Thursday, November 29, 2007


THIS SUNDAY, December 2, is The First Sunday In Advent
Nancy preaching: SPAM FOR CHRISTMAS
Featuring a skit from the Reckless Abandon Players
December 9
8:00, Steve S. preaching: MY JOURNEY
Steve is an active member of our congregation and is currently in the process of candidacy for ministry in the United Methodist Church.
9:15 & 10:45:
I was up here last night, listening to the Adult/Youth component practice. Wow.
This is going to be a service to remember and you won’t want to miss it.

December 16
Bruce preaching: OLD MEN AND BABIES
The Praise Band will be offering “Christmas Eve/Sarajevo 12/24” and the Chancel Choir will be debuting a new song.
December 23
CHRISTMAS EVE, 3:00, 5:00, 7:00
Candlelight Communion Services
Featuring the Horns of Jericho and lots of wonderful music in all three services.
Bruce preaching: NUTS!
December 30, Bruce ends the year with:
Yes, Oklahoma handed Missouri its one loss of the season, but that game was played in Norman, Missouri’s top running back was out with an injury, and the Tigers had the lead in the fourth quarter. I really like my alma mater’s chances.
It's here! The night you have been waiting for!
It's Lady's Nite Out - "Holiday Magic".
You're Invited
Come and join us on Tuesday evening 12-04-07 from 6:30pm to 8:30pm.
We'll have three sessions you'll want to join in on for holiday fun. A Cooking Demonstration Class, a Holiday Card Craft Class and a Massage Session. Each session lasts 20 minutes and you'll want to attend all three. Bring your friends, sign up so we'll know who to expect, the sign up sheets are located by the information table in the rotunda. Refreshments will be served by Hope Circle.
Child care will be available, call the church to make arrangements.
Suggested donation for the evening of fun is $3.00 per person or two people for $5.00.
Y-COSA (Young Couples of St. Andrews) Please join us for game night on Saturday December 15th at 6:00. Game night will be at Tyler and Molly S.’ house. Bring a game and appetizer to share. Childcare will be available if needed. RSVP to Mandy B. Also, save this date… On December 23rd Y-COSA will be throwing a Christmas Party for the Karen Kids (refugees from Burma). There are about 100 children so we will need lots of help! More information will be coming about this, but if you are interested in helping organize it let me know! Our children are welcome to join us for this service project.
We would call your attention to the VIGIL OF HOPE, scheduled for Sunday, December 2. According to the literature, “Omahans are invited to stand together against the violence that has plagued our community. Be listening to STAR 104.5 for more information.
PASTOR CHARLOTTE ASKS: Prayers for Calvin B., hospitalized (Renae G.’s father.) Prayers of sympathy for the family of Dottie L., in her recent passing (step-mother of Tom L.). Prayers for Cheryl N., preparing for surgery on November 29th. Prayers of sympathy for the family and friends of Dr. Alva C., in his recent passing (retired minister of the Nebraska Annual Conference). Prayers for Holly and Will R., preparing for surgery on December 6th (son and daughter of Shawna and Corey R.). Prayers for the family and friends of Bob A., in his recent passing (friend of Chris L.).
We close this addition of ST.A-Mail with a Proverb appropriate to the Survey process and the results announced in yesterday’s mailing. 461 people gave counsel through the survey itself, of course, with a couple of dozen, including staff and Board Members, involved in the actual interpretation and decision making. And this is the Proverb, 15:22, “Without counsel, plans go wrong, but with many advisers they succeed.” I hope so. I am absolutely confident of this: The decisions have the right motive behind them: that of growing St. Andrew’s and Sharing The Gospel of Jesus Christ. Bringing us then to a paraphrase of Proverbs 16:1, “The plans belong to humans, but the answer is from the Lord.” Thy will be done.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

St. Andrew's Worship Survey Report

November 28, 2007

To: The Members And Friends of St. Andrew’s
From: Bruce Davis

Earlier this year, the St. Andrew’s church family was invited to participate in a Worship Survey. The survey period began in late September and ended in mid-October. Participants were invited to respond either by paper surveys distributed on Sunday mornings or on-line.

A total of 461 surveys were completed. This is a very strong response, indicating great interest. We heartily thank each of you who took the time to participate.
Alan Brugler served as our Tabulator-In-Chief. The results were reported to the Charge Conference on November 13. A week later, November 20, the Administrative Council met with the Staff to review the surveys and make decisions.

Attached to this letter, you’ll find a statistical addendum. Two things really jumped out at us:

• A lack of enthusiasm for the current schedule (see #8 in addendum).

• Strong interest in a Saturday evening worship option (#5 in addendum).

By the unanimous vote of the Council, guided by your input, effective the last weekend in March (the weekend after Easter), St. Andrew’s will move to a worship schedule that looks like this:

· Atmosphere: Very informal, come-as-you are.

• Music: Contemporary/Gospel.

• Sermon: Same as Sunday morning.

• Children/Youth: All but the youngest (Nursery through Pre-Kindergarten) children will participate in the first half of the service. We will then invite the children forward for a “Children’s Sermon” and dismiss them to BIBLE ZONE—the same curriculum used in Sunday School.

• Youth: Will be invited to participate in worship.

• Location: Sanctuary, unless there’s a wedding conflict, in which case we’ll worship in the Family Life Center.

8:30 & 10:00 SUNDAY MORNING

• Atmosphere: Radical Hospitality

• Music: Blended (See # 6 & 7 in statistical addendum)

• Children: Both services will have BIBLE ZONE Sunday School for all children, as well as nursery.

• Youth: 10:00 will be our primary youth hour.

Staff will be monitoring this very closely and make additions/adjustments as needed. Again, we thank all of you who have responded to the survey, and ask for your prayers and patience in the weeks and months to come.


1) Asked what service our respondents attended:

• 9% said they regularly attend the 8:00 service.

• 57% were 9:15 regulars.

• 23% checked 10:45.

• 10% said their service attendance varies.

2) The age breakdown went like this:

• Age 20 & under: 2%

• 21-30: 9%

• 31-40: 22%

• 41-50: 33%

• 51-60: 21%

• 61-70: 8%

• Age 70 & over: 5%.

As Alan B. noted, this is almost a perfect Bell Curve.

3) We asked how long the respondents had been attending St. Andrew’s:

• 14% said they’d been worshiping here a year or less.

• 34% fell into 2-5 year category.

• 30% were 5-10 years.

• 21% have been with us over ten years.

4) How frequently do you attend?

• 67% said Most Sundays

• 22% said Less Than Half

• 8% marked Half

• 2% coming in at Rarely.

5) One of the key reasons for offering this survey was to gauge interest in a Saturday evening worship option. Asked How Often Would You Attend on Saturday?:

• 11% marked Regular

• 7% said Regular With the Exception of Football Season

• 62% said they would attend on Saturday when they have a Sunday morning conflict.

• 18% marked Never.

100 respondents said they would make a six-month commitment as Saturday evening “Pioneers” to help us get the service off the ground.

6) We explained that St. Andrew’s has been moving in the direction of more “blended” services, fusing the praise sounds we do so well at 9:15 & 10:45 with more traditional hymnody, sometimes set to a gospel beat. We asked people to give us their position on blending. Here are those numbers:

• 1 = 7% (Strongly opposed)

• 2 = 6%;

• 3 = 21%

• 4 = 29%

• 5 = 36%. (Strongly Enthusiastic)

Alan B. did a breakdown showing that our 8:00 regulars are supportive of blending, which was very interesting.

7) Asked to choose a preference from Blended, Praise and Hymns:

• 62% chose Blended

• 30% chose Praise

• 7% chose Hymns.

8) We attempted to measure enthusiasm for various mix-and-match worship times.

Perhaps the biggest surprise in the entire survey was the lack of enthusiasm for the current schedule. Asked if we should just keep doing what we’re doing:

• 1 = 26% (Strongly Opposed)

• 2 = 22%

• 3 = 27%

• 4 = 7%,

• 5 = 9%. (Strongly Enthusiastic)

When only 16% of respondents are on the enthusiastic side of the status quo, it sounds like a mandate for change.

Perhaps we should just go to two Sunday services without a Saturday option? Respondents weren’t excited about that.

• 1 = 21% (Strongly Opposed)

• 2 = 18%

• 3 =31%

• 4 = 14%

• 5 = 8%. (Strongly Enthusiastic)

So, we asked: If we go to a Saturday evening service with two services on Sunday morning, what would be the starting times? From the beginning of the discussion, we’ve looked at 5:00 as the Saturday start time. We gave respondents two options regarding Sunday morning: A) 8:30 & 10:00 and B) 9:00 & 10:30. The people’s choice is B, but after a lot of soul searching, the Administrative Council has chosen to go with A: 8:30 & 10:00. Why? Let me tell you….

THIS IS REALLY IMPORTANT: There is a paradox at St. Andrew’s. By a substantial margin, our largest attended service is 9:15, but the majority of our first-time visitors show up at 10:45. Church growth theory holds that the sanctuary needs to be at a minimum of 40% capacity in order to generate the kind of excitement that will motivate a first-time visitor to come back. Presently, in our 900 seat sanctuary, the 10:45 service is doing well to hit 25% capacity. A 9:00/10:30 start would likely move our current 9:15 & 10:45 constituencies up fifteen minutes, with the added effect of largely disenfranchising our 8:00 people. This jumped out at us: a strong percentage of people indicating interest in Saturday evening are currently worshiping at 10:45. A 9:00/10:30 start might well result in an even smaller number of people worshiping in our service that ministers to the most walk-ins—something we definitely DON’T want.

There is much to be gained, we think, in the 8:30 & 10:00 start times. Our mission is, after all, Sharing The Gospel of Jesus Christ. If we’re serious about Sharing The Gospel with visitors, 5:00 Saturday and 8:30/10:00 Sunday seems the way to go.

Finally, there’s going to be a lot of learning involved here. However well organized we may be by March 29 & 30, adjustments will certainly have to be made. We’ll be VERY interested in your constructive feedback.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


We were blessed to baptized MAJOR SPENCER M. on Sunday, son of Mitch and Samantha M.
THIS SUNDAY, December 2, is The First Sunday In Advent
Nancy preaching: SPAM FOR CHRISTMAS
Nancy wanted to rent a film called THE LIVES OF OTHERS. It’s a German release with English subtitles. I was not initially enthusiastic, but then Nancy’s not always enthusiastic about some of the movies I want to see. I am happy to report THE LIVES OF OTHERS is a terrific movie! The subtitles are easy to read. The story is compelling and filled with surprises. I rate this film: SE (strongly enthuasiastic).
We would call your attention to the VIGIL OF HOPE, scheduled for Sunday, December 2. According to the literature, “Omahans are invited to stand together against the violence that has plagued our community. Be listening to STAR 104.5 for more information.
From MANDY B.:

Y-COSA (Young Couples of St. Andrews) Please join us for game night on Saturday December 15th at 6:00. Game night will be at Tyler and Molly S.’s house (15055 Burdette Street phone #932-1189). Bring a game and appetizer to share. Childcare will be available if needed. RSVP to Mandy B.

Also, save this date… On December 23rd Y-COSA will be throwing a Christmas Party for the Karen Kids (refugees from Burma). There are about 100 children so we will need lots of help! More information will be coming about this, but if you are interested in helping organize it let me know! Our children are welcome to join us for this service project.

Save the Donuts and Coffee!!! Sharon and Leroy K. who have been coordinating the donuts and coffee are stepping down so they can travel more and see their children! We thank them very much for all of their work, but we need to find a replacement. If you would be interested in making the schedule to assure the donuts are picked up each Sunday and cleaning up the coffee after the last service contact Mandy.
NETTA P. writes: A Family Devotional for the Season of Advent and The Twelve Days of Christmas is available for you and your family during the advent season. Your copy can be picked up at the Information Center or at the Sunday School Registration Desks. This is a fun devotional to prepare your family for the Christmas Season!

The classic tale of Ebenezer Scrooge is a cherished symbol of Christmas. Yet, the little story of Scrooge’s transformation is also a wonderful story of redemption and hope--which makes it a perfect study for Advent. Join Mike and Sandra R. as they facilitate a discussion beginning Sunday, Dec. 2 at 10:45 in the Youth Room. Please contact Diana to register so books can be ordered. The cost of the study book is $5.50.

The selection for the December Book Club is What It Means to Be a Christian by Joseph Ratzinger – Pope Benedict XVI. Read how the Pope answers the question of what being Christian means for us in today’s world. These books are available at the Connection Point in the Rotunda. The cost is $10.50. Stop by and get your copy today. The Book Club will meet on Monday, December 10th at 7 p.m.
From BOB D.:
Middle School Christmas Party is Sunday December 9 (1pm to 3pm). The party will be at Thunder Ally located just north west of 204 and West Dodge Road on Cumberland Drive. The party will include: BOWLING, GO-KARTS, LASER TAG, PIZZA, AND POP. The cost will be $20 per person. Please RSVP by December 2 by e-mailing Bob. Youth are welcome to invite friends.

Senior High Christmas Party is Saturday December 8th (6pm to 9pm) at the home of Dean and Lynne J. Please bring a "White Elephant" gift to exchange. Come enjoy the games, fellowship, and some great food. Please RSVP by December 2 by e-mailing Bob.
St. Andrew's will again be assisting local needy families through Together, Inc.' Holiday Shop. Clients of Together, Inc. are able to select gifts for children/family members and take home a holiday food sack. Beginning on Sunday, November 4th, you will have the opportunity to select an item to donate from the Giving Tree located in the rotunda. All items should be returned to the church by December 2nd and placed under the tree. If you have any questions, please contact Denise M J. Also looking for a few volunteers to work in the Christmas shop, if interested please give me a call. THANK YOU!
MISSION NOTE: This Sunday, December 2nd --- Don’t forget your Hi-C drink boxes that the Missions Team is collecting for Camp Fire USA. These drink boxes are included in backpacks which contain nutritious meals provided to approximately 400 – 500 Omaha children for the weekends.
The BLT Progressive Dinner is December 8th beginning at 5:30 – We will be enjoying appetizers, Italian entrée, and desserts at three different homes… see the BLT information in the Rotunda. Please note that this Sunday, December 2nd is your last chance to sign up at church. You can also email Joyce C.
Pastor Charlotte asks: Prayers for Kevin N., recovering from surgery.
Proverbs 15:9, The way of the wicked is an abomination to the Lord, but he loves the one who pursues righteousness.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007


Thanksgiving Eve Celebration, 7:00
Lots of great music, including solos by Lisa Obermeyer and Jeff Hatcher.
Special Appearance by The Disciple Bible Study Singers
THIS SUNDAY, November 25
8:00, 9:15 & 10:45
Nancy preaching: PILGRIMS
Heart-warming music in all three services
On Friday, of course, our readers will be breaking out the scarlet and cream for the annual contest with Colorado. But come Saturday evening, I would ask you to consider laying your hands on some black and gold—perhaps an old sock or something like that—and give a cheer, however faint, for the University of Missouri Tigers in my alma mater’s astonishing quest for football glory.
BREAKING BREAD MINISTRY provides comforting meals to those within our congregation who are experiencing hardships or life changes such as a new baby, surgery, illness, or death in the family. We are looking for cooks! A home-cooked meal or take-out is just fine – if you are interested in serving in this way, please call Janet K.
UPWARD EVALUATIONS are next week. All children need to attend at least one of the evaluations. Basketball players, dress comfortably and wear tennis shoes. Parents will stay during evaluations as they only take about 20 minutes, depending on the crowds.

Kindergarten – 2nd grades (choose one of the dates)

Tuesday, November 27, between 6:00-7:00
Wednesday, November 28, between 6:00-7:00
Saturday, December 1, between 9:00-10:00

3rd-5th grades (choose one of the dates)

Tuesday, November 27, between 7:00-8:00
Wednesday, November 28, between 7:00-8:00
Saturday, December 1, between 10:00-11:00

Call Margie or Netta.
Psalm 4:6-8, There are many who say, “O that we might see some good! Let the light of your face shine on us, O Lord!” You have put gladness in my heart more than when their grain and wine abound. I will both lie down and sleep in peace; for you alone, O Lord, make me lie down in safety.”
On behalf of the Saints of Andrew, I wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving. If you have family in town for the holiday, bring them to church with you tonight, Sunday or both! If you’re traveling, remember us in your prayers and come home safe.


Monday, November 19, 2007

Early Birds

Our newest members are
JILL B. is an educator with the Omaha Public Schools.
MICHAEL & VICKI B. are the parents of Britni, Michael, Denae, Jasmyn, Aleesha & Eryn.
TRACY S. is married to Glenn. They have three children: Megan, Emily & Sarah.
HAL T. is a manager with All State Insurance.
We had a great turnout Sunday morning and it was thrilling to see so many people coming forward at the end of the service, bringing their 2008 WE’RE ON A MISSION pledge cards. If you were unable to attend our services on Sunday and have yet to turn in your pledge, you have several options. You can pledge on-line at [ ] You can bring your card to a worship service, including Wednesday night, and put it in the offering place. You can fill out your card and put it in the mail, addressed to St. Andrew’s United Methodist Church, 15050 Maple Street, Omaha, Nebraska, 68116.
Lots Of Great Music.
Nursery/child care will be provided for infants and toddlers in LL3.
THIS SUNDAY, November 25
8:00, 9:15, 10:45
Nancy preaching: PILGRIMS
Lisa O. will sing, “I Wonder As I Wander.”
The Dinner/Dance/Auction was a huge success. It will be a couple of weeks before we’re ready to give an accounting, but Beth W. tells me the numbers look very encouraging. Beth and Kelvin tweaked a few things this year—and each tweak made what has been a terrific event even better. I particularly appreciated having Adrian A. as our auctioneer. Many thanks to the dozens of volunteers involved. In the course of the evening, we announced that Todd & Jamie S. will coordinate the 2008 event.
Today (Monday) is the last day to sign up for Upward Basketball and Cheerleading at the early-bird rate. After today, fee goes up $10.00. Forms can be found in both entrances and you can leave them in the baskets provided. We are expecting lots of kids this year which adds to many opportunities for people with children or no children to get involved in being a Referee! Thanks to Tom Taylor and his sons for sharing their passion of Refereeing with us in service yesterday. All involved truly get touched by this ministry! Please call or e-mail Netta or Margie to get involved! It’s fun, exciting, and only requires one hour of your time on a Saturday. The season is only 8 weeks long, so only 8 hours of service!!
Pastor Charlotte asks: Prayers for Pam F., whose cancer has returned; she will begin radiation soon (Lisa C.’s mother). Prayers for Scott S., recovering from brain cancer. Prayers for Ed V., hospitalized, recovering from a concussion (friend of Dick M.). Prayers of sympathy for the family of Bill D., Grant, NE, in his recent passing (Joel L.’s brother-in-law; Lori S.’s uncle). Prayers for Suzie, recovering from surgery, receiving dialysis (friend of Denise J.).
Psalm 62:5-7, “For God alone my soul waits in silence, for my hope is from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I shall not be shaken. On God rests my deliverance and my honor; a mighty rock, my refuge is God.”

Friday, November 16, 2007

Big Night/Jesse James

8:00, 9:15 & 10:45
The St. Andrew’s Praise Band will offer ALL GOOD GIFTS in all three services.
Children will be singing at 9:15 & 10:45
Each service will begin with COME YE THANKFUL PEOPLE COME.
9:15 – Music Makers
10:45 – Joyful Sounds and Mighty Doves
No practice for children’s choirs on November 22.
I suspect the best movie I’ll see this year is THE ASSASSINATION OF JESSE JAMES BY THE COWARD ROBERT FORD. Nancy seemed to enjoy it as much as I did. I hope you can catch this film while it’s still in theatres; the cinematography is among the stars. This is not necessarily a shoot-em-up western, but rather a period piece that evokes what life on the western Missouri frontier probably actually looked like in the 1880s. Nancy didn’t know this, so you may not: The home where Jesse was killed can still be visited in St. Joseph. I think they’ve moved it in recent years, inside a museum. If you want to learn more about the famous bandit, let me recommend the biography by T.J. Stiles: JESSE JAMES: LAST REBEL OF THE CIVIL WAR.
Wednesday evening, November 21, 7:00
Thanksgiving Eve Service
It's here! The night you have been waiting for!
It's Lady's Nite Out - "Holiday Magic".
You're Invited
Come and join us on Tuesday evening 12-04-07 from 6:30pm to 8:30pm.
We'll have three sessions you'll want to join in on for holiday fun. A Cooking Demonstration Class, a Holiday Card Craft Class and a Massage Session. Each session lasts 20 minutes and you'll want to attend all three. Bring your friends, sign up so we'll know who to expect, the sign up sheets are located by the information table in the rotunda. Refreshments will be served by Hope Circle.
Child care will be available, call the church at 431 - 8560 to make arrangements.
Suggested donation for the evening of fun is $3.00 per person or two people for $5.00.
Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol – Advent Study
The classic tale of Ebenezer Scrooge is a cherished symbol of Christmas. Yet, the little story of Scrooge’s transformation is also a wonderful story of redemption and hope--which makes it a perfect study for Advent. Join Mike and Sandra Roder as they facilitate a discussion beginning Sunday, Dec. 2 at 10:45 in the Youth Room. Please contact Diana to register so books can be ordered. The cost of the study book is $5.50.
St. Andrew’s Book Club
The selection for the December Book Club is What It Means to Be a Christian by Joseph Ratzinger – Pope Benedict XVI. Read how the Pope answers the question of what being Christian means for us in today’s world. These books are available at the Connection Point in the Rotunda. The cost is $10.50. Stop by and get your copy today. The Book Club will meet on Monday, December 10th at 7 p.m.
Pastor Charlotte asks: Prayers of sympathy for the family of Ashley W., in her recent passing; pray for healing, strength and peace. Prayers for Michel A., who leaves November 18 for Iraq (Jim A.’s son; friend of Chris L.). Just added: Prayers of sympathy for the family of Lloyd F., in his recent passing (grandfather of Beth W.). Prayers for 13 week old Paxton A., hospitalized with pneumonia and possibly RSV (son of Nicole and Sean A.; friends of Wade and Christine B.). Prayers for Dick T., who has experienced a stroke (grandfather of Shawna R.).
I’ll look forward to seeing many of you tonight at the Champion’s Club for the annual St. Andrew’s Dinner/Dance/Auction. I deeply appreciate the leadership Kelvin and Beth W. are giving. I’m particularly mindful of Beth this morning. As you saw in Charlotte’s notes, her grandfather has passed away—but Beth’s going to be with us tonight, giving leadership. Bless her heart.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Charge Conference

Nancy’s doing better, recovering from the flu, but I am in fact going to wind up preaching THE HELMET OF SALVATION this Sunday, November 18.
Charge Conference is tonight (Tuesday), 7:00. I think we’re meeting in the music room, on the Lower Level of the new building. We’ll be electing 2008 officers and hearing a report from the Worship Survey team. All readers are invited.
PAM F. writes: It's not too late to be a part of the Intergenerational Christmas Choir. All youth, grades 6-12, and adults of all ages are invited to be a part of this choir. It's a great opportunity for families to sing together. Please join us at 6:15 -7:00 this Wednesday, Nov. 14th. If you have questions, please contact Pam.
YVONNE M. (and I know others join her) asks prayers for the family of Ashley W. a sixth grader at Buffett Middle School who passed away Friday after a being involved in a serious car accident. She leaves behind her parents, 3 siblings and many friends and acquaintances.
Pastor Charlotte asks: Prayers for Janelle B., who has a broken collar bone and a separated shoulder. Prayers for Fred, recently diagnosed with lung cancer, preparing to begin aggressive chemotherapy (co-worker of Craig B.).
Ephesians 3:14-19, For this reason I bow my knees before the Father, from whom every family in heaven and on earth takes its name. I pray that, according to the riches of his glory, he may grant that you be strengthened in your inner being with power through his Spirit, that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith, as you are being rooted and grounded in love. I pray that you may have the power to comprehend, with all the saints, what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, so that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.


Monday, November 12, 2007

Subject to Change

Nancy was scheduled to preach, but she’s come down with a major case of the flu.
So what we’ve got as of right how is Bruce preaching:

Then on Wednesday evening, November 21, Thanksgiving Eve, 7:00, Bruce will offer: MY BIGGEST ST. ANDREW’S DISAPPOINTMENT OF 2007 & WHY I’M THANKFUL FOR IT.

And on November 25, Nancy will presumably be back at full strength, preaching PILGRIMS.

The above is subject to change, but then, when you stop and think about it, pretty much everything in life is subject to change—with the exception of God’s love in Jesus Christ.
On November 11, we were blessed to baptize BRADY L. on Sunday, son of Mike & Kim L.
KELVIN W. tells us: The St. Andrews auction and dinner is this Friday (November 16th) Champions Run starting at 6:00 pm. We are excited about all the great items that have been donated to the auction this year. In order to make your evening more enjoyable, we recommend that you pre-swipe your credit card at the registration desk when you arrive. By pre-swiping your credit card, you can go directly to the item pick-up area after the auction is completed and avoid the cashier line. If you happen to be unsuccessful on your bidding, don’t worry, your credit card number will be purged from the system.

Also, we are still in need of a couple of volunteers to help with item check-out at the auction. We need some help starting around 7:30 to help get the items ready to be picked-up. We have youth members helping but we need some adult help as well. So if you aren’t planning on attending the auction (or attending), but still want to help out, please contact Beth and Kelvin W.
Radical Hospitality Coordinator MANDY B. writes: I am organizing the Sunday morning greeter schedule and… I need your help!! Although I have a long list of names that are interested in greeting, many of these people for many reasons are no longer able to greet. I do not want to exclude anyone who has been greeting and wants to continue to be on the schedule. And I also want to open up the opportunity to others who have not greeted or have not greeted in awhile. The greeter schedule will be for two Sundays every 3 to 4 months. The time commitments are from 8:50-9:20 or 10:15-10:50. If you are interested in greeting or want to continue greeting please e-mail me or call me with your time preference.
From MARK R.: Rainbow Network is offering us the chance to return to Nicaragua and our sister village of San Andres. The trip is coming up quickly, Dec. 12-15. Travel will be on the 12th and 15th with the 13th and 14th dedicated to visiting several villages, meeting the people of Nicaragua and seeing firsthand how God is working through Rainbow to help the poorest of the poor as they work to improve their lives. This trip will also include participation in a celebration dedicating several new homes that have been recently completed through Rainbow’s housing program. We’ll arrive in Managua late in the evening on Wednesday, check into our hotel (just across the street from the airport) and travel the countryside for two very busy days, flying back out early on Saturday morning. If you’d like to be part of the group and come to a greater understanding of just how hard God works to comfort those in need, please contact Mark for more information. And, once again, thank you all for your amazing generosity to our mission benefiting San Andres to date. You are truly Saints of Andrew. God bless.
JAN F. writes: Would it be possible to have a short reminder in any A-Mails that come out before Wed. that the new Prayer Shawl Ministry meets for the first time this week, Wed. 6:30 in LL2. Knitting and crocheting instruction will be offered at 6:00.
Pastor CHARLOTTE asks: Prayers for Chelsea W., preparing for surgery on November 14th (Margie and Ron W.’s daughter). Prayers for Steven B., preparing for cancer surgery on Monday (grandson of Ruth J.).
Ephesians 1:3-8, “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places, just as he chose Christ before the foundation of the world to be holy and blameless before him in love. He destined us for adoption as his children through Jesus Christ, according to the good pleasure of his will, to the praise of hi glorious grace that he freely bestowed on us in the Beloved. In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace that he lavished on us.”

Friday, November 09, 2007

Glad All Over

The Natalie Grant concert was a huge success. We had 800 people in the room. Natalie and her band gave a rousing performance that touched hearts. Many thanks to Craig Bence and his incredible group of volunteers. Staff-members Steve Groves and Mandy Barkhaus gave invaluable support. I heard a guesstimate that maybe 60% of those in attendance were not part of the St. Andrew's family. I am confident that persons from the community experienced this church as a place of RADICAL HOSPITALITY. What a great event.
Bruce preaching: GLAD ALL OVER
Featuring the return of Jake & Elwood
It's New Member Appreciation Sunday
Special Appearance By the Youth Praise Band at 9:15 & 10:45
The Breakfast Club will be serving in the Family Life Center.
AUCTION UPDATE: The booklet of auction items will be available at church on Sunday. We have a lot of great items and we're really looking forward to the event on November 16 at Champions Run. Tickets are still available through Sunday. If you want to attend and haven't had a chance to get your tickets yet, plan to buy them Sunday, or contact Kelvin and Beth.
We'll elect officers for a new year and hear an initial report from the Worship Survey Team.
Nancy preaching: PILGRIMS
The service will include a dedication of WE'RE ON A MISSION pledges. If you've already pledged on-line by then, we'll invite you to write
I PLEDGED ON LINE on your card and bring it forward as a symbolic offering.
Does anyone out there have a copy of INDIANA JONES AND THE LAST CRUSADE I could borrow?
ISAIAH 43:1-3, "But now thus says the Lord, he who created you, O Jacob, he who formed you, O Israel: Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you; when you walk through fire you shall not be burned, and the flame shall not consume you. For I am the Lord your God, the Holy One of Israel, your savior."

Tuesday, November 06, 2007


The WE’RE ON A MISSION pledge cards went out in the mail yesterday and may start arriving in homes as soon as today, so I thought I’d do a resend of material that was in this month’s newsletter. Some of you have been through a lot of church stewardship campaigns; for others, it is a new experience. Here are things that may be helpful to know.

First: Please don’t confuse WE’RE ON A MISSION with the capital campaign that was launched in the spring of ’06. SHARING, GROWING, CHANGING LIVES is a three-year campaign for the sole purpose of debt reduction. WE’RE ON A MISSION is about funding our ministries for 2008, including programming, utilities, salaries, supplies—in short, everything BUT the mortgage.

Second: There’s nobody else to support this ministry; there’s just “us”—the members and friends of St. Andrew’s.

Third: An Annual Campaign is all about personal goal setting. Your giving is ultimately between you and God. The campaign gives leadership a ball-park idea
of the resources St. Andrew’s will have to work with in the new year, but if you find yourself over-extended, nobody’s going to come and put a lien on your house.

Fourth: While we’re sending pledge cards in the mail, you’re also offered an “on-line” pledging option that can be accessed through our website:
[ ]

Fifth: On your pledge card, you’ll find an Automatic Withdrawal option. More and more people are opting for Automatic Withdrawal. Automatic Withdrawal
is a particular blessing for the church in that it levels out some of the seasonal gyrations in giving.

Sixth: We hope you’ll experience WE’RE ON A MISSION as something to be celebrated. The scripture is clear that God loves a cheerful giver. We’ve tried
to infuse this campaign with a heavy dose of cheer.

Seventh: The campaign culminates on Thanksgiving Sunday, November 18, when we’ll once again be inviting people to bring their pledges to the altar for dedication. If you’ve already made your pledge on line by then, maybe you’ll bring a card forward, saying I PLEDGED ON LINE, or something to that effect. Of course, if you want to bring a card, but can’t be here on the 18th, you can put it in the offering plate as early as this Sunday. Others may want to mail their card to the church. Choose whatever option works best for you.

Questions For Your Consideration: Are you practicing Gracious Generosity at St. Andrew’s? Put more bluntly: Are you contributing regularly? If not, will you consider being a gracious, regular giver, and committing yourself through a pledge? If you are currently among our pledged givers, but are not tithing, will you consider moving closer to 10%?


Pizza With the Pastors

November 11, 2007
8:00, 9:15 & 10:45
Bruce preaching: GLAD ALL OVER
Featuring The Return Of Jake & Elwood
Special Appearance by the Youth Praise Band at 9:15 & 10:45
Acclaimed Contemporary Christian Artist NATALIE GRANT and her band
Offer a free concert at St. Andrew’s UMC
Seating is on a first-come, first-serve basis
Doors open at 6:30, Concert begins at 7:00
You may be interested in how this NATALIE GRANT concert came about. Two years ago, St. Andrew’s hosted Mark Schultz. The concert was very well received. We’ve been looking for other such opportunities, but music promotion is harder than it looks. While St. Andrew’s has a huge upside in terms of sound and facility, big name Christian acts may be looking for venues with more seats than we can offer. Natalie came to us this way: She has a show scheduled in Kansas City for Wednesday night and is scheduled for the Target Center in Minneapolis on Friday. A promoter contacted Craig Bence, who represented St. Andrew’s in the Mark Schultz concert. Would we be interested in hosting Natalie and her band on what would otherwise be a travel night? The only upfront cost to St. Andrew’s would be hotel rooms and a few other incidentals. Otherwise, it would be a “free” concert, with Natalie and her team passing the plate for a free-will offering. We assume she’ll see some CDs and other items—which is cool. This struck us as a win/win. The only concern I had was a short lead-time to get organized, but Craig put together a team that has done amazing work. We’ve had great volunteers step forward. This is going to be great!
Our final PIZZA WITH THE PASTORS of 2007 is scheduled for this Sunday, November 11, 5:00-6:30. This is an event designed for people interested in membership at St. Andrew's. Sign up via return e-mail or sign up in the ROTUNDA this Sunday.
My brother in Missouri sent this along and I thought it might lighten hearts around here: Four football fans go rock climbing one afternoon…a Nebraska fan, an Oklahoma fan, a Kansas fan, and a Mizzou fan. They had been arguing all the way up the mountain about who among them was the most die-hard supporter of their team. Upon reaching the top of the mountain, the Nebraska fan proclaimed to the other three, “THIS IS FOR THE HUSKERS!” and promptly threw himself off the mountain as a form of sacrifice, screaming “ GO BIG RED!” Not to be outdone, the Oklahoma fan jumped up and shouted, “THIS IS FOR THE SOONERS!” and threw himself off the mountain to his death. Refusing to be bested by the Nebraska and Oklahoma fans, the Mizzou fan rose to his feet and yelled at the top of his lungs, “THIS IS FOR THE MISSOURI TIGERS!” and, without hesitation, pushed the Kansas fan off the mountain shouting, “FLY JAYHAWK FLY!!!” Of course, Nebraska fans (and I count myself among them) might have other reasons for jumping off the mountain just now.
The United Methodist Food Pantry (formerly Pearl Food Pantry) has asked if we could provide 50 roasting chickens for Thanksgiving dinner. These chickens would go to the elderly and small families that would not be able to use a turkey. If you are able to help our brothers and sisters in North Omaha please make your checks payable to St. Andrews with United Methodist Food Pantry in the memo line. If you have any questions please call Lynda or Jim.

It’s November and time to put these dates on your calendar!

Upward early registration deadline is November 19. After November 19, add $10.00. Registration closes on December 2. Please register A.S.A.P. so we can begin processing, laying out schedules and games. We are projecting large numbers this year!!

Upward Evaluations:

Kindergarten – 2nd grades (choose one of the dates)

Tuesday, November 27, between 6:00-7:00
Wednesday, November 28, between 6:00-7:00
Saturday, December 1, between 9:00-10:00

3rd-5th grades (choose one of the dates)

Tuesday, November 27, between 7:00-8:00
Wednesday, November 28, between 7:00-8:00
Saturday, December 1, between 10:00-11:00

You can find registration forms in both entrances. Questions? Call Margie or Netta at 431-8560 or e-mail [ ]
Attention grades 6th-8th! Mark you calendars for November 10. We are going to play LASER TAG at ZZZAP LASER ADVENTERS. Parents need to drop their youth off at ZZZAP by 3pm and pick them up at 4:45pm. The address is 11108 Q Street Omaha 68137. The cost is $10 per youth. Please RSVP by Wednesday November 7. I will need a couple of parent chaperones for this event. This is going to be a fun event! You may bring a friend! Bob’s e-mail: [ ]
Deuteronomy 10:12-13, Moses speaking: “So now, O Israel, what does the Lord your God require of you? Only to fear the Lord your God, to walk in all his ways, to love him, to serve the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul, and to keep the commandments of the Lord your God and his decrees that I am commanding you today, for your own well-being.”

Thursday, November 01, 2007


November 4, 2007
8:00, 9:15 & 10:45
Nancy preaching: The SAD Church
November 11, Bruce preaching: GLAD ALL OVER!
November 18, Thanksgiving Sunday, Nancy preaching.
Live and In Person
At St. Andrew’s United Methodist Church
Thursday, November 8, 7:00
This is a free concert. Seating is on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Thanks to Carrie T., we have a nice NATALIE GRANT announcement posted on the home page of our web site. Speaking of the web site, if you click on sermons, you’ll find THE HARROWING OF HELL, which drew lots of comment and that you may want to read for yourself.

The United Methodist Food Pantry (formerly Pearl Food Pantry) has asked if we would provide 50 roasting chickens for Thanksgiving dinner. These chickens would go to the elderly and small families that would not be able to use a turkey. If you are able to help our brothers and sisters in North Omaha please make your check payable to St. Andrews with UM

This Sunday, November 4th --- Don’t forget your Hi-C drink boxes that the Mission’s Team is collecting for Camp Fire USA. These drink boxes are included in backpacks which contain nutritious meals provided to approximately 400 – 500 Omaha children for the weekends.
The ST. ANDREW’S DINNER AUCTION & DANCE is just over two weeks away. We really need to have all the donation items turned in to us by this Sunday (11/4) so we can have them included in the auction book. We still are in need of auction items (restaurant gift certificates, services, event tickets, houseware items etc.) so please help out our church’s biggest fundraiser. We still have plenty of tickets available for the event so why not spend a fun evening with your church family. Please contact Beth and Kelvin W.
Tuesday December 4th 7pm to 8:30 PM
"I'm a Methodist woman, You're a Methodist woman, we're all Methodist women together" .... sound familiar? Please come and join with your fellow Methodist women at St Andrews for an evening of fun and friendship.
All women will have the opportunity to participate. There will be a cooking demonstration, then rotate to craft demonstration where you'll participate in a 'make-it and take-it' holiday card fest, and finally rotate to a 'mini-massage' for a little relaxation therapy. This is our holiday gathering for all St Andrews Methodist women. Refreshments will be served by HOPE circle. Child care will be available. Please put the date of Tuesday 12-4 on your calendar and plan to join us. It will be a fun evening for all.
NETTA P. writes:
Children’s Ministries is still in immediate need of people to man the registration desks during the 9:15 and 10:45 church services. We need two more for 9:15 and three for 10:45. This is an important volunteer opportunity for the safety of our children. The position entails being at either the upstairs or downstairs registration desk from 9:05 through dismissal for the 9:15 service and at 10:35 through dismissal for the 10:45 service every other month. You would help teachers with anything extra they might need, gather Sunday School offering and attendance sheets for the classrooms and greet/answer questions/direct parents to the classrooms. That’s it—pretty simple! You could even bring the Sunday paper along to read if you want.....We are also needing a helper to rotate every other month in our 2-year old class room at 9:15..... Please consider these opportunities and give Margie W. a call to volunteer an hour for a month of Sundays and then rotate one month off.
Pastor Charlotte asks: Prayers of joy for Megan H. and Lewis W., in their recent marriage. Prayers for Lewis W., preparing for surgery October 31st, due to an auto accident. Prayers for Betty J., who has a blood cancer and is hospitalized (Kathy J.’s mother-in-law). Prayers for Elaine D., hospitalized, recovering from a serious illness (mother of Ken D.). Prayers of joy for Mitch and Sam M., in the recent birth of a son, Major Spencer.
Proverbs 29:11, “A fool gives full vent to his anger, but the wise quietly hold it back.”
I found myself yelling at an automated answering system this afternoon and it occurred to me that old Solomon, to whom the Proverbs are ascribed, never had to deal with an automated answering system. Solomon might have wanted to take a sword and cut the machine in two—not that that would have been an option for him or me.