Friday, March 09, 2007


Just a quick note to say HOLA! I'm back from Nicaragua. It was a great trip, even if my respiratory system is clogged with dust. Getting back into the rural villages is an adventure. The traveling party of myself, John Allbery, Adrian Alvarez, Mark Roberts and Mark Van Kekerix will have lots of stories to tell and pictures to share of St. Andrew's (San Andres), Nicaragua. We've scheduled a worship party to celebrate this partnership: Sunday evening, March 25, 7:00. Hope you can be with us.
Remember, this is a time change weekend. I'm preaching this Sunday: THE PARABLE OF THE EMPTY HOUSE.
Georgia C. tells us:
Join us at 5:30 PM on Sunday, March 18 at the Church
We'll start with a Baked Potato Bar Dinner and follow up with some fun.
Cost of dinner is $6. Sign up in the Rotunda.
Contact Georgia with questions.
Leon A. is putting together a special Sunday of worship on April 15. If you have a musical gift you'd like to plug into the 9:15 and/or 10:45 services, please shoot him an e-mail.
PASTOR CHARLOTTE asks: Prayers of sympathy for the family of Stanley G. K., in his recent passing (uncle of Cheryl M.; great-uncle of Kelly R.). Prayers for Keygan Bi., very ill (1 year old grandson of Deb & Kevin N.).