Thursday, April 17, 2008

A Big Weekend

April 19 & 20
Saturday, 5:00
A Celebration Of Our Ministry In Nicaragua
Bruce is preaching: THE ANGEL OF LOS FIEROS
Lots of music, including The Ax Of The Apostles and the St. Andrew’s Mariachi Band!We’ll welcome guests who have come all the way from Nicaragua!
Sunday, 8:30 & 10:00
Confirmation Sunday
We’ll have the joy of hearing 26 young people confess their faith and welcoming them to membership in the congregation.

We’ll be taking a special offering Saturday and Sunday in support of our ministry in San Andres. Our most recent travelers to Nicaragua, Dean H. and Mark R., have told us they’ll match what is given this weekend. In coordination with the Rainbow Network, an ecumenical Christian organization based in Springfield, Missouri, St. Andrew’s is in the second year of a three-year commitment of $20,000 annually to the community of San Andres. This represents the approximate cost of a year’s worth of funding for the Rainbow-sponsored feeding/nutrition center, medical care, elementary education, a micro-loan program, and community economic development. The offering will work this way: We’ll pass the plate a second time on Saturday night. On Sunday morning, we’ll use some purple envelopes left over from a previous missions offering.
We are so excited about the new service schedules. Saturday night has exceeded our expectations. We are currently running about the same number of kids through Saturday night as we are at the 10:00 service on Sunday. What a great thing! The classrooms are filled with friends, where they are laughing, learning and forming life-changing friendships with each other and with Jesus. Our 8:30 service on Sunday morning is not running at that potential. We currently have a very few children attending this hour. This is not a huge surprise to us as it is an early hour for families with children. We wanted to offer an option of learning for all hours, but now have to evaluate if this hour is in the best interest of the children with such low numbers. (5-6 kids, not counting the teacher’s kids). We feel the kids are not getting the best quality learning environment without having other children to interact with, to be able to play games with, and to form friendship with. With that said, we are going to drop the 8:30 classes beginning the first Sunday in May. I want to thank all the dedicated teachers for showing up every Sunday, well prepared with a lesson plan. Your valuable service to the Children’s Ministry was necessary to make the service changes, and you all came through for St. Andrew’s! Thanks to all of you!

Vacation Bible School: Power Lab! Discovering Jesus’ Miraculous Power!!
Registration is up and running. All participants can register on-line through the Website at, Children’s button, then go down to the bottom of the page! The fee is $22.00/child for the first and second child. Three and up are 50% off. Early bird registrations end May 18. Any registrations taken on-line after that date will be $27.00/child. The computer has a way to track this so, be diligent and sign up right away!

All volunteer registrations need to be done through here. Go to the same place but you’ll highlight the volunteer button once you are into the VBS Home Page. We usually need about 130 volunteers to cover both morning and evening sessions. Please prayerfully consider giving of your time to help with this fun and exciting event!!
DivorceCare and DivorceCare for Kids A new session of DivorceCare for Kids will begin on Monday, May 5th from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. DivorceCare for Kids is a special group to help children heal from the hurt caused by the separation or divorce of their parents. DC4K meets weekly in 13-week cycles, and will be offered on an ongoing basis. It is designed for children ages 5 -12. Topics covered coincide with those for DivorceCare which will also begin a new cycle on May 5th. The cost of the material is $15 for both DC4K and DC, scholarships are available. Contact Diana at 431-8560 ext. 31 for more information.
From Joyce M.: Brownies, Bells and a Bit of Broadway: an afternoon of fun and food as the Ambassador Adult and Youth Bell choirs present their May concert. Come join us on May 4th at 3:00 p.m. in the Rotunda as we ring music from favorite Broadway shows. Snack on homemade brownies and bars as you listen to music from Mary Poppins, Beauty and the Beast, and The Lion King to name a few. We are even offering some very special prizes throughout the program. Several adults and youth from St. Andrews ring in both choirs so we hope to see you there on May 4th at 3:00 p.m.
The St. Andrew's Reckless Abandon Players present....SABBATH NIGHT LIVE 2008! Sabbath Night Live is a dinner/theater production written, directed, acted, and produced by church members. The drama team performs a comedy of skits which offer a fun perspective on St. Andrew's happenings, and focuses on messages by sharing The Gospel of Jesus Christ. This will be the 7th annual performance, which has been Sold Out each year since 2004! This years performances will be fantastic, and some of the skits will include:The Blues Brothers featuring the St. Andrew's Blues Brothers Band and the Blues Sisters Smarter than an Idol (spin-off of Smarter than a 5th grader) Holy-wood (Movie quotes that help tell stories of the Bible) Worship + 1 video (Members get lots of choices to get involved) Special Performance by the St. Andrew's Pastors and Staff (see what really goes on inside the staff meetings!) Special Transition skits with Greeters Gone Wild and Coffee Shop stories
Dates: Friday, May 2nd, and Saturday, May 3rd
Times: 6:00 Doors open
6:15 Buffet Dinner
7:00 Show Dinner/Theater Prices: $18 per adult; $14 per child with adult meal; $11 per child with Kid's Meal….
Childcare is available: $7 per child with a $13 max per family. $4 kids meals available per child…..
Reserve your Tickets today. Purchase them during Saturday and Sunday Services in the Rotunda, or by contacting the St. Andrew's Church office 431-8560.
TODD S. writes from Rhode Island : My grandfather, George K., died today in Storm Lake IA. Would you mind including my grandmother, Dorothy “Granny” K., in your prayers? George was into his 90s and still living at home till Sat night when he was having trouble breathing. He died in the hospital this morning about 6 am.
Matthew 25: 41-46 (continued from Tuesday) “Then he will say to those at his left hand, ‘You that are accursed, depart from me into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels; for I was hungry and you gave me no food, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, I was a stranger and you did not welcome me, naked and you did not give me clothing, sick and in prison and you did not visit me.’ Then they also will answer, ‘Lord, when was it that we saw you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison and did not take care of you?’ Then he will answer them, ‘Truly I tell you, just as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to me.’ And these will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.”