Friday, April 18, 2008

Recognition and Praise

There’s not much going on around the office this morning, but things go into high gear tomorrow. The staff is scheduled to be up here at 10:00 tomorrow morning to rehearse our skit for SABBATH NIGHT LIVE. Nancy has put this skit together and it’s a hoot. SNL is one of the mega-fun events of the St. Andrew’s year. Tickets are available this weekend at a booth in the Rotunda. Our guests from Nicaragua are scheduled to arrive around noon on Saturday. The Matthew Ministry Team and what we call The Travelers (Saints of Andrew who have made the trip to Nicaragua) will be having lunch with them. Nancy has a wedding at 3:00. The Nicaragua-mission-themed worship service begins at 5:00 in the sanctuary, followed by a reception in the Rotunda. While that’s going on, Nancy, Bob and the Confirmation families will be sharing a meal in the Family Life Center, after which they’ll go to the sanctuary to walk through the Confirmation Service. We’ll be doing confirmations at both 8:30 & 10:00 on Sunday. Nancy’s preaching those services: You’re A Good Man, Charlie Brown; while I’m offering The Angel Of Los Fieros on Saturday evening.

We’ve learned a lot in our first three weeks of the new worship schedule. As we’ve said from the start, we’ll be making adjustments as we go along, trying to fit resources to demand. The Saturday evening Children’s Church School has far exceeded expected demand, the number of children approximately equaling what we’ve been running on Sunday. On the other hand, there’s not been much demand for the 8:30 hour. Therefore, we’ll be dropping the 8:30 classes as of the first of May. We are a volunteer organization and deployment of our volunteers is something we’re always thinking about. It doesn’t make sense to try to staff a full Church School hour for a handful of children; nor can we create the kind of quality experience we want for the children.


This issue of volunteer deployment is a good lead-in to our discussion of Gallup Membership Engagement Survey Item #4: IN THE LAST MONTH, I HAVE RECEIVED RECOGNITION OR PRAISE FROM SOMEONE IN MY CHURCH. This is one of the few items where the people of St. Andrew’s came in LOWER than the Gallup Mean (Average) Score. On a scale of 1-5—1 representing Strongly Disagree, 5 = Strongly Agree--Saints Of Andrew ranked 3.17 as opposed to the average of 3.19. Leading me to inquire: When is the last time to you spoke a word of recognition or praise to your child’s Church School Teacher, or perhaps one of the choir members, or another of our great volunteers? As soon as I hit SEND on this, I think I’ll go in and say a word of recognition and praise to the nice ladies who are up here stuffing bulletins this morning.


I remember when Nancy and I were in the process of being appointed to St. Andrew’s, 32 months ago. Hurricanes had put a major dent in US oil supplies and gas was over $3 a gallon. This morning, the bright sign at the station just down Maple flashes $3.39. So far as I know, there’s not been another hurricane. I am particularly mindful of Americans who were just getting by to begin with.


BOB D. writes: Attention Parents! Please e-mail me the name of your GRADUATING SENIOR as we want to recognize him/her at our May 18 Sunday services. We will just ask the seniors to come forward and announce their names and what their future plans are. I want to make sure I have a complete list so e-mail the names to me. Thank you.


Psalm 24:1-6, “The earth is the Lord’s and all that is in it, the world, and those who live in it; for he has founded it on the seas, and established it on the rivers. Who shall ascend the hill of the Lord? And who shall stand in his holy place? Those who have clean hands and pure hearts, who do not lift up their souls to what is false, and do now swear deceitfully. They will receive blessing from the Lord, and vindication from the God of their salvation. Such is the company of those who seek him, who seek the face of the God of Jacob.”
