Friday, September 29, 2006


Dear Saints Of Andrew:

I‚m looking forward to sharing "COLD CASE" with you this Sunday. The Choir will be singing at 9:15 & 10:45, the Bells will be with us in all three services. We'll share the sacrament of Holy Communion, which is open to all believers. Would you consider please picking up the phone or getting on your e-mail and inviting someone to our service this Sunday? We'd like that a lot.
Our next PIZZA WITH THE PASTORS is October 8, 5:00-6:30. This event is designed for persons interested in membership at St. Andrew's. Child care is provided. Sign up via return e-mail or at the Hospitality Desk on Sunday.
My grandfather raised my father to be a St. Louis Cardinals baseball fan and my father in turn raised me to be a St. Louis Cardinals baseball fan. These past 9 days may have been the most frustrating in the history of our tribe. I realize Omaha's Bob Gibson is probably seventy years old by now, but if we could put him back in a Cardinals uniform to pitch tonight, he'd stand a better chance than the stiff who started last night.
MOMS Ministry of Mothers Sharing, Beginning Soon!
This class is scheduled to begin soon, but we need 4 more women to make the class successful. MOMS is an eight week journey that creates in women awareness of the inner sacred self while at the same time teaching them new ways to inspire, encourage, and affirm each other. Through the process of personal and spiritual growth, women have the opportunity to clarify their values, claim their own giftedness, and bring these strengths to their family relationships and to the Christian community. This class helps women of all ages connect with others and God. Please contact Diana F. for more details and if you are interested in joining this group. The registration deadline is Monday, October 2, 2006.
Matthew 18:21-22
Then Peter came and said to him, "Lord, if another member of the church sins against me, how often should I forgive? As many as seven times?" Jesus said to him, "Not seven times, but, I tell you, seventy times seven."

Wednesday, September 27, 2006


October 1, 2006
Bruce Davis preaching:
COLD CASE: A Sermon On Sin, Judgment and Forgiveness
I’ve been working on my box set of the 100 Greatest Songs Of All Time, to be auctioned off on November 17. The problem now is trimming the number to a mere 100. I just decided “Hang On Sloopy” is off the list, as is Scott McKenzie’s “San Francisco (Be Sure To Wear Some Flowers In Your Hair).” Pearl Jam’s “Soldier Of Love” is gone, too, and it’s looking grim for “Conquistador.” This is like telling good friends they’re not good enough.
MARGIE W. writes: Due to a concern by teachers that there is a shortage of classroom time, we will not be doing a Children's Moment in services and then dismissing the children to their respective classrooms. We are working on other options for the children to experience worship with their families; possibly once per month. More details to come. Beginning this Sunday, Oct. 1st, ALL children will report directly to their classrooms instead of going into worship with their families and being dismissed after Children's Sermon. Thanks for your patience during our transition period!
PASTOR CHARLOTTE writes: LET’S CELEBRATE – through your gracious generosity on Communion Sunday in September, we sent $1148 to Rev. Harris, of the United Methodist Church in Gretna, Louisiana, to supplement his salary while his congregation is rebuilding. IN ADDITION, during the months of July and August, we assisted a total of 8 persons in need of help with utilities, gas to get to a new job, rent, etc., for a total of $1025. What a joy to be able to share so much with others who are in need. Our Lord said, “…just as you did it to one of the least of these, who are members of my family, you did it to me.” (Matthew 25:40). This Sunday, on the Communion serving tables, there will be a basket to receive our gifts. Thank you for caring and sharing so generously.
Pasotr Nancy will be holding an information meeting for students and parents of the 2007 confirmation class (8th graders) on October 19 at 6:30. Plans for the 2007 class will be discussed. ALSO – If there are teens older than 8th grade who have not yet had confirmation training but would like to do that, please contact Nancy or Bob and let us know. A special class for these teens is being considered at this time and we really need to know who is interested.
UMW (United Methodist Women) is hosting a presentation by Pastor Alberto Silva, Grace United Methodist Church on Thursday at 7:00pm in the LL Music Rehearsal Room. Pastor Alberto is coming to tell us about the new Mama’s Program at Casa del Pueblo and how we can get involved in this community outreach. As many of you know, St Andrew’s has partnered with Casa del Pueblo and their programs in the past – at Christmas and VBS. Please join us for an opportunity to practice our mission statement, work with another church program and share some fellowship and refreshments. Childcare will also be available for anyone who needs it!
HEIDI G. tells us: Patience Circle invites all women October 4th at 9:30am to come be inspired and energized with Biblical teachings on home management! Our guest speaker is Donna Z., with Vineyards of Joy. VOJ is a missionary outreach to the family by encouraging and equipping the woman with biblical truths and practical ideas. She will discuss her base cooking system, good stewardship in the kitchen and cleaning system. Please come with questions. Donna is fun, inspiring, life changing, will not want to miss this! Childcare is available-rsvp to Heather.
PASTOR CHARLOTTE asks: Prayers for Patti M., whose cancerous liver tumors have returned; she has entered a drug study; pray for positive results and minimal side effects, for continued strength; pray, also, for her 3 young girls and her husband (sister-in-law of Lynn C.). Prayers for John G., who is experiencing health concerns (father of Pastor Nancy).
1 John 4:7-12: Beloved, let us love one another, because love is from God; everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, for God is love. God’s love was revealed among us in this way: God sent his only Son into the world so that we might live through him. In this is love, not that we loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the atoning sacrifice for our sins. Beloved, since God loved us so much, we also ought to love one another. No one has ever seen God; if we love one another, God lives in us, and his love is perfected in us.

Monday, September 25, 2006


JOINED TO THE CHURCH on September 24:

MILT & ANN G. He's a distributor with Sky Shades USA; she's a sales VP with Data Support Systems. They have a soon-to-be five year old son, Jackson.

SCOTT & RACHEL P. Scott and Rachel have two sons, Wyatt, age 5, and Lance, who turns 3 in December. Rachel is a pediatric nurse; Scott‚s with AGP in facility maintenance.

TARA S. Tara is singing in our choir. She is a catering manager with Embassy Suites.

SHAWN & KIM W. They have two children: Morgan, a girl, is three years old; their newborn son Logan was baptized on Sunday. Kim is a teacher with the Omaha Public Schools. Shawn is a supervisor with Hormel Foods.

BAPTIZED ON SUNDAY were the aforementioned LOGAN THOMAS W., and JOSEPH CHARLES J., son of James and Christine.
October 1, 2006
Bruce Davis preaching:
"COLD CASE: The Carlo Rizzi Sermon"
Saturday's BLESSING OF THE ANIMALS was a neat experience for all involved. You'll find a picture of the event and some pastoral reflections on the web site home page:
This note is to St. Louis Cardinal baseball fans: Are you beginning to get nervous?
DINNER/AUCTION CO-CHAIR GREG T. WRITES: Ticket sales are going well... We currently are at 193 sold and would love to be pushing 250 by this weekend! Anyone who is a dinner auction ticket holder by next Sunday will be eligible for a drawing for a dinner for two at Mahogany's, so please buy your tickets asap. Also there is an opportunity for businesses to advertise in this year's dinner auction booklet and that information will be available at the dinner auction table as well.
Contact DIANA F. to register for any of the following:

Do you know what your strengths are? Do you know how they impact your daily life? That is just what you will learn in the Every Calling Has Origin (E.C.H.O.) class. Using Gallup‚s StrengthsFinder® Profile, learn your top five strengths, then discover how to use them everyday in all that you do. It will fascinate you. You will also learn how to couple them with your skills and knowledge to feel fulfilled in all that you do. E.C.H.O. will be offered two times starting in October ˆ Sunday mornings from 10:30 ˆ 12 noon starting Oct. 8th, and Monday evenings from 7:00 ˆ 8:30 starting Oct. 9th.

This spring, Dan and Cindy H. visited the homeland of John Wesley on a tour of the United Kingdom, including stops in England, Wales, and Scotland. They visited many of the historic houses, chapels and open air sites where the founder of Methodism took his message to "all the world as my parish." The tour included discussions on the historical and theological background of key Wesleyan sites, as well as insight into the lives of John and Charles Wesley. Fun and fellowship were also part of the package! Dan and Cindy would like to share their experience through pictures and conversation. Please join them on October 4 at 6 p.m. in Lower Level 4.

Join the Women's Study on Monday mornings beginning Oct. 9th at 9:00 to study Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis, the most original Christian writer of our century. This book is for all people, even those who question the Christian faith. C. S. Lewis, in Mere Christianity, introduces the Christian faith through intellect, rationality and reason.

MOMS is an eight week journey that creates an awareness of the inner sacred self while at the same time teaching women new ways to inspire, encourage, and affirm each other. Through the process of personal and spiritual growth, women have the opportunity to clarify their values, claim their own giftedness, and bring these strengths to their family relationships and to the Christian community. This class helps women of all ages connect with others and God.
This class is starting soon on Tuesday mornings. Please contact Diana F. for more details and if you are interested in joining this group.
Pastor Charlotte asks: Prayers for Trudy M., in her last semester of the accelerated nurses‚ training; an important test on Tuesday. Prayers for Hazel, experiencing complications from surgery (Tom L.'s mother). Prayers of sympathy for the family of Ken W., in his recent passing (maternal grandfather of Lauren, Nathan and Kathryn M.). Prayers for Michelle, facing major life decisions (sister of Teresa W.). Prayers of joy for Jill and Steve E., in the birth of a son, Bennett Michael, on August 30th. John L. reports that his mother, Rita S., is proof that "prayer CAN make a difference." His mother has had 3 chemo treatments an MRI indicates the complete disappearance of the lung tumor the other tumors remain, but with no new growth. John thanks everyone for their support and prayers. Prayers for Barbara S., ill at home with pneumonia. Prayers of sympathy for Ted and Teri Q., in the recent passing of Ted's mother. Prayers for Ellen K., recovering from open heart surgery (sister of Dale Turner).
1 John 1:5-10
This is the message we have heard from him and proclaim to you, that God is light and in him there is no darkness at all.
If we say that we have fellowship with him while we are walking in darkness, we lie and do not do what it true; but if we walk in the light as he himself is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Christ cleanses us from all sin. If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he who is faithful and just will forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Travel Advice

Among the joys of Sunday, September 17: We baptized little OWEN G., son of Paul and Nikki. And we welcomed CASEY H. and JESSICA M. to membership.
September 24, 2006
Reverends Nancy & Charlotte
“Looking Back… Looking Ahead”
Re this coming Sunday, I wrote the following for the web page, but thought I’d reprint it here. BRD

I was born Methodist, almost 56 years ago. In 1950, there were no women pastors in the Methodist Church. It wasn't until I went to seminary, in the early-70s that I encountered the phenomena of women clergy--and it seemed odd to me. What are women doing in this business? All these years later, what seems odd is that it ever seemed odd to me. Was not the first witness to Jesus' resurrection a woman? Was it not Mary Magdelene who told the guy apostles that Jesus was raised? Did not the apostle Paul teach that in Jesus Christ, there is no male or female, for we are all one? (In case you're wondering, those are rhetorical questions.)

This Sunday, September 24, at St. Andrew's, we're celebrating 50 years of full clergy rights for women in the Methodist tradition. We are blessed with two ordained women on the St. Andrew's staff: Our Minister of Pastoral Care, Reverend Charlotte M., and my wife and co-pastor, Reverend Nancy D. Nancy and Charlotte will be sharing the pulpit this Sunday. Between them, they have almost sixty years of pastoral experience.

You'll see the "Courageous Past, Bold Future" logo on this page. It has taken genuine courage for people like Charlotte and Nancy to step into pulpits, knowing there were people in the congregations who didn't think they ought to be there. I hope you'll be with us this Sunday to celebrate how far we're come in fifty years.
The September issue of the St. Andrew’s newsletter will be arriving in member homes later this week. There’s lots of interesting stuff in this month’s edition, including a cover story on the 7th Annual Dinner Auction and a page of new member photos. Please be looking for it.
We’re happy to report that DEE H., who had a scary moment at the end of the 9:15 service, was checked out at Methodist Hospital and released later in the afternoon. In fact, Dee just stuck her head into my office, so she’s up and around, looking bright and chipper. We’re so thankful.

In talking with Pastor Charlotte this morning, I’ve learned that even before yesterday’s incident, we were moving toward getting some basic CPR equipment, including oxygen, on site. This will certainly hasten that effort.
This may be the only A-Mail of the week, as Nancy and I are going to Texas tomorrow, to visit my mother, returning on Friday. Under other circumstances, I might take my lap top and do a remote e-mail, but I haven’t flown since the new carry-on restrictions were announced. Perhaps one of our frequent fliers can tell me: Am I going to have trouble getting my lap-top on the flight? I really don’t want to trust it to the baggage handlers.
We had a beautiful wedding here this weekend, as Vicki L., daughter of Gary and Judy, was joined in marriage to Troy H. One of the blessings of having been in the congregation a year now is that we’ve come to know the families, which makes events such as a wedding that much more special for the officiating pastors.
We had the best 8:00 turnout we’ve had for a while. We would love to see that service thrive. And 8:00 has so much to offer, including the mellow piano offerings of Adora G.
WOMEN OF ST. ANDREWS: You are all invited to the next General Meeting of St. Andrews United Methodist Women on Thursday September 28 at 7PM. We have a very special guest speaker-Rev. Alberto Silva of Grace UMC. Reverend Silva will be speaking on a new program Grace has implemented for the women of south Omaha titled the “Mama’s” group. Please join us to listen to this exciting speaker along with food and fellowship. Remember you don’t have to be a UMW member to attend, however we would love to have you join us. See you on Thursday September 28!
NETTA P. writes:
Child and Youth Protection Policy Training:
Monday, September 25 at 6:30 in Room 120-121 (Child Care wing)
Anyone working with children and/or youth are required to attend this training every two years. The General Conference of The United Methodist Church, in April 1996, adapted a resolution aimed at reducing the risk of child sexual abuse in the Church. Our congregation’s purpose for establishing this Child and Youth Protection Policy and accompanying procedures is to demonstrate our commitment to the physical safety and spiritual growth of all our children and youth. If you are working or plan on working with children or youth in the next two years, you need to attend this training. If you are absolutely unable to attend, please contact Bob or Netta to make other arrangements. Thanks for making St. Andrew’s a safe place for youth and children!
PASTOR CHARLOTTE asks: Prayers for Doug H., who is concerned for his job security, due to illness (Mickey V.’s son-in-law). Prayers of sympathy for the family of Janelle S. and her family, in her recent passing; pray, especially, for her husband, Jim and their two young boys (Janelle is the sister of Kathy D., sister-in-law of Nicole and Brian D.). Prayers of sympathy for Paula and Marty L., in the recent passing of their grandson, Brandon (Paula and Marty were once St. Andrew’s folk, who now live in North Carolina). Prayers for Rose F., recovering from a hospital stay (Wayne F.’s mother).
The editor would add: Prayers for our Roman Catholic brothers and sisters who are in peril.
DENNY H. wrote the following for the Nebraska Annual Conference paper and we knew you’d enjoy seeing it.
It was a momentous time to be in Panama, where the 100-Year Anniversary of the Panamanian Methodist Church was being celebrated throughout the year, with culminating activities in July. Rev. Secundino Morales, Central District Superintendent and previous bishop of the Methodist Church in Panama, preceded the Nebraska group's departure by almost a week in order to participate in some of the centennial activities.

The all-Nebraska group of 13 volunteers (from Ansley, Amherst, Arnold, Bassett, Dunbar, Kearney, Lexington, Omaha and Pleasanton) learned how the missionary presence in Panama has been long and vigorous. The group also got a glimpse of the inspiring Christian zeal and cooperation of the Panamanian people.
The 2006 Panama mission project took volunteers to two work sites in the Bongo region of the Chiriqui province, which borders Costa Rica. The average income in Panama is $6,000 per year. In the Bongo region an individual might earn $1,000 to $2,000 per year, however, many people in the area are unemployed and earn far less. There has been little formal education past sixth grade, as the six underfunded public schools in the Bongo region only go to the sixth grade. Medical care is insufficient. A very small medical clinic has one doctor and one nurse present only on Mondays.
This mission project and those that preceded it in 2002 through 2005 are cultivating a vision of progress and hope in the region of Bongo. This year there was widespread community involvement. Many people from the community donated their time and cooperated more than in past years.

The Bongo Methodist church of Calvario donated the food and prepared lunch every day at one work site for all the workers, including the entire Nebraska group. The Catholic church provided one supper to workers at the grade school site. Fresh mangos, papaya and drinks were donated for snacks. A program of gratitude and farewell was presented for everyone on the last work day. Words of thanks were expressed by the school principal, the president of the PTA, and several political representatives of Bongo. A special meal, folkloric dance and music brightened the event.
The 2006 mission project was a huge success. Nebraska volunteers, the Methodist leaders of Bongo and the community joined hands to build a dining room for the Calvario Grade School, continued work on the continuing education classrooms (providing sidewalks, gutters and a new coat of paint), and refurbished the parsonage (painting and new gutters). Nebraska volunteers, perhaps inspired by the Bongo community’s warm and generous cooperation and welcome, felt motivated to "go an extra mile" and donated 30 bibles, two fans, over $250 in school supplies, and additional gutters and paint. Wages for a few skilled laborers to direct the completion of all that was begun was also donated. All these 2006 mission efforts were a wonderful and very appropriate way to celebrate the Methodist Centennial in Panama!
I’ll close with the section of the sermon that didn’t get preached at 9:15. For the entire text, look at the web site:, the click on sermons:

There is plenty to fear in the world today: war and rumors of war, and all that goes with it. It’s hard sometimes not to be gloomy. But perhaps my favorite line in Mark’s 13th chapter is from verse 8, where Jesus says, “This is but the beginning of the birth pangs.” Jesus never denies the suffering. But he images even the greatest suffering as prelude to something more wonderful than we have known before, nothing less than new birth.

When I was a kid, I almost drowned in the Lake of the Ozarks. Had the proverbial near death experience, seeing a great light, in the form of a gate, the color of pearls. Pop pulled me out of the water before I got to the light, but I’ve always wondered, if I’d gone through the gate would I have in fact seen “the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory” to meet me? I’ll find out soon enough.

I don’t know when the world will end. I just know this: my world will end, and that end is a day closer now than it was yesterday. If this was the time of your own personal apocalypse, would you be ready? Would you be able to sing:

In the cross of Christ I glory
Towering o’er the wrecks of time
All the light of sacred story
Gathers round its head sublime


Friday, September 15, 2006


We'll be in the deep end of the pool, this Sunday, studying Mark's apocalyptic 13th chapter and its historical context. You and I are living in violent, often fearful times. Working on "THE JEWISH WAR" has helped me appreciate the fearful times in which Jesus was preaching his message of hope and love. I look forward to sharing this with you on Sunday.
FYI: Nancy and I will be in Texas from Tuesday through Friday of next week. We're going down to visit my mother.
The BREAKFAST CLUB, which normally meets the 2nd Sunday of each month, was pushed back a week in September due to Steppin‚ Up Sunday. Regarding this Sunday's breakfast, Greg T. writes:

Would you mind reminding the congregation that the pancake feed proceeds will go toward underwriting opportunities for the dinner auction? Also, the auction table will be manned to sell tickets for the event and also distribute and collect donation forms for the event. Ticket holders by the end of September will be eligible for a very special drawing as well, go get your tickets today.
Nancy and I saw "Hollywoodland" yesterday. I thought it was quite a good film and was very surprised that Ben Affleck did a more than passable job as George Reeves. There's a sermon here: George Reeves despaired because he had such a crummy career, when in fact there are all these kiddies of fifty years ago, like me, who remember television's original Superman with great affection. Friends, let us be thankful for what we have in life. Chances are, it's more than we realize.

Pastor Charlotte asks: Prayers of joy for Nicole and Brian D., in the birth of a son, Bennett John, on July 22nd greeted by his big brother, Bryson.
I always enjoy hearing stories like this one, passed along by one of our members:

"Trivia night was great! I have a good friend that was stricken with a virus that essentially put her in a coma which included a respirator from Memorial Day until mid July. She has been getting her strength back with intensive therapy since then, just returning home with nursing care earlier this month. While she is still in a wheel chair, we girl friends are keeping her busy with bridge and domino games. Trivia night was a perfect outing for her and her husband. As she said...."the evening was like getting her life back". So glad your night was such as hit with my dear friend. Thank you!!!"
Mark 13:24-27: "But in those days, after that suffering, the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will be falling from heaven, and the powers in the heavens will be shaken. Then they will see Œthe Son of Man coming in clouds‚ with great power and glory. Then he will send out the angels, and gather his elect from the four winds, from the ends of the earth to the ends of heaven."
P.S. I'm getting interesting phone calls about my sermon title. So far as I can tell, the callers are not members of the congregation, but people who have driven by, seen the sign, and made some assumptions that would have never occurred to me. In case any of you are concerned, or get asked about it, "The Jewish War" is the title of a classic book by Flavious Josephus, written over 1900 years ago.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

A Year in the Life

A year ago this morning, Nancy and I woke up in a Springfield, Missouri, hotel. Our worldly possessions were on a truck bound for Omaha. Before we left, my mother called. She thought my dad had passed away in the night. I went over to their condo and sat with him until the people from the mortuary took him away. There not much being much else to do, other siblings having arrived to be with mom, Nancy and I set out for our new home in Omaha. I look back now and think, „"Did all that really happen?" Yes, it did.

The scripture tells us, God's grace will be sufficient to our needs. That's certainly been my experience over the past 365 days. Starting a new church in a new city, even as we were awash with grief and loss, was going to be a challenge. But God's been good to us. Much of that goodness has been expressed through you. I thank each and every one of you Saints of Andrew who have shown kindness to strangers. I feel like we're on our way to becoming good friends.

God bless you, BRD

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Children's Music

Children‚s & Youth Music Director Pam F. writes:

Just a reminder that all children and youth music groups start this Wednesday. All rehearsals will be held in the Lower Level. You will be able to sign your child up at the first rehearsal. We also encourage parents to sign up for a night to help the group their child is in. A reminder of the times are:
5:00-5:25--4th and 5th Grade Tone Chimes; 5:30-5:55--Middle School Handbells (new this year, please join us!)
5:30-5:50--Music Makers (4 & 5 year olds)---(The Music Makers are on hold pending leadership issues, see note below.)
5:30-5:55--Joyful Sounds (Kdg.-2nd grade)
5:30-5:55--Mighty Doves (3rd-5th grade)
6:00-6:45--Youth Choir (6th-12th grade)

We are still in need of a director/leader for the Music Makers choir (ages 4 & 5). One mother is interested if she can have a co-leader. If you would like to sing with this group, please let Pam know ASAP.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Out the Back Door

Dear Saints Of Andrew:

We welcome new readers to A-MAIL. If you don‚t want to be on this list, let us know. We never mean to intrude, our purpose is only to inform.
September 17, 2006
Bruce preaching from the 13th chapter of Mark:
This won‚t get sent out until tomorrow, but I'm up at the church on Monday evening, going through the Steppin' Up Sunday attendance registration. I go through the blue and white sheets every week. I don't really need to, I suppose, as Diana F. and now Judy H. are entering the information into the computer, but I like to see the names of those who have been here. Each week, I'll see new names and wonder if they'll evolve into members and good friends. And I'm always excited to see the names of people who are on our membership role but haven't been here for a while--maybe even since Nancy and I came a year ago.

I'm less adept, frankly, at keeping up with the names that AREN'T here. I wanted to work this into the sermon, yesterday, but cut it in the interest of time. Even as we are welcoming new people coming in the doors of St. Andrew's, we want to keep an eye on others going out the back door. People will just "disappear". I've read that the number one reason people stop coming to church is that something has happened to alter their worship habits and no one noticed. I do try to notice, but there are a lot of sheep in this pasture. You can be enormously helpful, here. If you've been missing someone for a few weeks, check in on them yourself. Or give me a call and I'll be happy to check in on them. Over the course of my ministry, I've found people are glad to be thought of.
Our first STEPPIN' UP SUNDAY was a real high. There is so much to be thankful for. I was very proud of the staff. The rain necessitated moving events planned for outdoors into the facility itself, and the staff did a great job of improvising. Nothing pleased me more, though, than to see the number of people who have "stepped up" to participate in our music ministry this fall. The choir practices at 7:00 on Wednesday evening and we'd love to have you step up and join the group!
Among many joys this past Sunday was the baptism of LUCAS K., son of BOB & MICHELLE.
TRIVIA NIGHT was a hoot. We had over a hundred people out. We may make this a twice-a-year event. The scores were about right, ranging from a high of 79 to a low of 52, but I'm feeling like I made one mistake: My "Name That Tune" songs were so weighted toward baby boomer obscure that it perhaps wasn't fair to some of our younger contestants. Truth be told, I haven't listened to much new music over the past decade. If you run into songs you think I might be interested in, please know I'd be happy to hear them particularly if you could burn them to disc. For a TRIVIA NIGHT photo, check out the web site, It's on the home page.
TRUDY M. writes: Reminder that next blood drive is Sept 17th, this coming Sunday. Anyone who signs up for donation will have their name entered into a drawing for a $100 certificate towards gas from Red Cross. So remember to sign up and save a life.
PAT M. writes: If you are 55 or better, please join us this Sunday, Sept. 17th, for a potluck supper and bingo. We will meet at 5:30 in the Hospitality Room. Please sign up in the rotunda today!



Mark 13:1-2
As (Jesus) came out of the temple, one of his disciples said to him, „Look Teacher, what large stones and what large buildings!‰ Then Jesus asked him, „Do you see these great buildings? Not one stone will be left here upon another; all will be thrown down.‰

Friday, September 08, 2006

Plugged and Un

Dear Saints Of Andrew:

A program note on this Sunday: While Nancy and I will be preaching "Light My Fire" in all three services, the 8:00 version might be called, "Light My Fire, Unplugged."

Netta P. writes: Just a reminder, we are still in need of lots of 2-liter bottles of pop for the Steppin‚ Up Carnival. Please deliver prior to Sunday to the old entrance near the offices.

We'll look forward to seeing over a hundred of our readers this evening for TRIVIA NIGHT. There will always be some people who signed up who can‚t come, so if you get a hankering to join us, we start at 7:00.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

The Last First

Dear Saints Of Andrew:

September 10, 2006
8:00, 9:15 & 10:45
Bruce, Nancy & The Sanctifications:
I had a hard time getting to sleep last night. Earlier in the evening, we had practiced for Sunday and the songs kept going through my head. As I told the choir (we had a wonderful turnout for last night’s choir practice), this Steppin’ Up Sunday will be “the last first” for Nancy and me at St. Andrew’s. Our first Sunday was the Sunday AFTER last year’s SUS. I’m very excited about “Steppin’ Up” and hope to see you there. I’m very gratified at how far we’ve come together these past twelve months and am approaching this Sunday as a multi-tiered celebration.

New Adult Classes Starting Next Week
There are many opportunities for you to join a class starting next week. Please contact Diana if you are interested.

Beginning September 11
6:30 – 8:00 p.m.
Separation and divorce are among life’s most difficult and painful experiences. You need the help and encouragement of others as you attempt to heal and restore balance to your life. A DivorceCare group is a special place of encouragement, information and sharing. It provides you with an ongoing support team as you deal with the issues surrounding your separation or divorce. The registration fee of $15 includes the workbook. Scholarships and childcare are available..

Christian Believer
Beginning September 11
6:30 – 9:00 p.m.
Have you ever wondered why we say and do the things we do at church? Christian Believer is a 30-week intensive study that combines study of Scripture and Christian belief, and will answer such questions. Through daily study, prayer, and weekly group meetings you will discuss topics such as the Sacraments, the Holy Trinity, and Grace. Christian Believer will be offered on Monday evenings. The cost of the material is $45.00 which includes the study manual and a book of readings. For those who have a great Bible basis.

A Mile in Her Shoes: Lessons from the Lives of Old Testament Women
Beginning September 13
9:30 - 11:30 a.m.
Explore the bold, yet inspirational lives of Old Testament women: Deborah, Rahab, Hagar, Abigail, Hannah, and The Widow With the Oil. The cost of the study guide is $9.00.

(Anyone interested in an evening class A Mile In Her Shoes?? Contact Diana.)
St. Andrew’s University
September 13 – October 18th
6:00 – 7:00 p.m.
This series of short-term studies will cover a variety of topics. Pick and choose the ones you want to attend. Choosing them all would be best.
Sept. 13: The Gospel According To Shrek – That’s What Friends Do - Forgiveness With a Twist.
Sept. 20: The Gospel According To Shrek – Magic Mirror - How Do I See Myself?
Sept. 27: The Gospel According To Shrek – Crossing The Bridge – Don’t Look Down
Curt R. will facilitate these sessions.

Married Couple’s Retreat
To be held at Mahoney State Park from 7 p.m. Friday, Oct. 27th to noon on Sunday, Oct. 29th. Please read the book Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus prior to the retreat. Registration is $320 per couple and must be paid at the time of registration. (There are two lofts available for $360 per couple). This fee includes sleeping rooms, meals, snacks, entry into the park, and meeting room fee. Contact Diana to register.
PASTOR CHARLOTTE asks: Prayers for Pam F., recovering from cancer surgery. (Lisa C.’s mother). Prayers for Jennifer H., suffering with Scarlet Fever (daughter of Diana and Harlan F.).

Also from Pastor Charlotte: JUST ARRIVED!!! The latest Adult Children of Aging Parents newsletter – wonderful articles from Hospice Care information to “Cranky Elders…” to veggies and fish oils – AND MANY MORE. Look for it on the bulletin board between the Hospitality Area and the Rotunda. PLEASE TAKE – READ-- AND RETURN.
Luke 6:38, “Give, and it will be given to you; good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put in your lap. For the measure your give will be the measure you get back.”

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

September Pizza With the Pastors

Dear Saints Of Andrew:
Five days from Steppin’ Up Sunday, we want to welcome new readers to A-MAIL. If you ever want off the list (though why anyone would escapes me), please let us know.
STEPPIN' UP SUNDAY September 10, 2006 Bruce, Nancy & The Santifications: "LIGHT MY FIRE."
This is a PIZZA WITH THE PASTORS Sunday, 5:00-6:30. The event is designed for people interested in moving toward membership at St. Andrew’s. If you’re interested, reply via return e-mail or sign up this Sunday morning.
We were blessed with baptisms and new members on Sunday. Our newest member is AMANDA E. LANDON DAVID U. was baptized at 9:15. His parents are Nate and Donelle. At 10:45, we baptized ADELE S., daughter of Amy and Wade.
C. Todd C. writes: On behalf of the SPRC, I would like to thank Pam F. for her leadership and commitment over the past year. Many of you will remember that Pam stepped up when we were in sudden need of music leadership in August of 2005; Pam stood strong in the face of challenge, and was a positive example for us all. Later, Pam stepped into the role of Director of Music Ministries, helping to rebuild our music programs--while maintaining her teaching obligations with Millard Public Schools. In the past few months, MPS' demands on Pam have increased, and it has not been possible for her to maintain her level of involvement and leadership at St. Andrew's. While Pam will continue to direct our youth and children's choirs, she will no longer be leading our adult choirs. But as we watch all of our instrumental and vocal groups continue to grow and strengthen, we owe a debt of gratitude to Pam for her dedication and contribution when we needed them most. I also want to thank Leon A. and Adam W., for taking the baton in a dynamic and exciting music ministry. They are strong, creative leaders, and the future looks great for those of us who love music.Thank you, Pam! Thank you, Leon and Adam! C. Todd C. Chair, Staff Parish Relations Committee
A benefit gold tournament is being held in Syracuse, Nebraska, September 10, to “Benefit the Ruth F. family and the Fight against ALS. Call Luther M. Ruth is the mother of David and Gena F.
Pastor Charlotte M. asks: Prayers of joy for Corey and Shawna R., in the recent birth of a son, William Ellis. Prayers for Kenneth C., who is ill at home. Prayers for Dee H., preparing for cataract surgery on September 18th. Prayers for Dee & Gale H.’s granddaughter, recovering from surgery due to an accident. Prayers for Richard N., undergoing qualifying tests for a liver transplant (Dee H.’s brother). Prayers of sympathy for the family of Stanley F. and his fiancé, Phyllis, in his recent and unexpected death (Phyllis is Denise J.’s aunt).
John 10:1-10“Very truly, I tell you, anyone who does not enter the sheepfold by the door but climbs in by another way is a thief or a bandit. The one who enters by the door is the shepherd of the sheep. The doorkeeper opens the door for him and the sheep hear his voice. He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. When he has brought out all his own, he goes ahead of them, and the sheep follow him because they know his voice. They will not follow a stranger, but they will run from him because they do not know the voice of strangers.” Jesus used this figure of speech with them, but they did not understand what he was saying to them.So again Jesus said to them, “Very truly I tell you, I am the door for the sheep. All who came before me are thieves and bandits; but the sheep did not listen to them. I am the door. Whoever enters by me will be saved, and will come in and go out and find pasture. The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.”

Monday, September 04, 2006

Signin' & Steppin'

STEPPIN’ UP SUNDAY is just six days away! Among many other things to look forward to on September 10: THE CHANCEL CHOIR begins a new season! The Choir rehearses at 7:00 on Wednesday evenings. The group sings at 9:15 & 10:45, but if you only want to do one hour, take your pick. We’ve been blessed with some great new singers in our first couple of practices. Would you consider joining us? You'll get to know some terrific people and do a great service to the entire congregation. If you were to show up on Wednesday evening, we’d love to have you sing on Sunday!