Tuesday, May 08, 2007


Mother’s Day
Our newest members are:
CINDY R. Cindy is a bookkeeper at R & G Service Center. We were blessed to participate in Cindy’s baptism.
TOM & SERINA H. Tom is a physical scientist at the VA Med Center.
Both are Revenue Agents with the IRS
DON & DORIS C. Don and Doris are brother and sister. Both are retired.
Also Baptized Sunday:
JOSEPHINE KATHRYN F., daughter of Jason and Andrea Fink.
BEAU GAVIN T., son of Steven & Gretchen Twohig.
It was good to see AMY S., home on leave from the military. Amy is currently stationed at Andrews Air Force Base.
“SABBATH NIGHT LIVE” was a blast. Major congratulations to the Reckless Abandon Players. You’ll surely see at least one of those skits reprised on a Sunday morning this summer.

One of the stars of SNL ’07 was Todd S.--MAJOR Todd S., actually. Todd played roles ranging from Lurch to Pharaoh. The Air Force is relocating Todd and Liza and their family to Rhode Island. As far as I’m concerned, we’ve got entirely too much relocating going on. Bob and Penny F. and their family are moving to Minnesota later this summer. Chris and Patti H. and their crew are moving to North Carolina. Steve and Sherry R. are moving to Houston. These are GREAT people who will be sorely missed.

I remember when Todd and Liza joined the church just over a year ago. Todd forewarned me they would certainly be moving at some point. I told him it comes with the territory, part and parcel of the very mobile times in which we live. As I encouraged them to join the church, so I say the same to you: we love to have people join the congregation and plug into our ministries, however long or not-so-long you may think you’ll be here.

I received an e-mail from one of our newest members a week or so ago, sharing some of his church history, inviting us to put him to work here. I love getting that kind of correspondence We’re going to need people to step up and help fill some of the holes about to be created here. I think, for instance, of our choir. Bob F. and Todd S. have both been regulars and we’re going to need some new guys to step up this fall. (New gals will be welcome too, of course.) Penny F. has been one of our mission leaders; Patti H. has been a leader in the United Methodist Women; and Steve R. has been one of the few people up here I can talk with about Cardinals baseball. While we’ll miss them all terribly, it’s kind of exciting to think that there are people reading this epistle who have the gifts and graces to step in and not only fill the gaps, but create new possibilities. And this is cool: I see lots of our newest families already stepping up and serving, from youth ministries to welcoming ministries. This is great.

Now, please pay attention, because this is particularly important: Even as some of our families are leaving Omaha, others will be moving to our city. As they are looking for new church homes from Texas to Rhode Island, people who we don’t know yet will be moving in to Omaha, looking for a new church home. A lot of church-shopping happens in the summer. When you see someone you don’t know, make it a point to practice “Radical Hospitality,” with a warm smile and a hand of welcome. You may just be welcoming future leaders of the congregation.

Finally, as you see new people moving into your neighborhood or work place, if you can get me the contact information, I’ll be happy to call them myself, inviting them to St. Andrew’s. Of course, I encourage you to offer such invitation. Remember, by one account, the famous Simon Peter was first introduced to Jesus by his brother Andrew—for whom this church is named. Andrew was an inviter; let’s follow his example.
Pastor Charlotte asks: Prayers for Willis B., hospitalized with a broken hip, due to a fall (father of Susan B.). Prayers of sympathy for the family and friends of JaVee S., in her recent passing (friend of Judy & Dave S. and Wade & Christine B.). Prayers of sympathy for the family of Robert M., in his recent passing (father of Carol M.). Prayers of joy for Jason & Michelle S., in the recent birth of a son, Collin Michael (grandson of Karen and Don E.). Prayers of joy for Jessica M. and Casey H., in their recent marriage.