support of Youth Ministries.
PASTOR CHARLOTTE asks: Prayers of sympathy for the family of Howard B., in his recent passing (brother of Bette O.; uncle of Megan H.). Prayers for healing and strength for Sue A. and family; Sue was recently diagnosed with cancer – beginning treatment (sister of Yvonne M.). Prayers for Micah H. (daughter of Patti and Chris). Prayers for Upwards Basketball children, coaches, referees, commissioners and families involved. Prayers for Chasidy, that she will carry her baby long enough that it can be strong enough live when it arrives; pray that God will calm them and comfort them during this uneasy time (friend of Heather D.). Prayers for Lisa B., diagnosed with terminal brain cancer (friend of Megan C.). Prayers for Bob B., diagnosed with terminal brain cancer (friend of Megan C.). Prayers for Margie W., preparing for surgery on January 31st. Prayers for Vernice J., moved to a nursing home recently (mother of John J.). Prayers for Pam F., experiencing complications from chemotherapy treatments (Mother of Lisa C.). Prayers for Jim E., who has suffered from a stroke and has recently had emergency brain surgery (Grandfather of Kelly R.). Prayers of sympathy for the family of Deanna F., in her recent passing (Aunt of Harlan F.). Prayers for Harold C., who is very ill; pray, also, for his family (Lyle C.’s father). Prayers for Gary, who is having surgery January 24th (coworker and friend of Joyce C.). Prayers for Susan B., recovering from surgery.
Genesis 14:17-20
After (Abram’s) return from the defeat of Chedorlaomer and the kings who were with him, the King of Sodom went out to meet him at the Valley of Shaveh (that is the King’s Valley.) And King Melchizedek of Salem brought out bread and wine: he was priest of God Most High. He blessed him and said, “Blessed be Abram by God most High, maker of heaven and earth; and blessed be God Most High, who has delivered your enemies into your hand! And Abram gave him one tenth of everything.

Sunday, January 14, 2007


Pizza With The Pastors and most everything else around here scheduled for tonight has been canceled. We hope all those signed up for tonight's PWP will be able to attend the February evening, scheduled for Sunday evening, Feb. 11, 5:00-6:30.

Dr. James Balters passed away this week. Visitation is Sunday evening (tonight), for family and friends, at Heafey Funeral Home, 78th and W. Center Road, 6:00-8:00. The Memorial Service will be held here at St. Andrew's, Tuesday morning, 10:30, luncheon following. Any memorial gifts should be made to St. Andrew's, the Salvation Army or the conversation charity of your choice. Jim was the husband of Dr. Chris Webster and father of Steven.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Ramblin' Man

January 14, 2007
8:00, 9:15 & 10:45
Bruce preaching:
”THE MORALITY OF VEGETABLES: Confessions Of A Carnivore”
January 21, 2007
A Sermon On Prayer
We’ve scheduled a big roll-out event for our partnership with the community of St. Andres, Nicaragua, in the form of a Sunday evening worship service on March 25, 7:00. Bishop Sherer will be with us, along with Reverend Mark Struckhoff, U.S. Director of the Rainbow Network, the coordinating agency. I’ll be traveling to Nicaragua the first week in March, leaving on Monday, the 5th, coming back Thursday the 8th. I figure somebody really needs to see St. Andrew’s, Nicaragua, so we can visual evidence of what we’re getting into. If you have interest in going, give me a call or shoot me a return e-mail. (I’m out of town from January 15-23.) A word of caution: Travel in Nicaragua is not for the faint of heart. Getting back into the rural area can be a drive of bone-crunching proportions. And the accommodations aren’t exactly five-star themselves. That said, I count my experiences in Nicaragua in the category of transformational and am looking forward to being back there in March.
As to the above-mentioned dates of January 15-23, I’ll be in France, visiting my daughter and son-in-law in Bordeaux, with some time in Paris and the Waterloo Battlefield also on the agenda. I’ve had this trip scheduled for several months. (January is the most economical time to go to Europe.) Mary called on Christmas Day to tell us she is expecting a child, and it will be neat to share some time with her at this stage of pregnancy.
As A-MAIL is sent out via a program in my laptop computer, A-MAIL will likely be off-line for a while, UNLESS I can figure a way to send from France.
I pray that “Wars In Iraq,” scheduled for January 28, will be received as it is intended: a sermon of pastoral care and concern. It’s been a long time since I featured myself as a “young-and-fearless prophet.” I am not young. I am not fearless. I am not a prophet. My goal is not to persuade anyone of anything, but to share thoughts and experiences from my own pastoral life, with a lesson from scripture that I have found helpful. That’s the plan. I will appreciate your prayers--though, of course, I'll appreciate even more your prayers for our troops in harm's way.
YVONNE M. writes: I have a prayer request that I would like put in A-mail. My sister Sue A. in Norman, OK has been diagnosed with breast cancer and is beginning an aggressive treatment plan. I am asking for prayers for healing and strength for her and her family.

Dear Netta,

Five months ago, you, Bruce and I had an e-mail exchange about summer Sunday School (see below). Back then, my family was still church-shopping (having moved to Omaha from Kansas City), and was deciding between/among a handful of churches we were visiting on a rotating basis.

Fast forward to today. We are happy, full-fledged members of St. Andrew's, Nancy baptized our youngest son the Sunday after Thanksgiving, and we are looking forward to many years of growth with and contribution to our new church family.

Why am I telling you all of this? Great question.

I dislike the fact that Americans are quick to fire off an e-mail with constructive criticism/feedback/whatever you want to call it, but when it comes time to pay someone a compliment or give positive feedback, that gets left on the back-burner......or left undone altogether.
This e-mail fits the latter category....and I'm finally getting around to paying a long-overdue compliment.

Our oldest son, David, is in the Kindergarten Sunday School class and he LOVES it. He's learning, he's having fun, he's connecting with other kids and his teachers. It is just great. In fact, one Sunday morning in December, Lori and I had had a late night at a Saturday night Christmas party. We were dragging as we crawled out of bed, and were moving slowly to get the kids ready for church. I said to David, "David, would you rather stay home from church today or would you rather go to Sunday School?" Without missing a beat, David firmly announced that he wanted to go to Sunday School. We picked up the pace, and the family made it to church. (Sometimes the best decisions are made by the younger members of one's family.) I know that God was at work in that conversation/decision, but if not for the great St. Andrew's Sunday School program and David's fantastic teachers, the correct decision might not have been made.

Luke, who is three and a half, also enjoys his Sunday School class. He is getting a great start to his Christian education and your teachers (who must have the patience of Job to teach a class of 3 and 4 year-olds) are doing a great job of helping him build a foundation of knowledge and Christian beliefs.

Thank you, Netta, for all of your work in the education and growth of the children of St. Andrew's. I'm sure that it is all too often a thankless job, and I just wanted to thank you and to let you know how important your efforts are to the members (and most importantly, the children) of our church.

God bless,
Nathan & Lori M.
Romans 13:8-10
“Owe no one anything, except to love one another; for the one who loves another has fulfilled the law. The commandments, ‘You shall not commit adultery; You shall not murder; You shall not steal; You shall not covet”; and any other commandment, are summed up in this word, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ Love does no wrong to a neighbor; therefore, love is the fulfilling of the law.”

Gracious Generosity

January 14, 2007
8:00, 9:15 & 10:45
Bruce preaching:
”THE MORALITY OF VEGETABLES: Confessions Of A Carnivore”
A year ago, St. Andrew’s was in dire straits financially, to the point of being genuinely scary. The success of the “Sharing, Growing, Changing Lives” campaign has been a huge step in the direction of financial stability. In the new year, we will continue to operate out of a model of fiscal prudence. We will hope to motivate giving, not from obligation or even fear (WE’LL HAVE TO CLOSE THE DOORS!!), but out of the example of II Corinthians 9:7, “God loves a cheerful giver.” We will value every gift, no matter how large or small. We’ll make every effort to keep you well informed as to where we are, including a year-end summary in next month’s newsletter. We thank you for your support of St. Andrew’s!
I’ll be traveling from Monday, January 15 through Tuesday, January 24, visiting my daughter in France, so if you need me for something, please take that into account.
Speaking of France: Last February, flush from the success of “GOLIATH IN OKLAHOMA,” I announced we would be working with “Les Miserables” on the same Sunday in ’07. That’s not going to work, BUT, I’ve scheduled “LES MISERABLES DE LA ST. ANDRE” for Sunday morning, September 9. Any and all persons will be invited to be part of the cast. I’ll hold auditions for the lead roles. This will be a multi-generational production.
THE BREAKFAST CLUB is serving this Sunday, January 14, in the Family Life Center. The Drama Team is hosting.
The TRUSTEES held their first meeting of the new year, electing the following slate of officers: Chairperson, MIKE R.; Vice-Chairperson, LORI B., Secretary, COREY R.
STRESSED OUT FROM THE HOLIDAYS? Then join us at the STRESS MANAGEMENT WORKSHOP on January 18, 2007, from 7 – 8 p.m., in LL 7.Community Counselor, Kim M., will lead the session. Please contact Brandon Q., Health Ministry Leadership Team Co-Chairperson, or Pastor Charlotte.

From PASTOR CHARLOTTE: QUESTIONING THE CONDITION OF YOUR BLOOD PRESSURE ON THE HEELS OF THE HOLIDAYS?! If so, you are encouraged to stop by the table in the Rotunda this Sunday (and the 2nd Sunday of each month), where trained medical personnel wait to check your blood pressure for you. That’s right – no long waits in the doctor’s office anymore – no questioning in your mind if your pressure is still where it needs to be – just take a couple of minutes between services Sunday and know how you’re doing.
PASTOR CHARLOTTE asks: Prayers of sympathy for Becca B. and family, in the recent passing of her brother, Joey, in a farm accident (friend of Courtney and Andy B.). Prayers of sympathy for the family of Doug H., in his recent passing (son-in-law of Mickey V.). Prayers of sympathy Joe T. and family, in the recent passing of his step-father. Prayers for Ashton William B., who was born 2 ½ months early, that his breathing will normalize and he will continue to grow and develop well (Dan and Kathy R.’s great-nephew). Prayers of joy for Karen and Tracy C., in the recent birth of a son, Clark Cameron; he joins brothers Grayson, Garrison and Logan. Prayers for Cory D., who was injured in Iraq; has some hearing loss (Don R.’s niece’s husband). Prayers for Laura J., recovering from extensive cancer surgery (Kathy R.’s sister-in-law).
Prayers of sympathy for the family of Judy L., in her recent passing (Bobbi L.’s aunt). Prayers of sympathy for Jill D. and family, in the recent passing of her father, Robert “Red”. Prayers of sympathy for Karen M. and family, in the recent passing of her mother (friends of Pastor Charlotte and Sheridan M.). Prayers for Harold N., hospitalized in ICU in Riverside, CA (uncle of Diana F.).
Romans 14:7-12 We do not live to ourselves, and we do not die to ourselves. If we live, we live to the Lord, and if we die, we die to the Lord; so then, whether we live or whether we die, we are the Lord’s. /// For to this end Christ died and lived again, so that he might be Lord of both the dead and the living. Why do you pass judgment on your brother or sister? Or you, why do you despise your brother or sister? For we will all stand before the judgment seat of God. /// For it is written, ‘As I live,’ says the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall give praise to God.’ So then, each of us will be accountable to God.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Risk-Taking Mission

ELAINE C. is a retired teacher from the Omaha School District. She serves communion at the 8:00 service
MARK S. is the Executive Director of the American Diabetes Association. He will be trained to be a facilitator for DivorceCare.
PATRICK & JENNY P. Patrick is a Project Manager for AT&T with the West Corporation
Jenny is an Account Manager for the West Corporation. Patrick sings in the choir and serves on the Praise Team.
We had 850 people in our worship services on Sunday. Add in 181 kiddies, we get a total count of 1,031. I would add that Nancy and Bob reported 41 young people in Confirmation. 2007 is off to a strong start!
January 14, 2007
8:00, 9:15 & 10:45
Bruce preaching:
”THE MORALITY OF VEGETABLES: Confessions Of A Carnivore”
What WON’T You Do Because of Your Religion?
We’re anticipating a strong turnout for our Gala New Year’s PIZZA WITH THE PASTORS, this Sunday evening, January 14, 5:00-6:30. There’s still room for more. Register via return e-mail or sign up Sunday morning.
STEVE S. WRITES: If you have experience in web design, particularly Flash and Java development, your church website NEEDS YOU!!!! is the front door of St. Andrews in cyberspace. We need that front door to be as welcoming and as well done as possible. There are a great many things we can do with our web site, but not without your help. Please if you have just a few hours in a month consider helping make our churches electronic front door the bestlooking and most welcoming in Omaha. Please call me.
One of the concerns Nancy and I heard from St. Andrew’s, even before we got here in September of 2005, was the perception that the congregation was too “inward/self” oriented. Given the huge investment in the new building, this was perhaps to be expected. We’re taking very intentional steps now to raise the profile of our Matthew Ministries—the primary missions arms of St. Andrew’s—moving the congregation toward an “outward/others” orientation. A Town Hall Meeting in early November put some excellent ideas on the table. A leadership team, headed by Jim and Lynda A. and Penny F., has been processing those ideas and setting priorities. There are a hundred-and-one things we’d LIKE to do; what can we do most effectively? We were very encouraged by the terrific response to several missional opportunities in December, including the Together Inc. Christmas Giving Tree, the Casa Del Pueblo project and a hugely successful Food Challenge. Habitat For Humanity will receive renewed emphasis this spring. At the December meeting of the Administrative Council, we voted to enter a covenant with the community of San Andres (St. Andrew) in rural Nicaragua, through the Rainbow Network. You’ll be hearing a lot about St. Andrew’s, Nicaragua, in the weeks, months and years to come. The details of the project can be found on the web site: Once at the home page, go into the links and click on to The Rainbow Network. There is indeed a level of “risk” involved in this renewed mission emphasis. We don’t have money in the budget for most of this, so it will have to be raised, somehow. But, as I understand the gospel, the church that doesn’t take risks for love and service is hardly worth being called a church.
Contact DIANA F. for more information about any of the following.

LIVING THE QUESTIONS is a small-group study that will help adults discover the relevance of Christianity in the 21st century and consider what a meaningful faith can look like in today’s world. Living The Questions is a 13-week study beginning on Wednesday, January 10th at 6 p.m. Pastor Nancy will facilitate this study. It is for those who have completed Disciple I or have a good Bible understanding. Childcare will be provided upon request.

In Living Beyond Yourself Beth Moore leads an in-depth study of the fruit of the Spirit – living proof that the Spirit of God dwells in us. This 11-week study will be offered on Thursday mornings beginning January 18th at 9 a.m. Julie T. will be facilitating this study. Workbooks will cost $15.

From Adam and Eve to Noah and Abraham, Genesis recounts God’s persistence in starting over with God’s people. This message is both timeless and timely – for God’s people still seek the assurance that God is always working to make right what went wrong in the beginning. Corey R. will facilitate this study on Wednesday evenings from 6 – 7 p.m. starting January 17th.

Divorce and separation are among life’s most difficult and painful experiences. You need the help and encouragement of others as you attempt to heal and restore balance to your life. A DivorceCare group is a special place of encouragement, information and sharing. It provides you with an ongoing support team as you deal with the issues surrounding your separation or divorce. DivorceCare is offered at St. Andrew’s on Mondays at 6:30 p.m.

Come learn how real women meet the everyday challenges and temptations of modern life. This weekend away will offer small and large group gatherings, fellowship with Christian women, worship, fun and games. You won’t want to miss this opportunity to get better acquainted with the women of St. Andrew’s. Register today.
Romans 14: 1-4, Welcome those who are weak in faith, but not for the purpose of quarreling over opinions. Some believe in eating anything, while the weak eat only vegetables. Those who eat must not despise those who abstain, and those who abstain must not pass judgment on those who eat; for God has welcomed them. Who are you to pass judgment on servants of another? If is before their own lord that they will stand or fall. And they will be upheld, for the Lord is able to make them stand.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Vital Faith Formation

Here's Part III in our Signs Of Discipleship series:

VITAL FAITH FORMATION: This encompasses our “Discipleship Ministries, including Adult, Youth and Children. One of the strangest things about St. Andrew’s, to Nancy and me, is the absence of Sunday Morning Adult Church School classes. Efforts have been made to put such classes into place, but have thus far been unsuccessful. St. Andrew’s will continue to put a lot of eggs into Sunday evening and midweek classes. These range from the 34-week Disciple Bible Study series to short-term opportunities, such as our newest study, “Living The Questions.” Support groups such as “Divorce Care,” and life-style classes including the Stress Management Workshop, scheduled for January 18, are prominent on our menu.

The plan for 2007 is to expand on these opportunities, looking first and foremost to points of human need. If you have an idea, please pass it on to Diana F. or Nancy.

Right now, our Children’s Department is gearing up for a new season of UPWARD Basketball. Our inaugural season attracted almost a hundred children. We were told, if we did it right, we might expect to double participation in year two, and we must have done it right, because we’ve got two hundred children involved now. Netta P., Margie W. and their team are always spinning out new and creative ideas to be in ministry to the little ones.

2006 was a year of transition in our Ministry to Youth, as Rev. Michael P. left the staff to serve as lead pastor at Hanscom Park UMC. Bob D. joined us in late September. What made Bob particularly attractive was his experience with “at-risk” children and families through Boys and Girls Town. We’ve already heard from parents who are deeply appreciative of Bob’s work with their young people.

Nancy is heavily involved in mentoring Bob and I’ve asked her to spell out where she sees the youth program going: A VISION FOR YOUTH MINISTRY AT ST. ANDREW’S
Nancy & I have been working with Bob D., our Youth Director, in his first three months here at St. Andrew’s to develop a plan for youth ministry at St. Andrew’s. As you would guess, this is an ongoing process, but we have made some decisions about the future direction of the ministry, at least into the fall of 2007. I want to share some of those with you. I should also say that most of these have been discussed with either the Parent Advisory Board and/or the Youth Council, so we have received feedback as to whether our plans are viable or not. Here are some of those plans:
1) All youth are encouraged to attend sanctuary worship at 9:15 on the first Sunday of each month. They can either sit with their families or sit with a group of youth and Bob in a designated area. There will be no Sunday School for youth on those Sundays. This begins on January 7, 2007. (NOTE FROM BRUCE: It has concerned us that a young person can grow up at St. Andrew's, from the nursery through youth, and hardly ever experience worship in the sanctuary. This is the itch we're trying to scratch here.)
2) The youth worship and Sunday School time will move out of the Family Life Center on January 14 and will meet instead in the youth room and music room. Some parents and youth have expressed dissatisfaction with the current meeting space situations and we are hopeful that this will help to provide space that is more conducive to worship and learning.
3) Wednesday evening Bible study will continue.
4) We will offer Sunday School for youth during the summer months. More about this will follow.
5) Beginning next fall, the fifth grade class will be under the Children’s Ministry program. Two youth Sunday School classes will be offered – one for grades 6, 7, and 8; the other for grades 9-12.
6) We hope to move confirmation to sixth grade. It will take a two-year process to make this happen. Plans now would call for there to be two confirmation classes in 2008 – eighth graders in one class and seventh graders in the other. Then in 2009 we would also have two separate classes; seventh graders in one and sixth graders in the other. That would free us up to offer confirmation to sixth graders only starting in 2010. In this way, sixth grade becomes a young person’s introduction to our youth group. Confirmation training needs to happen before the eighth grade, as many young people today are beginning their spiritual questioning earlier.
7) This year’s Confirmation Class begins on January 7 at 10:45. We will be using mentors--adult church members not related to any of the kids in the class--to work with our students. I will be the main teacher and both Bob and Bruce will teach a few classes as well. Confirmation Sunday is April 29 and students will be confirmed during worship services that morning. Currently, we have thirty-four students enrolled for the class.
8) The Youth Praise Band will continue and we hope to add new members. Leon A. is now working with Praise Band members on a regular basis. The Youth Drama Team is re-forming. And Bob is working to put together a Youth Service Team, which will focus on mission projects.
9) In the fall of 2007 we hope to begin a weekly Sunday evening program, focusing on recreation and study, with the possibility of a snack supper. Lots of parental participation will be needed to make this work.
These are some of our plans for youth ministry at St. Andrew’s. Bob and I will appreciate your feedback on these at any time. If you have a youth who is not currently involved in the program of St. Andrew’s, I invite you to attend one of the events or set up a time to talk with Bob and get to know him.
We'll hope to see you this Sunday for "Washington's Crossing"!
God bless, BRD

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Heart-Warming Worship

January 7, 2007
8:00, 9:15 & 10:45
We start a new year of worship with Bruce preaching:
What Life Crossings Will You Be Making In 2007?
Working on sermons is such a joy to me. I've had so much fun working with the "Washington's Crossing" material; with that ready to go, I've immersed myself with Daniel and his friends, preparatory to "The Morality Of Vegetables", which gets preached on the 14th.

STRESSED OUT FROM THE HOLIDAYS? Then join us at the STRESS MANAGEMENT WORKSHOP on January 18, 2007, from 7 -8 p.m., in LL 7.Community Counselor, Kim M., will lead the session. Please contact Brandon Q., Health Ministry Leadership Team Co-Chairperson or Pastor Charlotte. Please sign up for this event by January 10th.
Our second installment in a five part "Signs Of Discipleship" series brings us to:
HEART-WARMING WORSHIP: The Christmas season was an indicator of what I see as a great emerging strength at St. Andrew's: the versatility of our music ministry. On December 10, hearts were surely warmed by the intergenerational Christmas musical, which is fast becoming a cherished "new" tradition at St. Andrew's. On the 17th, the Trans-Siberian orchestra itself would have admired what our Praise Band did with "Christmas Eve (Sarajevo 121/24)"; it's a joy for me to work with such gifted musicians in blending preaching and music into one package. Christmas Eve featured children, horns, bells, drama, and, to my particular delight, the Christmas Eve Choir. With many of our choir regulars out of town last year, we were pretty thin on Christmas Eve, 2005˜but not this year! In 2007, you can look for us to continue a subtle shift in the direction of "blended" worship. Praise songs are a signature strength of our 9:15 & 10:45 worship experience; we'll keep these in place, while making an occasional foray into the great hymns of Christian tradition. Over the past fifteen months, we've put some traditional elements--the Lord's Prayer, a doxology and a benediction--into the St. Andrew's worship mix. Having the communion elements available each Sunday in the Prayer Chapel has warmed my heart. In 2007, we'll be more intentional about including the youth in worship, with the Youth Choir scheduled the first Sunday of each month, starting in February. The Reverends Davis and Davis will do the bulk of the preaching, of course. The first part of year, we'll be operating on a Bruce, Bruce, Nancy, Bruce, Bruce Nancy schedule, because Nancy will be giving leadership to Confirmation. I would add this: If you want to "warm hearts" in worship, try actually singing yourself. Join the St. Andrew's Singers or just sing out where you are! And your presence on Sunday morning warms my heart more than you know.
Pastor Charlotte asks: Prayers of sympathy for the family of Gary A., in his recent passing (business associate of Ron W.). Prayers for Dan B., who has experienced a heart attack (father-in-law of Sheila C.; grandfather of Erin and TJ). Prayers for Kathy R., preparing for chemotherapy treatments.
Psalm 106, 1-3, "Praise the Lord! O give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; for his steadfast love endures forever. Who can utter the mighty doings of the Lord, or declare all his praise? Happy are those who observe justice, who do righteousness at all times. "


Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Radical Hospitality

January 7, 2007
8:00, 9:15 & 10:45
We start a new year of worship with Bruce preaching:” ’WASHINGTON'S CROSSING.”
What Life Crossings Will You Be Making In 2007?
We welcome ne readers to A-MAIL. If you ever want off the list, just let us know.

We were blessed to participate in the baptism of WILLIAM R. on Sunday, son of Corey and Shawna, brother of Holly & Sarah.
Also from NANCY: LIVING THE QUESTIONS class begins on January 10 at 6:00 P.M. If you have ever wondered about things like the inerrancy of the Bible, how a mature Christian interprets the story of creation, how to live by the Ten Commandments in our world today, or how to take the things you learned as a child in Sunday School and apply them to your faith today, you will enjoy this class. It would be good if students in this class had experienced a basic Bible class, such as Disciple 1 or its equivalent. Nancy Davis is the teacher. You can sign up by calling Nancy or Diana at the church office.
Does the Post Office always close a day in memory of a deceased president? The internet never closes, on the other hand, the internet doesn’t deliver year end contributions.
From PAM F.: All children's and youth choirs will not meet tomorrow evening as originally announced. We will start the new year next Wednesday, Jan. 10th, at the usual times of 5:30 p.m. for the childrens choirs (ages 4-5th grade) and 6:00 p.m. for the youth choir (6th -12th grades)……We would like to thank Miss Jessica for stepping up and leading the Music Makers (preschool choir) these last few months. Sarah W. will now lead this group. Sarah will be student teaching music (elementary and high school) with the schools. This last summer she worked with preschoolers in the Gymboree music program. All 4 and 5 year olds are invited to meet and sing with Miss Sarah next week at 5:30……Thank you to all who participated with the various Christmas choirs. Quite a few people participated who are not regulars in the music program. If you still have some of the music, please return it to the church office or to Pam. If you and your family have a New Year's resolution to join the music ministry program, we welcome all! The St. Andrew's Singers will meet tomorrow night, Jan. 3rd, at 7:00 p.m. in the sanctuary.
There will be few Sundays when I can report a worship attendance of 434 as good news, but given the weather and the holiday weekend, I was actually surprised to see so many people out. Bless your hearts.
I think if the Cornhuskers played Auburn 10 times, the Scarlet and Cream would win seven of the games. Alas… And did you see that Boise State/Oklahama game. Wow!
In perhaps the most influential book I read in 2006, “THE EMERGING CHURCH,” Dan Kimball writes: “In ministry, some things much never change, while other things must be constantly changing. God’s five purposes for his church are nonnegotiable. If a church fails at worship, fellowship, discipleship, ministry, and evangelism, it is no longer a church. It’s just a social club.” It occurs to me that Kimball’s five “nonnegotiables” fit well with the “Signs of Discipleship” that we track at St. Andrew’s: Radical Hospitality, Heartwarming Worship, Risk-Taking Mission, Vital Faith Formation and Gracious Generosity. I thought we’d start the new year with a short discussion of each of these “signs,” as practiced at St. Andrew’s. Today’s item:

RADICAL HOSPITALITY: In the paradigm of Kimball’s “purposes,” what we call Radical Hospitality embraces components of both evangelism and fellowship. Jesus said, in Matthew 25, “I was a stranger and you welcomed me.” At St. Andrew’s, we want to be in the business of turning strangers into friends. That begins the moment people first enter the facility. While we have designated “greeters,” who do a great job, one of my hopes for St. Andrew’s is that we will see the welcome component as the ministry of each and every member. As we greet one another prior to the first song on Sunday morning, won’t you please look for someone you don’t know and go out of your way to share the gift of hospitality? If a person looks lost out in the Rotunda, don’t wait for an assigned greeter, offer to help yourself. As 2006 began, we were considering multiple models to serve as our primary “port of entry” for new persons coming into the fellowship. Early in the year, we settled on PIZZA WITH THE PASTORS,” which has been a big hit. On the second Sunday of each month, persons interested in moving toward membership are invited to meet with members of the staff for a time of introductions and fellowship. We share information about the congregation, field any and all questions. We were blessed to receive over 240 new members into the congregation in 2006. We began to be concerned about follow-up; Julie Harris has since taken leadership of a ministry in which new members are contacted at the one, three and six month marks, to see how they are settling in. This whole issue of people “falling through the cracks” is of great concern—regarding new members and veterans alike. Hence, we have asked the Ombuds, a seven member “listening team” to take a shepherding responsibility, making periodic contact with the entire membership. And let me add this: If you have noticed someone “missing,” give them a call yourself. It can mean a lot.
PASTOR CHARLOTTE asks: Prayers of sympathy for the family of Ann R., in her recent passing (sister of Billie F.). Prayers of sympathy for the family of Al P., in his recent passing (grandfather of Patti Beth H.). Prayers of joy for Mark and Marlo S., in the recent birth of a son, Grant Anthony. Prayers for Calvin B., recently diagnosed with cancer, awaiting further test results (Renae G.s’ father).
KATHY R. writes: Dan and I would like to ask prayers for Dan's nephew, Anthony B. and his wife Candice in Sioux Falls, S.D. They were expecting a little baby boy in mid-March 2007, but little Ashton William made his appearance on December 23, 2006, weighing in at only 3 lbs. 4 oz. He is the first child for this wonderful young couple and we just pray that good health and growth prevail.
Job 19:25-27, “For I know that my Redeemer lives, and that at the last he will stand upon the earth; and after my skin has been thus destroyed, then in my flesh I shall see God, whom I shall see on my side, and my eyes shall behold, and not another. My heart faints within me!”

Monday, January 01, 2007


HAPPY NEW YEAR FROM THE EDITORIAL STAFF AT A-MAIL--the electronic communications ministry of St. Andrew's United Methodist Church. If you've not visited the web site recently, we invite you to visit us at Like so many things at St. Andrew's, the new site is a work in progress, but we are excited about the progress! Please plan on starting a new year of worship with us this coming Sunday. We'll hope to see you then.