Wednesday, August 29, 2007


September 2, 2007
Nancy preaching: “YOU’RE FIRED!”
(Trust us, the sermon title has nothing to do with the material that follows J)

STAFF NEWS: Our terrific Business Administrator, CAMI P., has resigned her position here at St. Andrews to take a new job at Alegent Health. Cami has been so outstanding in her work at St. Andrews that it is impossible to even express our thanks to her. She has been instrumental in getting the financial workings of St. Andrews in order. She has worked many hours with staff in our pre-school/day care program and, largely due to her efforts, that program is now running very well. She has been an invaluable part of this staff and everyone will miss her. She will continue to be part of the St. Andrews family so we’ll all get to see her often –which is a source of joy.

HEATHER D., who has been our Office Administrator, will be moving into Cami’s position as of September 4. Heather has extensive experience and training in accounting procedures and has received advanced training in the computer program that we use for our church record keeping.

JUDY H., who has been working with data entry and membership records, will move into the front-desk/receptionist position, also on September 4. Judy’s friendly and welcoming personality will prove her to be a great asset in this new position.

We are also adding a new position to the staff. MANDY B. will begin on September 10 as our Director of Radical Hospitality. Mandy will be the “face” of St. Andrews to visitors, prospective members, and new members. She will direct the work of the greeters, ushers, and others who are involved in the Sunday morning welcoming program. She will also work with new families to help them assimilate into St. Andrews – the make this church family feel like THEIR OWN church family. Mandy is married to Tom and has two little boys – Jax and Alex. They have been members of St. Andrews for about a year and Mandy has been working with middle school Wednesday night Bible study (which she will continue to do). Mandy will prove to be a tremendous asset to St. Andrews’ ministry in this position.
Nancy is interested in starting a group for stepfamilies here at St. Andrews. The group would be a support group, fellowship group, study group and would also arrange to hear from people with expertise in the area of stepfamilies and the special challenges they face. If you are part of a stepfamily situation and would like to be in on the planning stages of this new group, please call Nancy at the church office.
From Jim J.: Luis Palau endorsement of ALPHA
"Alpha seems especially blessed in that the Lord is using it to reach all sorts of people in all sorts of spiritual conditions. Genius is the art of taking the complex and communicating it with warmth and simplicity. If you've ever wondered 'Why Jesus?' you'll hardly find a better answer than this." -Luis Palau, Evangelist

ALPHA WELCOME DINNER IS THURSDAY, SEPT. 20, 6:00 PM. This is “Christianity 101”—a safe and welcoming environment for new Christians as well as those who are looking to take another step in their Christian journey. For more information, contact Diana F. or stop by the Alpha Table in the Rotunda.
Are you new to Nebraska? Want to meet some other new Nebraskans? Kathi M. wants to have a get together for church members new to Nebraska. If you are interested, contact Kathi at 505-8617 or [ ]

Check out the web page or the brochure at the Welcome Table for all the classes that are being offered for adults this fall. You will find Beth Moore Studies, StrengthsFinder Seminars, World Religion classes, St. Andrew’s Book Club, Running On Empty, and Disciple Lite – The Gospel of John. To register for any of these classes contact Diana.

Childcare Providers are needed during the following class times:
Sundays 5:45-7:45
Mondays 11:45 – 2:30
Tuesdays 11:15 – 1:00
Thursdays 5:45 – 8:30
You will be compensated for your time. Contact Diana if you are interested.
Sunday evening, June 9, 5:00-6:30
Designed For People Interested in Joining St. Andrew’s.
Sign Up at the Hospitality Desk in the Rotunda.
TRIVIA NIGHT is Friday, Sept. 14, 7:00 pm, in the Family Life Center
Come Join Us For A Night Of Fellowship & Fun
Sign Up in the Rotunda.
PASTOR CHARLOTTE asks: Prayers for Zach G. and his family, as he enters a new study group; pray he will not receive a placebo, that the ITP will be healed with no negative side effects (son of Brian & Heidi G.). Prayers for Judy W., recovering from shoulder replacement surgery, due to a fall (aunt of Kathy R.). Prayers for Emil M., ongoing health problems, complicated by a recent stroke and various organ failures (friend of the R. family). Prayers for Amanda W., who is going through a difficult time (daughter of Ron W.). Prayers for Randy S., recovering from surgery; preparing for cancer surgery (son of Orv and Darlene S.). Prayers for Sandra R., preparing for surgery on August 30th. Prayers for Steve B., recovering from surgery.
Psalm 9:1-2, “I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds. I will be glad and exult in you; I will sing praise to your name, O Most High.”