Monday, April 28, 2008


Goodness, this not a pleasant April day! It could be worse. I’ve been reading this terrific book, OLD JULES, about life on the Nebraska frontier. Mari Sandoz writes of a year when western Nebraska got three feet of snow on the last day of April.


I think you’ll enjoy what we have planned for this weekend. In keeping with the quadrennial General Conference of the United Methodist Church, currently being held in Fort Worth, I’ve got a sermon titled, WHY JOHN WESLEY GOT KICKED OUT OF THE METHODIST CHURCH. At 5:00 on Saturday, the Ax Of The Apostles will be debuting a current contemporary Christian chart-topper, “Everything Glorious.” At 8:30 and 10:00 on Sunday, the St. Andrew’s Singers will offer the Charles Wesley classic, “Jesus, Lover Of My Soul.” All three worship hours will also feature a great song called “Take My Heart (Holiness)” and the Leon Adams arrangement of one of my favorite hymns: “Blessed Assurance.” “Methodist Pie” gets thrown into the musical mix, as well and we think we have the recipe for a delicious weekend of worship.


Bruce preaching: WEDDING AT CANA

Also titled: Why Nancy Does Most Of The Weddings At St. Andrew’s

Speaking of Nancy, Lord willing, the cast comes off her arm today.

If you’re a Vietnam Veteran, I’d like to hear from you regarding my Memorial Weekend plans.,



BELLS----55 bells plus many added instruments

BROWNIES-----Cream Cheese, chocolate chip, peanut butter, chocolate raspberry, zebra brownies plus lemon bars

BROADWAY---Lion King, Mary Poppins, LeRoy Anderson In Concert

Who could ask for anything more?

May, 4th at 3:00 p.m. THE AMBASSADOR HANDBELL CHOIR is presenting a great Broadway concert with brownies and bars as an added extra for the concert. We also will be giving away a few great prizes and we have an added extra surprise for those attending. Come join us on May 4th. You will be glad you did.


#5 in the 23 item GALLUP MEMBERSHIP ENGAGEMENT SURVEY reads: The spiritual leaders in my church seem to care about me as a person. I was pleased to see that Saints of Andrew responded well to this one. On the 1 (Strongly Disagree) to 5 (Strongly Agree) scale, the Gallup Mean Score is 3.78. St. Andrew’s came in at 4.16. Nancy and I both grew up in small town churches. One of our goals is to bring small church values of caring and personal relationship to the large church experience. I like to think the #5 values are reflected at every level of our congregational life. If you’re among the 1.22 who feel as if you’re not cared for as a person, please let us know how we can correct that.


MIKE P. asks: Can you please add my father, Rex P. (in Ft. Collins, CO), to the prayer request list? He recently suffered a small heart attack and is scheduled for bypass surgery on Tues, May 6.


And are we yet alive

And see each other’s face?

Glory and thanks to Jesus give

For his almighty grace.

Let us take up the cross

Till we the crown obtain

And gladly reckon all things loss

So we may Jesus gain

--AND ARE WE YET ALIVE, Charles Wesley
