Monday, August 27, 2007

Flexibility is a Virtue

Our newest members are:
KATHY M. Kathy is very involved with our Drama Team. She is the manager at Malibu Gallery..
TOM & MARY S. Tom is a certified appraiser. Mary is lead designer at Bassett Furniture
They have moved here recently from Connecticut.
We had a great Steppin Up Sunday. I was so proud of the entire organization. We did have a moment of panic when Netta told me, minutes before the 9:15 service was to start, that there was no sign of the Baptist drum corps. Netta had called them multiple times during the week to confirm they would be here—but at 9:10, there was no sign of them. So I moved briskly to the front and explained the situation to the band. Leon said, “Sure, we can do this.” Bill and Gene Wert said, “Sure, we can do the drum cadence.” Adam said, “I think I know the routine well enough to play it on keyboard,” whereupon he hit a few flawless bars of “Jesus Christ Superstar.” There are many things I can’t do, but one thing I CAN do is lead a kiddy parade. The congregation got into it, clapping in rhythm. I loved the spirit in the room. And the weather cooperated, so the children were able to jump in the inflatables and we were all able to eat our hot dogs and hamburgers either indoors or outdoors. It was, in sum, a day of CONNECTIONAL JOY!!!
September 2, 2007
Nancy preaching: “YOU’RE FIRED!”
The script for “Les Miserables: The Sermon” is finally finished. The first draft was put together ten weeks ago. My method is to work up a script, hear how it sounds, then make revisions, whereupon we take it into another rehearsal and the cycle just keeps cycling. This thing has gone through a LOT of revisions, with cast members making significant contributions to the final shape and form. Between cast and crew, we’ve got about 44 people involved. “Les Miserables: The Sermon” will be offered during the 9:15 & 10:45 hours on September 9. (Charlotte Mallott is preaching at 8:00) The overture begins promptly at 9:15 & 10:45. The doors will be closed during the opening number, opened again through the greeting, so please don’t be late.
NANCY’S WORLD RELIGION CLASSES will begin on Monday, Sept 10 from 6:30-8:30 P.M. and Wednesday, Sept. 12 from 9:30 – 11:30 A.M. The Wednesday morning class would work well for retirees, stay-at-home parents, anyone who would like to learn about the major religions of the world, how they are alike, how they are different, and how we might all work together and learn to live together. The Monday evening class is especially for those of you who work during the days and would like to learn in the same way. We can arrange child care for the class if you need it. Just call Nancy and let her know before the first class meets. To register for either of these classes, call Diana Faust at the church.
The piece Jeff H. and Pam F. sang for us on Sunday was extremely well-received. I remember when Jeff first mentioned the possibility an occasional infusing of classic music into our repertoire. My idea of “classic” is old rock songs; Jeff was talking about lyrics in Italian. I wasn’t sure how this was going to go over, but the music staff was enthusiastic. This is a music ministry geared to “let’s try it”—and forays such as yesterday’s offertory have gone over hugely well. One of the things I love about this congregation is the receptivity to diverse musical styles with the common denominator or excellence and energy.
Psalm 8:1-4, “O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory above the heavens. Out of the mouths of babes and infants you have founded a bulwark because of your foes, to silence the enemy and the avenger. When I look at your heavens, the work of your finers, the moon and the stars what you have established; what are human beings that you are mindful of them, mortals that you care for them?”