Tuesday, April 22, 2008



Saturday, April 26, 5:00

Sunday, April 27, 8:30 & 10:45

Bruce preaching The General Conference Special:


Also titled: Why United Methodists Don’t Have A Pope


  • Ashley T. and James P.- they are engaged to be married! Ashley is a full-time student and works full-time at West. Corporation. James works at DRI Title and Escrow.
  • Tracy B. – Tracy works as a literacy teacher at Wilson Junior High in Council Bluffs.
  • Jason and Amanda A.- Amanda is a Cardiac Sonographer at Bergan. Jason is the owner operator of Mr. Sparky and Complete Electric. They have two children Isabella, 5, and Joe who will be 2 in June.
  • Jon and Jasonea S.- Jon is a Chef at Con Agra Foods and Jasonea works at Envoy. They have a 4 week old daughter, Sheridan.

BOB D. writes: We welcome the 2008 Confirmation Class as members of the body of Christ at St. Andrew’s UMC. They are: Jacob ., Taylor B., Connor D., Brent G., David J., Elliot K., Peyton L., Patrick L., Nick N., Patrick M., Brandon S., Logan T., Caroline C., Bridget C., Kaitlyn E., Jessica F., Zoe H., Haley H., Andrea L., Natalie L., Miranda M., Jordan P., Emili S., Megan T., Nicole W., and Hannah W.. Congratulations to the 2008 Confirmation Class! We are so proud of you all.


Saturday’s celebration of our ministry with The Rainbow Network and San Andres was an experience of all Six Signs Of Discipleship (Radical Hospitality, Heart-Warming Worship, Risk-Taking Mission, Vital Faith Formation, Gracious Generosity and Connectional Joy) in the space of a single hour. It was a joy to welcome Rainbow Network Founder Keith Jaspers and guests from Nicaragua: Nelson Palacio, Efrain Aguilar Mendoza, Santos Erving Lopez, Elena Aurora Mendoza and Hilda del Socorro Mendez. We were blessed with a wonderful turnout. The generosity was Gracious with a capital G! Be looking for an announcement in days to come. Special thanks to the Matthew Ministries Team for hosting the reception following the worship service, and to Adrian and Sheri A. who opened their home to our guests on Saturday evening.


From NETTA P.: The BIG TICKET was a huge success this past Friday night! 68 children came to our first showing of “It’s a Bug’s Life”. They watched the movie, ate bug snacks, pretended to be bugs and found out even the “smallest ant” is a big part of God’s Plan. You can watch for more of these type of activities for our children as our new Children’s Event Coordinator, Kathy S., has many ideas for Children’s Ministries!

DIANA F. tells us about ALPHA SATURDAY

Wow!! What an exciting day! Alpha Saturday was on April 19th at St. Andrew’s. I overheard someone say that he was supposed to go to his daughter’s game at noon, but was having too much fun at Alpha Saturday, that he called her to tell her he wasn’t going to make it. Alpha Saturday is a day where those on the Alpha Course hear presentations and discuss the Holy Spirit – Who is the Holy Spirit? What does the Holy Spirit Do? How can I be filled with the Holy Spirit? and How can I make the most of the rest of my life? Amazing and profound changes always occur in people’s lives as a result. Participants are given an opportunity to pray a prayer giving their lives to Christ – that is just what happened – right here at St. Andrew’s on Saturday. We would love to have you join us on the next Alpha Course. Watch for details about when it will be offered.



ANNOUNCEMENT: Mark you Calendar, invite a friend, come listen to music and have fun- for FREE!! Caleb Rowden will make a stop in Omaha for the first time on his ‘Lead Me to the Cross’ tour. He will be performing at St. Andrew’s on Thursday May 22nd at 7:00 PM. The opening act will be a local band, ‘Benjamin’. Caleb Rowden has some amazing radio hits and an awesome CD, you can check him out at calebrowden.com. This will be a great night of music and a great night to introduce friends to St. Andrew’s.

USHERS: With the new schedule up and running we have evaluated the current number of ushers and are still looking for a few more. Ushers are on a three month rotating schedule. They usher for one month and have two months off. We need 1 usher at 8:30, 6 ushers for 10:00, and 6 more for the Saturday night service. Please consider helping out! Contact Mandy B. 431-8560 ext. 23

KAREN REFUGEE FAMILY: Judy F.and I visited the Sein C. family this weekend (our refugee family that we are sponsoring from Burma). The family is doing okay, they several neighbors who are also refugees who are helping and supporting them also. The family is in need of few things; they are in need of a DVD player (to help learn English), vacuum cleaner, and microwave. Another way you can help is by donating money so we may use it for things they need, like a phone, extra groceries until Sein C. finds a job, school supplies for the children, first pack of bus pases… Also the money will be used for things like taking the family to the zoo or other places (to help them learn the language and the culture). For more information please contact me at: Mandy B. 431-8560 ext. 23


Believe it or not, the Church Softball started last night and the Co-Ed Team has already given us a win by a 12-4 score. Our two Men’s teams open play on Sunday night at the Kelly Fields, 120th and Fort.


Tickets are going fast for SABBATH NIGHT LIVE DINNER THEATRE, Friday and Saturday evening, May 2nd and 3rd. Sales continue this weekend in the Rotunda.


Isaiah 55:1-3

Hey there! All who are thirsty, come to the water! Are you penniless? Come anyway—buy and eat! Come, buy your drinks, buy wine and milk. But without money—everything’s free! Why do you spend your money on junk food, your hard-earned cash on cotton candy! Listen to me, listen well: Eat only the best, fill yourself with only the finest. Pay attention, come close now, listen carefully to my life-giving, life nourishing words. I’m making a lasting covenant commitment with you, the same that I made with David: sure, solid, enduring love.
