Friday, March 02, 2007


Now, THAT’S what I call a BLIZZARD!
THIS SUNDAYMarch 4, 2007
The Second Sunday in Lent
Bruce Davis preaching:THE PARABLE OF THE MANAGER
Luke 16:1-13.
As I understand it, in honor of Nancy’s 55th birthday, the United States Government has chosen March 11 as the date to change the clocks for Daylight Savings Time. I’m preaching that morning, from Matthew 12:43-45: “THE PARABLE OF THE EMPTY HOUSE.”
I hope you saw the review of “Crowns” in yesterday’s newspaper, and, in particular, the role of R. Leon Adams. I had sent Leon a note about the review and he responded with the following: The show runs from Thursdays through Saturday 7:30 to 9:30, Sundays, 3:00 to 5:00. Cost: $20 for adults $15 for students/seniors. All Thursday shows are $15. The show will be running until March 18th. I will be playing only on the Thursday and Sunday shows, (due to my commitments with the Confidentials on Fridays and Saturdays.) The shows are playing at the John Beasley Theatre on 30th and Q streets. Also from Leon: Sunday April 15th, St Andrews will be having a very special musical worship service. Anyone who would like to contribute your musical talents should contact Leon Adams, Director of Music Ministries. There will be 10 selections for each of the three services. Please contact Leon no later than March 15th, so he can organize the song selections. This will be a fun service so please get involved!!"
Yes, the Women’s Retreat is still on this weekend.
PASTOR CHARLOTTE asks: Prayers for John H., injured in a bad car accident (son of a friend of Margie W.).