Thursday, August 31, 2006

Falling Asleep

Dear Saints Of Andrew:
This SundaySeptember 3, 2006Nancy preaching:TAKE GOD TO WORK WITH YOU
On this one year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, we’ll be sending this Sunday’s communion offering to our brothers and sisters of the Gretna United Methodist Church, just across the river from New Orleans. If you would like to donate, put your offering in the basket at the communion table.
I’m having a strange week. A rare bout of summer bronchitis has been a bummer. Last Friday, after another largely sleepless night of coughing, I went to the doctor and told him I had to be functional for “Superman” weekend. He put me on some stuff that has stopped the cough in its tracks. That’s the good news. On the debit side, I’ve been walking around in a haze. I’ve found myself in conversations this week where I knew the other person was talking, but I couldn’t quite follow. Then I fell asleep at a District meeting yesterday morning. It’s kind of embarrassing to have the superintendent wake you up. This morning, I’m still on the antibiotic, but have forgone the cough syrup, so we’ll see if I can form a few complete thoughts today.
We’ve got some internal reorganization going on. Nothing earth shattering, but we always like to keep you abreast of what's happening at St. Andrew's. The bulletins these days are being done by Heather D., who many of you know as the friendly face at our front desk, as well as from her vocal work on Sunday morning. (Heather had the high note in “Four Legged Friend.”) Steve G. is doing the Power Point slides for worship. Volunteer Carrie T. is doing great work with the web site. I’m organizing the newsletter. Judy H. will be joining the staff, doing general secretarial work twenty hours a week.On the music side, changes in Pam F.’s teaching schedule have prompted some alterations in our leadership model. Leon A. will be giving overall supervision to the program. Adam W. will take the baton as director of our Chancel Choir. Pam will serve as the leader of our Children’s and Youth music ministries. We look forward to the Chancel Choir’s fall debut on Sept. 10. We’ve got some great new folks involved this year. We’d love to see you at practice this Wednesday evening, 7:00.
DAN and DONNA T. write: They have furniture to donate to a good cause. Two bedroom sets, bunk beds, for kids. Old chairs and couch. Items can be picked up at their house on South 163rd Street. Call Dan or Donna to see what's available. They continue to own two homes and are valiantly trying to sell their home on South 163rd Street. Please keep them in your prayers and pray the right family will discover their wonderful house and make it their home.
FROM NETTA P.: Just a reminder Steppin’ Up Sunday is September 10. Tickets for Carabba’s Italian Grill (who will be catering lunch during the event) need to be purchased no later than this Sunday, September 3. They are available in the office if you are not going to be here this Sunday. Also, purchase your game tickets early for a special rate.Donations of 2 liter bottles of pop will be appreciated! Please bring to the church office prior to September 10. Steppin’ up Sunday September 10 8:00 Traditional 9:15 & 10:45 Contemporarywith The Stepping Saints Drum Corp.Message: “Light My Fire!”All children and Youth step up to their next grade level!Invite a friend to church day!Adults can “Light their fire” by stepping up to new ministry opportunitiesEat lunch served by Carabba’s Italian Grill!Menu Includes: Salad, Chicken Marsala and side of Penne Pomodoro Adults: $6.00Children 10 and under: $3.00 Tickets must be purchased 1 week prior to event. Available in Rotunda.Experience the inflatables and fun games! Early bird tickets: 5 for $1.00 Day of event: 4 for $1.00Double Slide: 4 ticketsTeam Challenge: 4 ticketsKiddie Caterpillar: 4 ticketsMoon Walk: 4 tickets Face Painting: 2 tickets Purchase your tickets in the rotunda today!Adults: Step up and give of your time and talents in the classrooms. We are still 40 teachers/helpers short.
NANCY D. writes: ATTENTION! 2007 CONFIRMATION CLASS (EIGHTH GRADERS) AND FAMILIES! Our new Director of Youth Ministries, Bob D., and I are planning a special outing for confirmation class members and families on Sunday, September 17, at Camp Fontanelle. We will leave St. Andrew’s at 10:00 that morning and will worship with other youth and families at the camp at 11:00. Following worship, there will be a bar-b-que (no charge but a donation is requested to cover cost of the food). After lunch, the parents will be invited to meet with to discuss the upcoming confirmation class schedule while the youth will be able to participate in many activities including swimming, archery, sand volleyball, Frisbee golf, basketball, hiking, tree climbing and crafts. We will plan to leave the camp around 3:00. Camp Fontanelle is located in Nickerson, Nebraska, about 45 minutes from St. Andrew’s. Siblings of class members could certainly attend and enjoy the afternoon’s activities as well. To reserve space for your family, contact me as soon as possible by e-mail or by calling the church office . I will also want to know if your family would be able to take any extra people in your vehicle in case we have some who need rides. Call me with questions. Hope everyone can join us for this time of fun and fellowship at Fontanelle!
BLESSING OF THE ANIMALS IS SCHEDULED FOR SEPTEMBER 23 AT 10:00 A.M. Bring your pets (cats, dogs, gerbils, hamsters, etc.) to church that morning for a short time of worship and a special blessing out on our lawn. If you have questions, please contact Pastor Nancy.
James 1:17-27 Every generous act of giving, with every perfect gift, is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change. In fulfillment of his own purpose he gave us birth by the word of truth, so that we would become a kind of first fruits of his creatures. You must understand this, my beloved: let everyone be quick to listen, slow to speak, slow to anger; for your anger does not produce God's righteousness. Therefore rid yourselves of all sordidness and rank growth of wickedness, and welcome with meekness the implanted word that has the power to save your souls. But be doers of the word, and not merely hearers who deceive themselves. For if any are hearers of the word and not doers, they are like those who look at themselves in a mirror; for they look at themselves and, on going away, immediately forget what they were like. But those who look into the perfect law, the law of liberty, and persevere, being not hearers who forget but doers who act--they will be blessed in their doing. If any think they are religious, and do not bridle their tongues but deceive their hearts, their religion is worthless. Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to care for orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

A Mighty Fortress

Dear Saints Of Andrew:

We welcome new readers to A-Mail. We send these electronic epistles out a couple of times a week. If you ever want off the list, please let us know.
Our newest members:

Kim and Michaela C. and their son Parker
Kim and Michaela are both employed by Starlight Medical
Michaela also works at Helzberg Diamonds

Jeff and Ginny H., and daughters Melissa and daughter Suzi.
Jeff is a Family Doctor with Alegent
Ginny is a self-employed artist – paints pets!!
Melissa is a grad. student at the New School in New York City.
Suzi has returned to college at Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville.
Baptized Sunday were:
KAITLYN PAIGE W., daughter of Justin & Cary W.
MARIA KAY and OLIVIA MARIE M., daughters of Steve & Kelli M.
I just finished the sports category for TRIVIA NIGHT. Trivia Night sign Ups look to be very strong. Trivia Night is scheduled for Friday evening, Sept. 8, 7:00. We’re asking $5 at the door. Child care will, of course, be provided. If you want to attend, please sign up this Sunday at the Hospitality Desk in the Rotunda, or via return e-mail.
September 10, 5:00-6:30
Designed for persons interested in moving toward membership at St. Andrew’s. It’s helpful to know how many to plan for. Please sign up this Sunday at the Hospitality Desk in the Rotunda or respond via return e-mail.
My daughter, Mary, and her husband, Remi Teissier du Cros, were with us over the weekend. The newlyweds live in Bordeaux, France. This was Remi’s first visit to the American heartland. I was very interested in Mary’s reaction to the service. She said she particularly appreciated singing “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God.” A decade ago, worship theory was urging a steady diet of “contemporary” music. More recently, a new wave of young Christian leaders, most notably Dan Kimball, has been counseling congregations to look for a “blend” of contemporary and traditional, noting that young people in Mary and Remi’s age group are likely to be attracted to historic forms of Christian worship. A decade ago, says Kimball, people were drawn to the message of “God loves you.” Now, the issue is taken one step beyond, “Yes, God loves me--but what does that mean?” This suits me just fine, as I have long been a proponent of “blended” worship. I love the new generation of praise songs, I also find great meaning in the timeless hymns and liturgies of the historic church. I don’t see it as “either/or,” I see it as “both/and.” And at St. Andrew’s, thanks to the arranging gifts of Leon Adams, we have the added option of updating older material, as was the case a couple of weeks ago with “Stand By Me.”
SUPERMAN, THE SERMON can be found on the St. Andrew’s web site: Go to the home page. You’ll see a list of links on your left. Click on Sermons.
CRAIG B. writes: ATTENTION RUNNERS & WALKERS! We are still looking for runners and walkers for the upcoming Omaha Corporate Cup on September, 17th. If you would like to register and be a part of this wonderful event, here is the link to go to :;jessionid=f030b2e3cad8224b504f?id=1092 The cost is $25 per person. We will be meeting up at the church at 6:45am that morning and all riding down there together. If you have any questions about this event, please do not hesitate to contact me THANKS!
PASTOR CHARLOTTE asks: Prayers for Bertha F., in rehab, with a broken foot, due to a fall. Prayers of joy for Mark and Brooke T., in the recent birth of a son, Owen Michael. Prayers for Adam Blaylock, serving in Iraq (Carrie T.’s son). Prayers for Jr. L., hospitalized for over a month with a massive brain tumor (LeAnn C.’s brother). Continued prayers for Isaac, who has had rehab and will need more, home for now (Bill P.s’ nephew).
Prayers for Charlotte M., recently diagnosed with lung cancer, preparing for surgery on September 6th (Sandra R.’s step-mother). Prayers for Pam F., recently diagnosed with cancer (Lisa C.’s mother). Prayers for Dorothy W., who is actively dying (Robert H.’s aunt). Prayers for Don K., preparing for surgery on September 6th (friend of Pastor Charlotte).
Mark 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23
Now when the Pharisees and some of the scribes who had come from Jerusalem gathered around him, they noticed that some of his disciples were eating with defiled hands, that is, without washing them. (For the Pharisees, and all the Jews, do not eat unless they thoroughly wash their hands, thus observing the tradition of the elders; and they do not eat anything from the market unless they wash it; and there are also many other traditions that they observe, the washing of cups, pots, and bronze kettles.) So the Pharisees and the scribes asked him, "Why do your disciples not live according to the tradition of the elders, but eat with defiled hands?" He said to them, "Isaiah prophesied rightly about you hypocrites, as it is written, 'This people honors me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me; in vain do they worship me, teaching human precepts as doctrines.' You abandon the commandment of God and hold to human tradition."

Then he called the crowd again and said to them, "Listen to me, all of you, and understand: there is nothing outside a person that by going in can defile, but the things that come out are what defile."

For it is from within, from the human heart, that evil intentions come: fornication, theft, murder, adultery, avarice, wickedness, deceit, licentiousness, envy, slander, pride, folly. All these evil things come from within, and they defile a person."

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Teacher Recruitment

Dear Saints Of Andrew:

August 27, 2006
Music will include a Leon Adams arrangement of Superman Over The Decades and Greg W. singing “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God.”
It was fun being up here last night. We had a great group out for the first choir practice of the new season, and the Bob Davis Open House was very well attended. Our new youth director even has his own e-address now. Since bdavis was already taken, he is On a related note, Nancy tells us: YOUTH PARENTS ADVISORY BOARD AND YOUTH COUNCIL ARE WELL STAFFED NOW. THANKS TO ALL WHO HAVE VOLUNTEERED.
Nancy and I look forward to inaugurating TRIVIA NIGHT at St. Andrew’s, Friday evening, Sept. 8. We’ll start at 7:00. Five bucks at the door will cover refreshments and other stuff. We’ll be dividing into teams. Some are recruiting teams, but if you show up by yourself, we’ll assign you to a team and it will be a great way to get to know some new people. There will ten categories, ranging from history to movies to music, with a Bible category as well. After each question is asked, team members confer, write a single answer on a sheet of paper. After each category, the answer sheets are collected. It will be helpful to know how many to plan for, so please sign up this Sunday or reply via return e-mail.
Sunday School Leadership Opportunities! We are ready to begin on Steppin’ Up Sunday! Please prayerfully consider getting involved by leading our children/youth in their spiritual development! We look forward to hearing from you soon!
Bob D., Director of Youth Ministries
Netta P., Director of Children’s Ministries and Margie W., Children’s Ministry Assistant

Sunday School Teachers/Helpers: (36 still needed)
(rotate every other month)
____Preschool: 1 helper
____Kindergarten: 1 helper
____2nd Grade: 1 teacher
____4th Grade: 1 teacher/1 helper
____5th Grade: 1 teacher/2 helpers
____6th,-7th Grades: 1 teacher/1 helper
____8-12th Grades: 2 Facilitators for
small group discussions after youth worship
____Registration Desk/Security: 4 adults

____Preschool: 2 teachers/2 helpers
____Pre-Kind: 2 helpers
____Kind.-1st Grades: 1 teacher/2 helpers
____2nd/3rd Grades: 1 teacher/2 helpers
____4th/5th Grades: 2 teachers/2 helpers
____Registration Desk/Security: 4 adults

Steppin’ Up Sunday
(1 hour commitments)
____Ticket Takers: 18 adults or youth
____Paint Facing Person: 3 adults/youth
____Ticket Sales: 3 adults
____Snow Cone Maker: 3 adults


Please e-mail or call Netta, Margie or Bob.

St Andrew's Presents the 7th Annual Dinner Auction:
"A Night at the Oscars"
November 17th, 2006, Champions Run Country Club
Buy tickets now through September & be eligible for a special drawing!
We are looking for donations, including: sporting events/memorabilia, entertainment, house wares, holiday, children's items, jewelry
We would greatly welcome frequent flier miles & Hotel points!
Please call if you want to volunteer & can help with any above items.
Kevin & Stacey F.
PASTOR CHARLOTTE asks: Prayers of sympathy for Nancy D. and her family, in the recent passing of her Aunt Wilma. Prayers for Matt K., who has returned to the hospital due to a drop in his sodium level – medications are working against each other (Gregg G.’s son-in-law). Prayers of joy for Marsha and Lance L., on the recent birth of a daughter, Melissa (friends of Shelly and Scott L.). Prayers for Bill E., ill with cellulitis (Marcia K.’s father).
I’m not a golfer, but I was watching some of the PGA action on Sunday afternoon. As Tiger Woods finished the front nine in fine fashion, a commentator said something to this effect: “He has accepted each shot and prepared himself for the next.” Wherever your latest shot at life has landed you--be in on the green, in a bunker, in the fairway, or way off in the trees--that shot has already been made. The important shot is the next one. At St. Andrew’s, we’d love to help you prepare for that next shot. Won’t you join us for worship and fellowship? This Sunday, the 27th, I’m in the pulpit with “SUPERMAN!” The sermon won’t be faster than a speeding bullet, but I like it will be powerful. Between now and then, try to shoot at least par, don’t be afraid to go for a birdie, and even should you get a triple-bogie, remember, the Lord loves you and so do we.
God bless

Welcome Bob Davis

Dear Saints Of Andrew:

We welcome new readers to A-MAIL. If you ever want off this list, just let us know.
Speaking of welcome, some terrific new folks were joined to St. Andrew’s on Sunday, including KAYLA P. and NATE W. (who will be married here in September), KEN & CATHY D., MARTIN E., KARA K.E, JOSHUA & JESSICA R., and ROB & JANE W.
We are blessed.

The GREAT DAY OF MUSIC was clearly a big hit. Look for this to become an annual event. I hope the timing whetted some appetites toward getting involved in the St. Andrew’s music ministry. The St. Andrew’s Singers begin a new season of practice tomorrow evening (Wednesday) at 7:15.
United Methodists are in shock at the passing of Bishop Rhymes Moncure. He was 61 years old. Bishop Moncure had recently been diagnosed with a brain tumor and there were surgery complications. Rhymes served as the Nebraska Area bishop from 2000-2004. Like Nancy and me, he was from Missouri. In fact, he had been our District Superintendent in St. Louis and was among the officiates (along with current Nebraska Bishop, Ann Sherer) at our wedding. Rhymes was one of the finest preachers I ever knew, with a gift for meeting people and making them feel valued.
Between Carrie T. and myself, we’re having a lot of fun with the web site, including weekly updates to the home page. One of our members said we need to make the St. Andrew’s web page a “destination.” I liked the sound of that.
It’s good to have Bob D. around this week, his first week on the job as Director of Youth Ministries. We invite you to come and meet him tomorrow night (Wednesday) at an Open House, here at the church, 6:30-8:30.
CRAIG B. writes: ARE YOU A RUNNER? Would you be interested in being a part of a St. Andrews running “team”? We are trying to put together a group of St. Andrews runners to participate in the upcoming Omaha Corporate Cup. It will be held September, 17th. You can either run 6.2 miles or walk 2 miles. Your choice! In order to put a team together, we will need to act quickly! The deadline for getting a team entered is September 1st. If you would be interested, please contact Craig B. no later than 8/28. The team fee is $230 and will be split between all who participate, so the more that run/walk the cheaper it is for all!
CHARLOTTE M. asks: Prayers of sympathy for the family of Herb C. in his recent passing (Ed C.’s brother). Prayers for Doug H., recovering from cancer surgery (Mickey V.’s son-in-law). Prayers for Brooke T.e, recovering from a broken foot, preparing for the arrival of a new baby on August 25th; pray, also, for her husband, Mark. Prayers for Shawna R., preparing for the arrival of a new baby on September 1st; pray, also, for her husband, Corey. Prayers of joy for Matthew and Tina K., in the recent birth of a son, Isaac Matthew (grandson of Darlene and Gregg G.). Prayers for Chad, who is fighting lymphoma (Orv and Darlene S.’s son’s friend). Prayers of sympathy for Bob and Betty D., in the recent passing of their son, Michael (friends of Orv and Darlene S.). Prayers for Debbie S., who is battling breast cancer (sister of Anne L.). Prayers for Gerald R., ill at home; pray for relief from pain and returning strength. Prayers of sympathy for the family and friends of Bishop Rhymes Moncure, in his recent passing (former Bishop of the Nebraska Area, serving as Bishop of the Dallas Area).
John 1:1-9
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things came into being through him, and without him not one thing came into being. What has come into being in him was life, and the life was the light of all people. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it.

Friday, August 18, 2006


Dear Saints Of Andrew:


CALLING ALL 2007 CONFIRMATION STUDENTS AND PARENTS. The Paint-A-Thon is now rescheduled for next Saturday, August 26. Those who wish to work in this event should meet at the church at 8:00. Parents will be needed to provide transportation to the site. A couple of parents are also needed to help with the work that day. This project is not required for confirmation students but I hope many of you will want to participate and use this as a service project for your confirmation work. If you have questions, please call Bill P. Pastor Nancy

Thursday, August 17, 2006


Dear Saints Of Andrew:

This is Pastor Bruce writing on Wednesday evening, August 16. There’s a whole lot of music going on in the sanctuary tonight, as people are preparing for this Sunday’s GREAT DAY OF MUSIC. In addition to offering songs of joy and praise for the sake of joy and praise, we’re also hoping to excite others to get involved in our music ministry this fall. I’m having fun this week, working on my sermon August 27. No, it’s not about a bird. No, not about a plane, either. It’s SUPERMAN, THE SERMON. And I hope you’ve got September 10 marked on your calendar, STEPPIN’ UP SUNDAY. In the spirit of the one for whom this congregation is named, we invite you to come and see what the Lord is doing in and through St. Andrew’s United Methodist Church. God bless, BRD
Does anybody out there have a CD with the original radio version of “I Can’t Stop Loving You,” by Ray Charles?
So far we have heard from two guys and two gals for the Youth Council. We have two 11th graders, one 9th grader, and one 8th grader. What’s up with the 7th graders, the 10th graders and the 12th graders? We really need about ten people altogether. Let me hear from you right away! Pastor Nancy
SHEILA C. writes: Time is running out for anyone who still may be thinking of joining our training class for BeFriender Ministry. The session is scheduled to begin next Thursday evening, August 24th, and meet weekly for 8 weeks. If you want to be a part of this class or just ask questions about what it means to be a BeFriender, please contact me TODAY! Thanks.
Friday evening, September 8, 7:00
A Bruce & Nancy Davis production
Categories will include movies, music, Bible, history and lots of other fun stuff
Sign up this Sunday. Admission is $5 at the door.
PSALM 111: Hallelujah! I will give thanks to the LORD with my whole heart, in the assembly of the upright, in the congregation. Great are the deeds of the LORD! They are studied by all who delight in them. His work is full of majesty and splendor, and his righteousness endures for ever. He makes his marvelous works to be remembered; the LORD is gracious and full of compassion. He gives food to those who fear him; he is ever mindful of his covenant. He has shown his people the power of his works in giving them the lands of the nations. The works of his hands are faithfulness and justice; all his commandments are sure. They stand fast for ever and ever, because they are done in truth and equity. He sent redemption to his people; he commanded his covenant for ever; holy and awesome is his Name. The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; those who act accordingly have a good understanding; his praise endures for ever.

P.S. The August edition of THE PASSAGE should be in homes about now. If you don't receive a copy, let us know.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Light St. Andrew's

Dear Saints Of Andrew:

We welcome new readers to A-Mail. Should you ever want off the list, please advise. In the meantime, we do enjoy sending these your way and appreciate your readership.
THE GREAT DAY OF MUSIC IS THIS SUNDAY! All three services this Sunday will focus on the talents of our musical members – singers and instrumentalists. The sermon will be replaced by a short meditation on why we sing, and the rest of the service will be music, music, music. We will also share in some hymns and praise songs. Among those who will be sharing: Heather D., Bill and Gene W., Leon A. and Erin C., Pam F. (singing the Lord’s Prayer), Alex B. (doing the “Gethsemane” song from “Jesus Christ, Superstar”), Ron W. and Jim W., St. Andrew’s Handbell Choir, The Ladies’ Ensemble, The Sanctifications and others. It will be a great day of music and we look forward to seeing you then!

LIGHT ST. ANDREW'S: The Reckless Abandon Players and Youth Abandon Players Drama Team is sponsoring this great project to help raise funds for the lighting needs of St. Andrew's. The project will cost around $15,000. This includes the lighting of the new sign on Maple Street (both internal and external), and the main entrance into the Sanctuary/Rotunda. The street sign is not visible at night and the main entrance is completely dark. The safety concern of the main entrance is enhanced with all the kids that will be attending church functions and Upward Basketball in the evenings. Especially with fall/winter darkness coming, we need to get the lighting installed.

Attend The Breakfast Club Sunday, August 20th: During all three services attend this months Breakfast Club pancake feed sponsored by the Drama Team. We will have a free will offering with 100% of the proceeds going to the Light St. Andrew's project. Special Donation: Consider giving a separate donation to this worthy cause. Please contact Adrian A., or we will collect them on Sunday at the Breakfast. If you decide to send in a check, send it in to Cami P. and write Light St. Andrew's on the memo line.

God Bless you for your consideration.
THE REVEREND NANCY D. WRITES: CALLING ALL YOUTH DADS! So far we have several moms who have volunteered for our Youth Advisory Board to work with our new Youth Director. Where are the dads? Aren’t the dads interested in helping with this? I promise we will try our best to schedule the meetings so you can attend. We really need an equal number of dads and moms and so far the moms are way ahead. Also, where are the youth guys? Again, the girls are coming forward and so far one guy. Come on, guys, this is your youth program, too! Call or e-mail me to sign up! And do it NOW! Pastor Nancy
Come Join the BELL CHOIR! We're having fun making music, and would like for you to join us. The bell choir practices on Monday's at 5:30 and is a part of the Sunday services once a month. If you are interested in learning more about joining the bell choir, contact Joyce M.
PASTOR BRUCE asks: Please keep my uncle, the Reverend Harry D, in your prayers. Harry is a retired United Methodist pastor who has spent his ministry in the Kansas City area. I suppose he’s about 90 now and has been recently diagnosed with cancer.
Be looking in your mailbox this week for another exciting edition of THE PASSAGE, St. Andrew’s monthly newsletter. If you are NOT receiving THE PASSAGE, please let us know.
If you know what fictional character is faster than a speeding bullet, you need to sign up for TRIVIA NIGHT, Friday evening, Sept. 8, 7:00. Or you can e-register via return e-mail. Admission is $5 at the door.
I Kings 3:13-13
Solomon loved the LORD, walking in the statutes of his father David; only, he sacrificed and offered incense at the high places. The king went to Gibeon to sacrifice there, for that was the principal high place; Solomon used to offer a thousand burnt offerings on that altar. At Gibeon the LORD appeared to Solomon in a dream by night; and God said, "Ask what I should give you." And Solomon said, "You have shown great and steadfast love to your servant my father David, because he walked before you in faithfulness, in righteousness, and in uprightness of heart toward you; and you have kept for him this great and steadfast love, and have given him a son to sit on his throne today. And now, O LORD my God, you have made your servant king in place of my father David, although I am only a little child; I do not know how to go out or come in. And your servant is in the midst of the people whom you have chosen, a great people, so numerous they cannot be numbered or counted. Give your servant therefore an understanding mind to govern your people, able to discern between good and evil; for who can govern this your great people?"

It pleased the Lord that Solomon had asked this. God said to him, "Because you have asked this, and have not asked for yourself long life or riches, or for the life of your enemies, but have asked for yourself understanding to discern what is right, I now do according to your word. Indeed I give you a wise and discerning mind; no one like you has been before you and no one like you shall arise after you. I give you also what you have not asked, both riches and honor all your life; no other king shall compare with you. If you will walk in my ways, keeping my statutes and my commandments, as your father David walked, then I will lengthen your life."
COMMENTARY: The Lord, having told Solomon to make one wish, is pleased that Solomon asks for wisdom. Solomon will indeed receive great wisdom, expanding the kingdom of Israel. Alas, having turned wisdom into honor and riches, Solomon takes a corrupt and tragic turn leading to ruin, both for himself and the nation. Friends, as you drive down the highway of life, stay in the lane marked “wisdom,” lest you wind up in a head-on collision with folly.

Friday, August 11, 2006


Dear Saints Of Andrew:

This is Bruce Davis saying we look forward to seeing you this Sunday, August 13, as we enter the "GRASSLANDS." We've got some neat music planned. Remember, it's a Pizza With The Pastors Sunday, and if you've been considering joining St. Andrew's, we invite you to be with us from 5:00 to 6:30; if you haven't signed up for PWP yet, please do so Sunday morning or respond via return e-mail. We'll also be taking sign ups for Trivia Night (Sept. 8) and The Gala Dinner Auction (November 17). Also note, the BREAKFAST CLUB, which normally offers a morning meal on the second Sunday of each month will this month be serving on the third Sunday, as in the 20th.

Hope to see you on the Sabbath!

P.S. Does anyone out there have a copy of Sgt. Pepper on CD I could borrow for a week or so?

Thursday, August 10, 2006

The Rev. Mrs. Davis Speaks

Dear Saints Of Andrew:

This Sunday
August 13, 2006
Bruce preaching:
Matthew 7:24-27; Psalm 90
This is a PIZZA WITH THE PASTORS Sunday, 5:00-6:30. If you’d like to be involved in conversation about moving toward membership in the congregation, please respond via return e-mail and we’ll set a place for you.
The Breakfast Club, normally scheduled for the second Sunday of each month, will, in August, offer great wake up food on the third Sunday, instead. This Sunday, Adrian A. will tell us how the August 20 Breakfast Club will be the kick-off for what we’re calling, “Lighting Up St. Andrew’s.”

St. Andrew’s has a new Youth Director. His name is BOB D. and he will officially start on August 21. We will have an open house reception to give everyone a chance to meet him on August 23 from 6:30-8:30 in the church rotunda. Bruce and I are both very excited about having Bob join the staff. He brings with him extensive experience in working with youth and family situations.

Bruce and I want to thank the task force, chaired by Deb H., for their work in finding a new Youth Director for us. They met several times to interview applicants and discuss the needs of St. Andrew’s youth and families. Members of the task force were: Trevor T., Erin C., Cathi R., Nancy B., and Nate U.

I know that our youth families have lots of questions about how we are going to proceed in the immediate future with youth ministry. Bob and I are working to get several things in order to help make that process move smoothly. First of all, for those of you who are parents of kids who will be part of the 2007 CONFIRMATION CLASS (eighth graders) there will be one immediate change in scheduling. I have been teaching confirmation for almost 25 years and my preferred way to do this is to hold a 15-16 week class beginning in January. So our 2007 class will begin on January 7 and will meet during the 10:45 worship hour on Sunday mornings. Several of you have already registered your kids for confirmation and I will just hold onto those registrations as we prepare for January. Any of you who have eighth graders are encouraged to go ahead and register as well, so we will have your kids’ names and information as we plan for January. If you have questions about this, please call me. Some of you may also want to know about the PAINT-A-THON that Michael scheduled as a required activity for confirmation students. This will not be a requirement this year but since it has been scheduled I am hoping that many of you will still participate. You can find out about this by calling Bill P. This event is scheduled for August 19.

I am also going to be forming two councils to aid Bob in his work. One will be a PARENTS’ ADVISORY COUNCIL. This group of twelve will meet monthly with Bob to give feedback and ideas for ministry. This group will also be asked at various times to help enlist volunteers and chaperones for events. If you are a parent of a youth (6th grade through 12th) and would like to serve on this group, please call me right away, as I want to get this council together as soon as possible (only one parent per family, please). I would like to have a good mixture of parents from both middle and senior high classes.

The second council I will form will be a YOUTH COUNCIL, made up of representatives from each of the classes in the youth group. This group will also work with Bob on developing programs, as well as developing policies for handling problems that might arise within the group. If you are a member of our youth group and would like to serve on this council, will you please call me (one youth per family, please). I am hopeful that we can get these two councils started as soon as possible so call me right away..

As to other programs for youth, please keep an eye on A-mails, Sunday bulletins, and newsletters. We will let you know about these things as soon as they are put together. If you have questions or concerns about the program, please call or e-mail me so we can discuss them.

Grace and Peace,
THIS IS BRUCE AGAIN. I’M REPEATING THE FOLLOWING ARTICLE, WHICH APPEARED ON MONDAY, BECAUSE THERE WERE APPARENTLY SOME ERRORS IN TRANSMISSION: As announced last week in this space, we have hired a new youth director. I’ve been very confident about the search. Within twenty-four hours of the initial posting we had a great candidate—though not the one who was ultimately chosen. Bob (no relation) D. surfaced at about the two week mark. Bob brought some very exciting gifts to the conversation. First and foremost, he has lots of experience working with youth, specifically through Boys & Girls Town and Lutheran Family Services. My experience in ministry has led me to put youth in two categories: kids at risk and kids at potential risk. The most “together” young person can fall apart so fast. The prospect of bringing someone on staff with a track record of working with “at risk” kids was very appealing to me. Nancy checked out his references and heard glowing reports of how well Bob relates to young people. These are things that can’t be taught. Bob does not have experience working on a church staff; happily, that CAN be taught. Nancy operates as Chief of Staff around here, and she will be supervising Bob’s program of education, putting him in touch with veteran youth leaders and youth specialty training opportunities. It may not surprise you that Nancy and I have some definite ideas about youth ministry and the prospect of “teaching” Bob adds to our excitement. And Bob brings this as well: a genuine, heart-felt faith. He is married to a terrific woman, Tammy, who is herself on staff at Boys & Girls town, and is extremely supportive. They have two live-wire little girls. We are really going to enjoy these people. BRD
St Andrew's Presents the 7th Annual Dinner Auction:
"A Night at the Oscars"
November 17th, 2006, Champions Run Country Club
Buy tickets now through September & be eligible for a special drawing!
We are looking for donations, including: sporting events/memorabilia, entertainment, house wares, holiday, children's items, jewelry. We would greatly welcome frequent flier miles & Hotel points! Please call if you want to volunteer & can help with any above items: Kevin & Stacey F., Greg & Pam T.
NETTA P. writes: VBS decorations came home today from being on tour in surrounding areas. Since they left St. Andrew's after Fiesta, here are the churches and children that were blessed with their presence: (I know I lost track of them at some points but this is what I know!) New Life Baptist Church, Thanksgiving Lutheran Church, Covenant Presb. Church, Grace UMC/La Casa del Pueblo, and 16th & Castelar Presb. Church. WOW! From my best guess, they visited about 794 kids! Thanks Wendy L. and her great team who made this happen! What a great outreach!
Pastor Charlotte asks: Prayers for Denise J.’s Aunt Carol, whose cancer has appeared in five places; she is on chemotherapy.
Psalm 90: 1-6, Lord, you have been our dwelling place in all generations. Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever you had formed the earth and the world, from everlasting to everlasting you are God. You turn us back to dust, and say, ‘Turn back, you mortals.’ For a thousand years in your sight are like yesterday when it is past, or like a watch in the night. You sweep them away; they are like a dream, like grass that is renewed in the morning; in the morning it flourishes and is renewed; in the evening it fades and withers…

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Searching & Finding

Dear Saints Of Andrew:
We welcome new readers to A-MAIL. Should you ever desire NOT to receive these mailings, just let us know.
Our newest members are
LEE ANN C., and the brother and sister team of DAVID & GENA F.
This Sunday
August 13, 2006
Bruce preaching:
Matthew 7:24-27; Psalm 90
This is a PIZZA WITH THE PASTORS Sunday, 5:00-6:30, and if you’d like to be involved in conversation about moving toward membership in the congregation, please respond via return e-mail and we’ll set a place for you.
As announced last week in this space, we have hired a new youth director. I’ve been very confident about the search. Within twenty-four hours of the initial posting we had a great candidate—though not the one who was ultimately chosen. Bob (no relation) surfaced at about the two week mark. Bob brought some very exciting gifts to the conversation. First and foremost, he has lots of experience working with youth, specifically through and Lutheran Family Services. My experience in ministry has led me to put youth in two categories: kids at risk and kids at potential risk. The most “together” young person can fall apart so fast. The prospect of bringing someone on staff with a track record of working with “at risk” kids was very appealing to me. Checked out his references and heard glowing reports of how well Bob relates to young people. These are things that can’t be taught. Bob does not have experience working on a church staff; happily, that CAN be taught. operates as Chief of Staff around here, and she’ll be supervising Bob’s program of education, putting him in touch with veteran youth leaders and youth specialty training opportunities. It may not surprise you that Nancy and I have some definite ideas about youth ministry and the prospect of “teaching” Bob adds to our excitement. And Bob brings this as well: a genuine, heart-felt faith. He is married to a terrific woman, Tammy, who is herself on staff at Boys & Girls town, and is extremely supportive. They have two live-wire little girls. We are really going to enjoy these people.
The new pictorial directories are out. Many thanks to Judy W., who got the project started, and Pat M., who led the “finishing touches” stage. We’ve found some errors, omissions and such already. That’s the nature of putting such a book together, but also reflects issues with our data base and record keeping that became painfully evident during the capital campaign. This summer, Diana F. and I have been going through the computer rolls, name by name, to make sure our lists are accurate, with many corrections already made.
As part of STEPPING UP WEEKEND, on Friday, September 8, St. Andrew’s will host an evening of fun and fellowship: TRIVIA NIGHT. This is an event Bruce and Nancy have used in previous setting with great success. Here’s how it operates. We’ll have ten categories of ten questions each. People are seated at tables (you can bring a team of up to eight persons, or we’ll assign you a table/team when you get there). After each question, the table confers, coming up with a single answer, written on an answer sheet. After each category, the sheets are collected, with a tally kept. We’ll start at 7:00. There will be pop corn, sodas and such for refreshments. Child care, of course, will be provided. We’ll asks five dollars per person to help cover costs. To register, sign up in the Rotunda on Sunday morning or e-mail Pastor Bruce.
DENISE J. writes: The Benevolent Bus Transportation Ministry is a health ministry that was formed to aid those needing transportation to/from health related appointments and to give respite to family members. We are currently looking for a someone to serve on the committee as well as be a driver. We also are in desperate need for volunteer drivers. Please prayerfully consider this ministry as it truly is a blessing to those whom we help along with their family members. Here is an excerpt from a family member whom we have helped:
“The Benevolent Bus Ministry means so much to us that it is hard to fully express what a wonderful blessing the folk are, who give of themselves in this way. There are times when, either because of an illness or work schedule, I am unable to get my family member to an important medical appointment. It is then that an SOS call goes out to a driver and, with grace and dignity, the appointment is kept. What a relief to us that we need not cancel at such times. What a blessing it is to not have to add to an already overcrowded and backed-up schedule! The wonderful way the drivers relate to us, is a witness to the love of God in our lives. Thank you for your faithfulness to God and your church family, in this way.”If you are interested in riding or being a driver, please contact Denise .
DIANA F. writes: Great News!!! The response has been so great that we have added a second Disciple I class on Sunday evenings. There is still space in the Wednesday evening class as well. Disciple III will be offered on Sunday afternoons. There will not be a Disciple II or Disciple IV class this year. If you are interested in Disciple I or III, and these times works for you, contact Diana at by Wednesday, Aug. 9th.
PASTOR CHARLOTTE asks: Prayers of sympathy for the family and friends of Mary Ann M.d, in her recent passing (grandmother of Heather P.; friend of Pastor Charlotte). Prayers of sympathy for the family and friends of Amos N.n, in his recent passing, due to a motorcycle accident (nephew of Mary Ellen B). Prayers of sympathy for the family and friends of Cande B., in her recent death (Mary Ellen B.’s co-worker’s mother). Prayers for Bob N., recently diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease (brother of Dee H.). Prayers for Vernice J., hospitalized with pneumonia (mother of John J.). Prayers for Erik W., transferred to for AIT training (Stacy W.’s husband). Pray for peace in the Middle East. Pray for strength for our troops, serving in in extreme heat. Prayers for Susan B., recovering from surgery. Prayers for Ruth F., recently diagnosed with Lou Gehrig’s disease (mother of Dave and Gena F.).
Matthew 7:24-27
“Everyone then who hears these words of mine and acts on them will be like a wise man who built his house on rock.
The rain fell, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on rock. And everyone who hears these words of mine and does not act on them will be like a foolish man who built his house on sand. The rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell—and great was its fall!”

Searching & Finding

Dear Saints Of Andrew:

We welcome new readers to A-MAIL. Should you ever desire NOT to receive these mailings, just let us know.


Our newest members are

LEE ANN C., and the brother and sister team of DAVID & GENA F.


This Sunday

August 13, 2006

Bruce preaching:


Matthew 7:24-27; Psalm 90


This is a PIZZA WITH THE PASTORS Sunday, 5:00-6:30, and if you’d like to be involved in conversation about moving toward membership in the congregation, please respond via return e-mail and we’ll set a place for you.


As announced last week in this space, we have hired a new youth director. I’ve been very confident about the search. Within twenty-four hours of the initial posting we had a great candidate—though not the one who was ultimately chosen. Bob (no relation) surfaced at about the two week mark. Bob brought some very exciting gifts to the conversation. First and foremost, he has lots of experience working with youth, specifically through and Lutheran Family Services. My experience in ministry has led me to put youth in two categories: kids at risk and kids at potential risk. The most “together” young person can fall apart so fast. The prospect of bringing someone on staff with a track record of working with “at risk” kids was very appealing to me. Checked out his references and heard glowing reports of how well Bob relates to young people. These are things that can’t be taught. Bob does not have experience working on a church staff; happily, that CAN be taught. operates as Chief of Staff around here, and she’ll be supervising Bob’s program of education, putting him in touch with veteran youth leaders and youth specialty training opportunities. It may not surprise you that Nancy and I have some definite ideas about youth ministry and the prospect of “teaching” Bob adds to our excitement. And Bob brings this as well: a genuine, heart-felt faith. He is married to a terrific woman, Tammy, who is herself on staff at Boys & Girls town, and is extremely supportive. They have two live-wire little girls. We are really going to enjoy these people.


The new pictorial directories are out. Many thanks to Judy W., who got the project started, and Pat M., who led the “finishing touches” stage. We’ve found some errors, omissions and such already. That’s the nature of putting such a book together, but also reflects issues with our data base and record keeping that became painfully evident during the capital campaign. This summer, Diana F. and I have been going through the computer rolls, name by name, to make sure our lists are accurate, with many corrections already made.


As part of STEPPING UP WEEKEND, on Friday, September 8, St. Andrew’s will host an evening of fun and fellowship: TRIVIA NIGHT. This is an event Bruce and Nancy have used in previous setting with great success. Here’s how it operates. We’ll have ten categories of ten questions each. People are seated at tables (you can bring a team of up to eight persons, or we’ll assign you a table/team when you get there). After each question, the table confers, coming up with a single answer, written on an answer sheet. After each category, the sheets are collected, with a tally kept. We’ll start at 7:00. There will be pop corn, sodas and such for refreshments. Child care, of course, will be provided. We’ll asks five dollars per person to help cover costs. To register, sign up in the Rotunda on Sunday morning or e-mail Pastor Bruce.


DENISE J. writes: The Benevolent Bus Transportation Ministry is a health ministry that was formed to aid those needing transportation to/from health related appointments and to give respite to family members. We are currently looking for a someone to serve on the committee as well as be a driver. We also are in desperate need for volunteer drivers. Please prayerfully consider this ministry as it truly is a blessing to those whom we help along with their family members. Here is an excerpt from a family member whom we have helped:

The Benevolent Bus Ministry means so much to us that it is hard to fully express what a wonderful blessing the folk are, who give of themselves in this way. There are times when, either because of an illness or work schedule, I am unable to get my family member to an important medical appointment. It is then that an SOS call goes out to a driver and, with grace and dignity, the appointment is kept. What a relief to us that we need not cancel at such times. What a blessing it is to not have to add to an already overcrowded and backed-up schedule! The wonderful way the drivers relate to us, is a witness to the love of God in our lives. Thank you for your faithfulness to God and your church family, in this way.”

If you are interested in riding or being a driver, please contact Denise .


DIANA F. writes: Great News!!! The response has been so great that we have added a second Disciple I class on Sunday evenings. There is still space in the Wednesday evening class as well. Disciple III will be offered on Sunday afternoons. There will not be a Disciple II or Disciple IV class this year. If you are interested in Disciple I or III, and these times works for you, contact Diana at by Wednesday, Aug. 9th.


PASTOR CHARLOTTE asks: Prayers of sympathy for the family and friends of Mary Ann M.d, in her recent passing (grandmother of Heather P.; friend of Pastor Charlotte). Prayers of sympathy for the family and friends of Amos N.n, in his recent passing, due to a motorcycle accident (nephew of Mary Ellen B). Prayers of sympathy for the family and friends of Cande B., in her recent death (Mary Ellen B.’s co-worker’s mother). Prayers for Bob N., recently diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease (brother of Dee H.). Prayers for Vernice J., hospitalized with pneumonia (mother of John J.). Prayers for Erik W., transferred to for AIT training (Stacy W.’s husband). Pray for peace in the Middle East. Pray for strength for our troops, serving in in extreme heat. Prayers for Susan B., recovering from surgery. Prayers for Ruth F., recently diagnosed with Lou Gehrig’s disease (mother of Dave and Gena F.).


Matthew 7:24-27

“Everyone then who hears these words of mine and acts on them will be like a wise man who built his house on rock.

The rain fell, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on rock. And everyone who hears these words of mine and does not act on them will be like a foolish man who built his house on sand. The rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell—and great was its fall!”



Dear Saints Of Andrew:

We welcome new readers to A-MAIL. Should you ever desire NOT to receive these mailings, just let us know.


Our newest members are

LEE ANN C., and the brother and sister team of DAVID & GENA F.


This Sunday

August 13, 2006

Bruce preaching:


Matthew 7:24-27; Psalm 90


This is a PIZZA WITH THE PASTORS Sunday, 5:00-6:30, and if you’d like to be involved in conversation about moving toward membership in the congregation, please respond via return e-mail and we’ll set a place for you.


As announced last week in this space, we have hired a new youth director. I’ve been very confident about the search. Within twenty-four hours of the initial posting we had a great candidate—though not the one who was ultimately chosen. Bob (no relation) surfaced at about the two week mark. Bob brought some very exciting gifts to the conversation. First and foremost, he has lots of experience working with youth, specifically through and Lutheran Family Services. My experience in ministry has led me to put youth in two categories: kids at risk and kids at potential risk. The most “together” young person can fall apart so fast. The prospect of bringing someone on staff with a track record of working with “at risk” kids was very appealing to me. Checked out his references and heard glowing reports of how well Bob relates to young people. These are things that can’t be taught. Bob does not have experience working on a church staff; happily, that CAN be taught. operates as Chief of Staff around here, and she’ll be supervising Bob’s program of education, putting him in touch with veteran youth leaders and youth specialty training opportunities. It may not surprise you that Nancy and I have some definite ideas about youth ministry and the prospect of “teaching” Bob adds to our excitement. And Bob brings this as well: a genuine, heart-felt faith. He is married to a terrific woman, Tammy, who is herself on staff at Boys & Girls town, and is extremely supportive. They have two live-wire little girls. We are really going to enjoy these people.


The new pictorial directories are out. Many thanks to Judy W., who got the project started, and Pat M., who led the “finishing touches” stage. We’ve found some errors, omissions and such already. That’s the nature of putting such a book together, but also reflects issues with our data base and record keeping that became painfully evident during the capital campaign. This summer, Diana F. and I have been going through the computer rolls, name by name, to make sure our lists are accurate, with many corrections already made.


As part of STEPPING UP WEEKEND, on Friday, September 8, St. Andrew’s will host an evening of fun and fellowship: TRIVIA NIGHT. This is an event Bruce and Nancy have used in previous setting with great success. Here’s how it operates. We’ll have ten categories of ten questions each. People are seated at tables (you can bring a team of up to eight persons, or we’ll assign you a table/team when you get there). After each question, the table confers, coming up with a single answer, written on an answer sheet. After each category, the sheets are collected, with a tally kept. We’ll start at 7:00. There will be pop corn, sodas and such for refreshments. Child care, of course, will be provided. We’ll asks five dollars per person to help cover costs. To register, sign up in the Rotunda on Sunday morning or e-mail Pastor Bruce.


DENISE J. writes: The Benevolent Bus Transportation Ministry is a health ministry that was formed to aid those needing transportation to/from health related appointments and to give respite to family members. We are currently looking for a someone to serve on the committee as well as be a driver. We also are in desperate need for volunteer drivers. Please prayerfully consider this ministry as it truly is a blessing to those whom we help along with their family members. Here is an excerpt from a family member whom we have helped:

The Benevolent Bus Ministry means so much to us that it is hard to fully express what a wonderful blessing the folk are, who give of themselves in this way. There are times when, either because of an illness or work schedule, I am unable to get my family member to an important medical appointment. It is then that an SOS call goes out to a driver and, with grace and dignity, the appointment is kept. What a relief to us that we need not cancel at such times. What a blessing it is to not have to add to an already overcrowded and backed-up schedule! The wonderful way the drivers relate to us, is a witness to the love of God in our lives. Thank you for your faithfulness to God and your church family, in this way.”

If you are interested in riding or being a driver, please contact Denise .


DIANA F. writes: Great News!!! The response has been so great that we have added a second Disciple I class on Sunday evenings. There is still space in the Wednesday evening class as well. Disciple III will be offered on Sunday afternoons. There will not be a Disciple II or Disciple IV class this year. If you are interested in Disciple I or III, and these times works for you, contact Diana at by Wednesday, Aug. 9th.


PASTOR CHARLOTTE asks: Prayers of sympathy for the family and friends of Mary Ann M.d, in her recent passing (grandmother of Heather P.; friend of Pastor Charlotte). Prayers of sympathy for the family and friends of Amos N.n, in his recent passing, due to a motorcycle accident (nephew of Mary Ellen B). Prayers of sympathy for the family and friends of Cande B., in her recent death (Mary Ellen B.’s co-worker’s mother). Prayers for Bob N., recently diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease (brother of Dee H.). Prayers for Vernice J., hospitalized with pneumonia (mother of John J.). Prayers for Erik W., transferred to for AIT training (Stacy W.’s husband). Pray for peace in the Middle East. Pray for strength for our troops, serving in in extreme heat. Prayers for Susan B., recovering from surgery. Prayers for Ruth F., recently diagnosed with Lou Gehrig’s disease (mother of Dave and Gena F.).


Matthew 7:24-27

“Everyone then who hears these words of mine and acts on them will be like a wise man who built his house on rock.

The rain fell, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on rock. And everyone who hears these words of mine and does not act on them will be like a foolish man who built his house on sand. The rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell—and great was its fall!”



Friday, August 04, 2006

Youth Hire & Breakfast Club

Dear Saints Of Andrew:

From Staff Parish Relations Committee Chairperson C. TODD C.: Great news! The Youth Director Task Force and SPRC have completed a search for a new Youth Director. Bob D. (no relation to Bruce and Nancy) has extensive experience dealing with youth in a variety of situations; for some time he has felt called by God to work with youth and provide them nurturing guidance. He is energized by youth, and has skills that will attract youth to St. Andrew's programs. He is fun, kind, confident, positive and humble. Please thank the Youth Director Task Force for their quick and excellent work of reviewing resumes and interviewing qualified candidates. The task force included two youth (Trevor T. and Erin C.), two parents of youth (Nancy B. and Cathi R.), and two members of SPRC (Nate U. and Deb H.). They all expressed excitement over Bob as an outstanding candidate. They recommended Bob to SPRC and SPRC agrees that Bob is a terrific choice. Bob and his wife, Tammy, are members of our church, and have attended SAUMC for several years. Please welcome them into this important and challenging role!*Note from Bruce: Nancy and I are very excited about welcoming Bob to the staff. We’ll have much more to say about this between now and Bob’s start date of August 21.
August 6, 2006
Nancy preaching
BYOB (Bring Your Own Bible)

The luncheon for those who bought stock in the youth mission trip will be Sunday August 13th at noon in the . Because of this function the Fellowship breakfast that is usually the 2nd Sunday of the month has been moved to August 20th.

ADRIAN A. writes: The Breakfast Club will be on the third Sunday this month, August 20th. The Reckless Abandon Players will be hosting this months pancake feed. All proceeds will benefit the Drama Teams "Light-up St. Andrew's" campaign. Proceeds will be used to help pay the cost to light the new sign, and provide lighting in front of the main entrance to the Rotunda. So join us, and bring a friend to have some fellowship, a good breakfast, and raise money for a worthy cause.

Youth Hire & Breakfast Club

Dear Saints Of Andrew:

From Staff Parish Relations Committee Chairperson C. TODD C.: Great news! The Youth Director Task Force and SPRC have completed a search for a new Youth Director. Bob D. (no relation to Bruce and Nancy) has extensive experience dealing with youth in a variety of situations; for some time he has felt called by God to work with youth and provide them nurturing guidance. He is energized by youth, and has skills that will attract youth to St. Andrew's programs. He is fun, kind, confident, positive and humble. Please thank the Youth Director Task Force for their quick and excellent work of reviewing resumes and interviewing qualified candidates. The task force included two youth (Trevor T. and Erin C.), two parents of youth (Nancy B. and Cathi R.), and two members of SPRC (Nate U. and Deb H.). They all expressed excitement over Bob as an outstanding candidate. They recommended Bob to SPRC and SPRC agrees that Bob is a terrific choice. Bob and his wife, Tammy, are members of our church, and have attended SAUMC for several years. Please welcome them into this important and challenging role!*Note from Bruce: Nancy and I are very excited about welcoming Bob to the staff. We’ll have much more to say about this between now and Bob’s start date of August 21.
August 6, 2006
Nancy preaching
BYOB (Bring Your Own Bible)

The luncheon for those who bought stock in the youth mission trip will be Sunday August 13th at noon in the . Because of this function the Fellowship breakfast that is usually the 2nd Sunday of the month has been moved to August 20th.

ADRIAN A. writes: The Breakfast Club will be on the third Sunday this month, August 20th. The Reckless Abandon Players will be hosting this months pancake feed. All proceeds will benefit the Drama Teams "Light-up St. Andrew's" campaign. Proceeds will be used to help pay the cost to light the new sign, and provide lighting in front of the main entrance to the Rotunda. So join us, and bring a friend to have some fellowship, a good breakfast, and raise money for a worthy cause.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Gold Star Chili

Dear Saints Of Andrew:

We begin this Wednesday morning at the airport in Baltimore . My return flight for Omaha is scheduled to board in about half an hour.

I drove in here last night after three wonderful days in Gettysburg . The highlight of this trip is easy to identify: In the early afternoon, yesterday, I walked the route of Pickett’s Charge, from the woods on Seminary Ridge to the copse of trees on the ridge opposite--about a fifteen minute walk in a very hot July sun, though, of course, I had the advantage of not being shot at along the way. Having reached Cemetery Ridge, sometimes referred to as the “high water mark” of the Confederacy, I then retraced the footsteps of the survivors, imaging R.E. Lee on his horse, at the edge of the woods where the doomed charge started, greeting those who came back with the remorseful, “It’s all my fault, it’s all my fault.”



August 6, 2006

Nancy is in the pulpit

BYOB (Bring Your Own Bible) SUNDAY


Running second in the highlight category was Monument Park in Yankee Stadium, with the ghosts of Babe Ruth, Joe DiMaggio, Mickey Mantle, Roger Maris and others in the long list of pin-striped greats. I guess I can understand why George Steinbrenner wants to build a new Yankee Stadium. The concourses are cramped and new ball parks bring in big bucks via luxury boxes—as if the Yankees need more money. But Yankee Stadium is itself a genuine American monument and I hate to think that its days are numbered.


When I last wrote, I was complaining about getting ripped off by the metro system in Washington D.C. I have since utilized mass transit in New Jersey, Philadelphia, New York City and Baltimore--each an entirely safe and satisfactory experience. I'm not sure what this says about our nation's capital, but it can't be anything good.


Here are some announcements that have come in via recent e-mail:

PICTURE DIRECTORIES ARE HERE! If you had your picture taken by Olan Mills please stop by the table in the Rotunda to pick yours up today. Please note that they will not be mailed and we ask that you take only one per family. Thank you.

BLT (Boomer's Laughing Together) PROGRESSIVE PICNIC: The BLT progressive picnic has been scheduled for Saturday, August 12th, beginning at 5:00. Our hosts are Nancy and Bruce Davis, Meg and Brad H., and Susan and Craig B. Sign up sheets, as well as directions to the houses, are located on the BLT board in the narthex. Sign up to bring either an appetizer, salad or dessert - and don't forget your lawn chair!. If you're in the 40 -55 age range, or a baby boomer, please join us for fun and fellowship.

HARVEST BOUTIQUE will be having an organizational meeting on Tuesday, August 8th at 5:30. The Tenth Annual All-Church Harvest Boutique will be Saturday, October 7th. There is a lot of planning and organizing to do before the big event. If you are interested in helping with one of our committees or have any questions, please call Marsha E. We have a few crafter spaces available, if interested, please call Diane M.


It’s just past noon, now. I’m in Cincinnati , having just finished off a fine bowl of Gold Star Chili in the airport food court. If you’ve never had Gold Star Chili, it’s a concoction of chili beans over spaghetti, topped off by a large helping of shredded cheddar cheese. Um, um, um. I suppose the most memorable meal of this trip was a plate of cabbage rolls on the road to Gettysburg. This was a Pennsylvania Dutch—as in Deutchland/German—establishment. I’m not generally a cabbage eater, but it was the cheapest thing on the menu and turned out to be quite tasty, particularly when the cheese spread is factored in.


In New York City , I was delighted to procure a balcony ticket to “Sweeny Todd.” I’m not sure how I first became aware of “Sweeny.” Back in vinyl days, I had the original cast album featuring Len Cariou and Angela Lansbury; I upgraded to CD some years ago—but had never actually seen the show. The current revival stars Patty LuPone (the original “Evita”) and Michael Cerveris. Ms. LuPone was on vacation last week, but Ceveris turned in the most memorable stage performance I can remember seeing. If you’re not familiar with “Sweeny Todd,” it’s about the darkest musical imaginable (at the end of the show, seven of the ten cast members have met violent ends, while another is in a straightjacket), which is why I didn’t feel too bad seeing it without Nancy. The production was very interesting. As noted, there were ten people, including the stars, in the cast. There was no orchestra, as such; each of the ten cast members played a variety of instruments, ranging from cello to triangle, making all the music. It was a cool effect, but the orchestra union probably wasn’t real happy. To get a sense of the production, you might look at the official Sweeney Todd web site and watch the video.


I’m wrapping this up, back in Omaha, on a Thursday morning. It’s good to be home. Just received are the following:

Eric Holstein writes: Based upon a strong interest this spring, St. Andrew's is forming a fall Men's Softball team. If interested in playing, please contact Eric Holstein. ( or 493-6494) The entry deadline is Aug. 11, with games scheduled Aug. 27th to Oct. 27th (7 week season) All games are at Kelley (124th and Fort). Games could be on Sunday afternoon or week nights.


PASTOR CHARLOTTE asks: Prayers for Mary Ann M., who is actively dying (friend of Pastor Charlotte). Prayers for Zach G., who is taking another very high risk treatment; pray for healing of the ITP; counts have not improved. Prayers of sympathy for the family of Inez Pellerin, in her recent passing (Joanne Croft’s mother). Prayers of joy for Julie Bennett and Andrew Sebastian, united in marriage on August 5th.


Finally, Nancy reports that Michael Patzloff’s last Sunday was an appropriately celebratory occasion for the congregation. Transitioning is always a challenge and I give Michael an A+ for the way he handled the St. Andrew’s end of things.

I look forward to seeing you on Sunday. Remember, Bring Your Own Bible!

P.S. Nancy's BYOB Theme reminds me that we start a four-week Guys Bible Study of Mark, this Monday evening, August 7, 6:30-7:45, in the Prayer Chapel. I'll lead the group and would love to share the experience with any males of the species who would like to join us! BRD