Monday, December 31, 2007


This Sunday
JANUARY 6, 2008
8:00, 9:15 & 10:45
Bruce Davis & The Reckless Abandon Players ring in the new year with:
2008 CONFIRMATION CLASS BEGINS THIS SUNDAY JANUARY 6, 2008. If you have an 8th grader or a youth older than 8th grade who has not been confirmed but would like to be, please call the church office and give their names to Bob. We will be offering the class twice a week – once on Sunday mornings at 10:45 and again on Tuesday evenings at 6:00. Students may attend either class in any given week.
From PAM F.: Have you made a New Year's resolution to become more engaged at St. Andrew's? Have you thought about becoming part of the music ministry by singing in the choir? If so, we are inviting everyone, returning choir members and new singers, to start the new year with choir practice with the St. Andrew's Singers this Wednesday, January 2nd at 7 p.m. Remember, you do not have to be a trained musician (you don't even have to read music)----just the love of singing praises to our Lord. If you have questions, please contact Pam.
For all St. Andrew’s COLLEGE AGE+ (19-25 or so):
Join your church friends at Panera (132 & Maple) on Sunday, January 6th following the 9:15 service (by 10:30 a.m.) for some fellowship time.
And please pass the word to those who may not be receiving a-mail.
Sunday evening, January 13, 5:00-7:00
This is an event designed for persons interested in membership at St. Andrew’s. Sign up at the Hospitality Desk in the Rotunda or e-mail Mandy Barkhaus:
A trio of items from DIANA F.:

Discover your strengths and how they play out in your life. This seminar is two 2-hour sessions using the Clifton StrengthsFinder Profile and class discussion. It will be offered on Sundays, January 13 and 20 from 10:30 – 12:30. Contact Diana to register.

"There is nothing we can do to make God love us more. There is nothing we can do to make God love us less." Author, Philip Yancey takes a probing look at grace: what it looks like, what it doesn’t look like, and why only Christians can and must reveal the grace the world is searching for. Corey Rector & Jeff Harris will co-facilitate this study on Wednesday evenings at 6 p.m. starting January 9th. There is a small fee for the participant’s guide. Contact Diana to register.

The Women of Faith Conference comes to Omaha on March 28 and 29. We can order tickets before Jan. 18 and get in on the early bird price. If we have 10 or more, that cost is $45. Please contact Diana for more information.
Pastor Charlotte asks: Prayers for Tracy H., who has recently suffered a brain aneurysm; pray, also for her 4 children and family (friend of John and Amy B.). Prayers for Emily H., preparing for surgery on January 2nd (daughter of Karen and Todd H.).
We three kings of Orient are
Bearing gifts we traverse afar
Field and fountain, moor and mountain
Following yonder star
Star of wonder, star of light,
Star with royal beauty bright
Westward leading, still proceeding
Guide us to thy perfect light
--John H. Hopkins Jr., 1857

Friday, December 28, 2007

How I Plan to Get Rich in 2008

This is Bruce Davis, writing to welcome new readers to ST.A-MAIL. We’ve added a lot of addresses from Christmas Eve. I particularly appreciate those of you who wrote legibly. If you ever want off the list, please let us know.
If you have already received a copy of this today, I apologize. I tried sending this a half hour ago and received an error message, so will try again.
Many thanks to all who helped make Christmas Eve at St. Andrew’s a transcendent experience. For those interested in the attendance count, Mandy B. reports 546 at 3:00, 835 at 5:00 and 443 at 7:00 for a total of 1,827.
December 30, 2007
8:00, 9:15 & 10:45
Bruce Davis rings out the old year with HOW I PLAN TO GET RICH IN 2008.
JANUARY 6, 2008
8:00, 9:15 & 10:45
Bruce Davis & The Reckless Abandon Players ring in the new year with FIND YOUR GRAIL.
Our first PIZZA WITH THE PASTORS of 2008
Sunday evening, January 13, 5:00-7:00
This is an event designed for persons interested in membership at St. Andrew’s. Sign up at the Hospitality Desk in the Rotunda or e-mail Mandy B.
Ephesians 1:16-19
I do not cease to give thanks for you as I remember you in my prayers. I pray that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give you a spirit of wisdom and revelation as you come to know him, so that, with the eyes of your heart enlightened, you may know what is the hope to which he has called you, what are the riches of his glorious inheritance among the saints, and what is the immeasurable greatness of his power for us who believe, according to the working of his great power. Ephesians 1:16-19

Friday, December 21, 2007

Christmas Eve

Come Celebrate

At St. Andrew’s United Methodist Church
15050 W. Maple St.
Omaha, Nebraska

We offer Candelight Commmion services at
3:00, 5:00, 7:00
Featuring The Herald Angels Singers and The Horns Of Jericho
The Bells will ring at 3:00
The Children will sing at 5:00
Greg Witte will share Sweet Little Jesus Boy in all three services
Jeff Hatcher has a wonderful rendition of O Holy Night
I’ll Be Home For Christmas will be offered by Nate Underwood at 3:00 & 5:00, with Adam Witte singing it at 7:00.
Bruce Davis is preaching a sermon titled NUTS
Special Guest: Sgt. Tracy Cogdill

We would love to share Christmas Eve with you.

Your friends at St. Andrew’s United Methodist Church

Thursday, December 20, 2007

O Come, Let Us Adore Him

This Sunday, December 23
8:00, 9:15 & 10:45
The services will include lots of Christmas Caroling
The St. Andrew’s Singers are preparing one of our favorite songs of Christmas: Lo, How A Rose E’er Blooming
Jeff Hatcher and Tyler Scritchfield will take a classical turn with Ave Maria.
3:00, 5:00, 7:00
Featuring The Herald Angels Singers and The Horns Of Jericho
The Bells will ring at 3:00
The Children will sing at 5:00
Greg Witte will share Sweet Little Jesus Boy in all three services
Jeff Hatcher will sing O Holy Night
I’ll Be Home For Christmas will be offered by Nate Underwood at 3:00 & 5:00, with Adam Witte singing it at 7:00.
Bruce is preaching a sermon titled NUTS
Special Guest: Sgt. Tracy Cogdill
Our namesake, St. Andrew, was a man who invited others to meet and experience Jesus. Won’t you invite someone to St. Andrew’s on Christianity’s most holy night?
CHILDREN’S CHOIRS: The Mighty Doves, The Joyful Sounds and The Music Makers will sing on Christmas Eve at the 5:00 service. Kids should meet at the front of the sanctuary before the service. The choirs will resume weekly practices on Wednesday, January 9, at 5:00.
GERALD R. had surgery yesterday and Nancy brought a good report back from the hospital. GEORGE W. had knee replacement surgery on Tuesday. I saw him yesterday at Clarkson and he was in good spirits DAVE S. asks prayers for his sister, Diana.
O come, all ye faithful, joyful and triumphant
O come ye, O come ye, to Bethlehem
Come and behold him, born the King of angels
O come, let us adore him
O come, let us adore him
O come, let us adore him
Christ the Lord
---John F. Wade, 1743

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Coming to Town

This Sunday, December 23
8:00, 9:15 & 10:45
The services will include lots of Christmas Caroling
Jeff Hatcher and Tyler Scritchfield will share Ave Maria.
3:00, 5:00, 7:00
Featuring The Herald Angels Singers and The Horns Of Jericho
The Bells will ring at 3:00
The Children will sing at 5:00
Greg Witte will share Sweet Little Jesus Boy in all three services
Jeff Hatcher will sing O Holy Night
I’ll Be Home For Christmas will be offered by Nate Underwood at 3:00 & 5:00, with Adam Witte singing it at 7:00.
Bruce is preaching a sermon titled NUTS
Special Guest: Sgt. Tracy Cogdill
If you’re planning on going to the Springsteen concert, it’s always fun to keep track of his tour and what’s being played where. Go to the official web site and click the link Sets Lists and Tour Itinerary. If we’d been in Paris last night, we could have heard the band play Santa Claus Is Coming To Town.
DENISE J. reports that there were 621 presents and 54 food sacks underneath the TOGETHER INC. CHRISTMAS GIVING TREE. This is a wonderful response. Thanks for your generosity.
Our first PIZZA WITH THE PASTORS of 2008
Is scheduled for Sunday evening, January 13, 5:00-7:00
This is a low-to-no pressure event designed for persons interested in membership at St. Andrew’s. Sign up at the Hospitality Desk in the Rotunda or e-mail Mandy B.
Two items from MANDY B.:

Y-COSA (Young (20’s and 30’s) Couples of St. Andrews) please help us out with our first service project! We will be giving a Christmas party for the Karen children (Burma refugees). This will take place at Mt. View Presbyterian Church on Sunday the 23rd from 2-5. We will have several game/activity stations and we need help to make sure these kids have a good time! Contact me to help out or with questions.

We still need Ushers and Greeters for the Christmas Eve Services (3:00, 5:00, and 7:00)… We will need about 6 ushers for each service- We need the most help at the 5:00 and 7:00 services. Please consider helping out! Contact Mandy B.
Pastor Charlotte asks: Prayers for Thelma G., who has suffered a stroke, resulting in paralysis (grandmother of Penny F.). Prayers for 2 month old Emma, preparing for surgery early this week (friend of Darlene S.). Prayers for Dick W., hospitalized with staph infection (former member and friend of St. Andrew’s).
O come, o come, Emmanuel
and ransom captive Israel
that mourns in lonely exile here
until the Son of God appear
Rejoice! Rejoice!
Emmanuel shall come to thee
O Israel.
--Translated from a 9th century Latin verse

Friday, December 14, 2007

Sing We Now Noel!

THIS SUNDAY December 16
8:00, 9:15 & 10:45:
Bruce preaching: OLD MEN AND BABIES
We’re into full-tilt Christmas Carol mode now.
We’ll be singing Angels We Have Heard On High, What Child Is This
and It Came Upon The Midnight Clear.
The Praise Band will offer Christmas Eve/Sarajevo 12/24 at 9:15 & 10:45
Leon Adams will be playing Go Tell It On The Mountain at 8:00
At 9:15 & 10:45, The St. Andrew’s Singers will grace us with Breathe.
December 23
CHRISTMAS EVE, 3:00, 5:00, 7:00
Candlelight Communion Services
Featuring the Horns of Jericho, The Herald Angels Singers and other wonderful music in all three services. Soloists in the various services will include Jeff Hatcher, Nate Underwood, Greg Witte and Adam Witte. The Children’s Choirs will be singing at 5:00. The Bells will be with us at 3:00. Bruce preaching: NUTS! Special Guest: Sgt. Tracy Cogdill.
December 30, 8:00, 9:15 & 10:45
Music Director LEON A. and I have been trying to anticipate the needs of the music ministry when we launch the new worship schedule, March 29 & 30. The weekend of worship will look like this: 5:00 Saturday evening, 8:30 & 10:00 on Sunday. Starting the first of the year, PAM F. will be moving into the slot of vocal director. This frees up the very versatile ADAM W. to operate as an accompanist. We’ve been short a musician since Adora G. left the staff this fall. FAYE J. will be filling the vacant position. Faye is an extremely accomplished musician with a long and impressive resume and we think she’s going to add a lot to our mix.
We received this letter, addressed To the Board of Directors of St. Andrew’s Child Enrichment Center and thought you’d like to see it. I did some minor editing and lacking explicit permission to reprint, decided to withhold the name.

I am writing this letter to express my gratitude to St. Andrew’s Child Enrichment Center for educating and caring for my children while they attended the center. Recently, our family moved to Tennessee and taking the children out of St. Andrew’s CEC was one of the most difficult aspects of our decision to move. Our sons….went to St. Andrew’s for three years and we never had any serious issues or concerns. We always felt confident that our children were being cared for extremely well and if there were ever any issues, often they were addressed before we even had a chance to say anything to the directors or teachers. We also formed life-long relationships with several of the teachers….

In this day and age, parents, have every reason to be concerned about how their children are being treated while they are at work. I want to thank St. Andrew’s for making sure that we never had anything to worry about and for partnering with us to make sure our children were in a loving, supportive and educational environment. Thank you!
Pastor CHARLOTTE asks: Please pray for Becky J., who has had a 6 hour iron infusion yesterday – a very risky procedure for her – please pray for her that she responds well to this treatment (sister of Teresa M.) Just added: Prayers of sympathy for the family of Mary M., in the recent passing (mother of Sandra R.) Prayers for Mike R., preparing for outpatient surgery on December 21st. Prayers for Shirley C., who has been hospitalized.
Sing we now of Christmas, Noel, sing we here!
Hear our grateful praises to the babe so dear.
Sing we Noel, the King is born, Noel!
Sing we now of Christmas, sing we now Noel!
French Carol, author unknown.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


THIS SUNDAY December 16
8:00, 9:15 & 10:45:
Bruce preaching: OLD MEN AND BABIES
We’re into full-tilt Christmas Carol mode now.
We’ll be singing Angels We Have Heard On High, What Child Is This
and It Came Upon The Midnight Clear.
The Praise Band will offer Christmas Eve/Sarajevo 12/24 at 9:15 & 10:45
Leon Adams will be playing Go Tell It On The Mountain at 8:00
At 9:15 & 10:45, The St. Andrew’s Singers will grace us with Breathe.
December 23
CHRISTMAS EVE, 3:00, 5:00, 7:00
Candlelight Communion Services
Featuring the Horns of Jericho, The Herald Angels Singers and other wonderful music in all three services. Soloists in the various services will include Jeff Hatcher, Nate Underwood, Greg Witte and Adam Witte. The Children’s Choirs will be singing at 5:00. The Bells will be with us at 3:00. Bruce preaching: NUTS! Special Guest: Sgt. Tracy Cogdill.
December 30, 8:00, 9:15 & 10:45
If you want to see and even order prints from Sunday’s Intergenerational Christmas Cantata, use this link to Craig Strong’s web site:
Craig does phenomenal work.
KRISTIN D. sent the following on Monday and I am reprinting it with her permission:

As I was taking my son to school this morning I had the radio on listening to Christmas carols. They broke in to comment on the rainbow that was over Westroads mall. I looked to the East and overhead was the most profound Rainbow. A calming, along with tears came over me. Is this God comforting those who are laying their loved ones to rest today, reassuring us? It was incredible.
Before this, as I was listening to the morning news, hearing of the most recent shootings, I was just wondering if indeed the world was coming to an end. I needed to see that rainbow, to reassure me, that indeed, God is still with us, and NO!!, the world is not coming to an end, and that now more then ever, we need God!
I'm sorry that I am rambling, but I have just been so deeply touched by this whole incredible scene. I myself needed His sign today!!
Switching rainbows, I’m thinking of making a quick trip to Nicaragua after the first of the year. The itinerary would include a visit to our sister community of San Andres and other projects of the Rainbow Network. St. Andrew’s will soon be entering the second year of a three-year commitment in which we contribute $20,000 annually for health care, feeding programs, education and mirco-economic loans through Rainbow to the people of San Andres. If I go, it will be a quick trip. Anybody out in St.A-land want to go with me? A ballpark figure of a thousand dollars should cover most all expenses. If you’re interested, let me know.
There’s talk in the United Methodist Church of publishing a new hymnal, perhaps by 2013. Of course, I’ve become a complete convert to putting lyrics on the screen. We had some suggestions in the worship survey that we go back to using hymnals, but here’s the big plus in having the words on the screen: Singing from a hymnal, worshipers are looking down at the words, with the effect that their voices go in that direction. Singing from the screens, worshipers are looking up, so their voices naturally carry upward. It makes a huge difference in the singing.
Pastor Charlotte asks: Prayers of healing for Ann G., recovering from surgery. Prayers for George W., preparing for surgery December 18th. Prayers of sympathy for the family of Dr. Henry B. in his recent passing; pray, especially, for his immediate family and brother Michael B. and sister, Mary B. (Dr. B. is the brother-in-law of Chris W.). Prayers for Maggie E., preparing for surgery December 13. Prayers for Gerald R., preparing for surgery on December 19th.
While shepherds watched their flocks by night
All seated on the ground
The angel of the Lord came down
And glory shone around
And glory shone around

“Fear not!” said he, for mighty dread
had seized their troubled mind
“Glad tidings of great joy I bring
to all of human kind
to all of human kind”
--Nahum Tate 1700
“While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks”
God bless, BRD

Monday, December 10, 2007

Pastor Charlotte

THIS SUNDAY December 16
8:00, 9:15 & 10:45:
Bruce preaching: OLD MEN AND BABIES
The Praise Band will be offering “Christmas Eve/Sarajevo 12/24” and the Chancel Choir will be debuting a new song.
December 23
CHRISTMAS EVE, 3:00, 5:00, 7:00
Candlelight Communion Services
Featuring the Horns of Jericho, The Herald Angels Singers and other wonderful music in all three services. The Children’s Choirs will be singing at 5:00. Bruce preaching: NUTS! Special Guest: Sgt. Tracy Cogdill.
December 30, 8:00, 9:15 & 10:45
CHILD OF PEACE, our intergenerational Christmas Cantata, was nothing short of wonderful. Sitting out in the congregation, I couldn’t help but think back to two years ago. Nancy and I had arrived in September. The music program had taken a major hit in the transition. St. Andrew’s had some Christmas music traditions that weren’t going to be possible to pull off in December ‘05. Bless her heart, Pam F. stepped up and offered to put together an intergenerational Christmas choir. Netta P., Margie W. and the Children’s Department jumped right in. What started as a stopgap solution has grown into a new and very heartwarming Christmas tradition in its own right—one that just keeps getting bigger and better. I love this music ministry.

I would add that I was very impressed by Steve Smith’s sermon at 8:00. Steve is in the process of candidacy for the United Methodist ministry. This was his first public sermon and he handled it very well.
FROM PASTOR CHARLOTTE: For the past 6 1/2 years, I have had the joy of doing the Lord's work here at St. Andrew's as Minister of Pastoral Care/Director of Pastoral Care Ministries. I am, however, announcing my retirement (2nd time!) following the completion of this round of GRIEFSHARE. Depending on weather delays, this will be sometime between late January and mid-February, 2008. My calling at St. Andrew's has been a rewarding part of my ministry and I treasure the friendships Sheridan and I have made with some of the finest people we have ever met. Thank you all so very much for the blessing of serving you. God bless! Pastor Charlotte

Editor’s Note: Charlotte first shared this with us a week ago. She is a beloved figure in this congregation and we know you join us in saying, “Well done, good and faithful servant.” There will be plenty of time for what we know will be heartfelt expressions of thanksgiving for her ministry. Charlotte and her husband Sheridan are heroes of the faith. May God bless them.
Bob D. is my office, telling me about this weekend’s Youth Christmas parties.
The Senior High party was held Saturday at the Jessick home, with forty youth in attendance--though Bob’s amending this now to perhaps 37—he’s not sure. (Down the road, when he’s an ordained pastor and doing the counting, he’ll know to count it closer to 50 J Just kidding. Sort of.) They had great food, exchanged white elephant gifts and really enjoyed each other’s fellowship, says Bob. He thanks the Jessicks for hosting the event. On Sunday, the Middle School Christmas party was held at Thunder Alley, which I understand is a bowling establishment, also featuring go-carts, laser tag and such. 65 youth were in attendance (Bob stresses that’s an exact number). A year ago, the Middle School Christmas party was attended by 7 youth. People were wondering what this said about the bonding of youth with the new youth pastor. A year later, all such concerns seem to be in the rear-view mirror. Let’s face it, any time your numbers increase from 7 to 65, it’s pretty spectacular. It is, Bob reports, a good feeling, and he’s quick to laud a great group of adult volunteers. Nancy and I are just thrilled with what’s happening in our youth ministry.
You are invited to come and learn more about Alpha at the Celebration Dinner on Thursday, Dec. 13 at 6 p.m. (Please note the correct time – what was in the bulletin was incorrect). Contact Diana by Tuesday, Dec. 11 if you plan to attend.
DAVID W. writes: I have a special prayer request. The request is for Lorraine H. and her family. Lorraine's nephew (Gary Joy) was killed Wednesday in the Westroads-Von Mar Shooting. I've never met Gary, but my family has known Lorraine for several years. Lorraine is a very sweet lady. On top of this tragedy, I understand that Lorraine's sister pass away a few weeks ago.
The following was written by Kathleen T., who was the music director at University United Methodist Church in St. Louis, where I served from 1986-1991. It is titled, I WANT TO WALK AS A CHILD OF THE LIGHT and is found on page 206 of THE UNITED METHODIST HYMNAL:

I want to walk as a child of the light
I want to follow Jesus
God set the stars to give light to the world
The star of my life is Jesus
In him there is no darkness at all
The night and the day are both alike
The Lamb is the light of the city of God
Shine in my heart, Lord Jesus


Friday, December 07, 2007

Child of Peace

From NETTA P.: “Child of Peace”.

That’s the name of our Christmas Cantata. When Miss Pam and I research the many possibilities for the Christmas theme each year, it’s always hard to decide which one fits best with the children youth and the adults. Little did we know this year how much this Cantata will bring hope and peace through the Christmas story and how it draws relevant parallels to our world today. I would like to share the words to the finale that you will hear our children, youth and adults sing as they Share the Gospel” this Sunday:

Like a cool stream, like a slow breeze, like a whisper too quiet to hear,
Like a blossom opens in the spring-time the peaceable kingdom will appear.
All the danger, all the hatred, all the hunger and every fear,
All the sorrow will flee forever. The peaceable kingdom will appear.
And the wolf will lie down with the sheep and her lamb and the lion will lie by the deer.
Every outcast and stranger will share in a feast when the peaceable kingdom appears.
A little Child leads and he’s calling to us;
“Live in peace ‘till My kingdom appears.
Become as a child in your heart once again for My peaceable kingdom is near.
(Children will sing next piece while doing beautiful sign language)
Child of Peace
Child of Love
Child of hope from above
Child of joy
Child of light
Child of peace
Child of love, come tonight.

Please join us this Sunday at 9:15 and 10:45 for the production of “Child of Peace”. You will truly be touched and filled wit hope, peace and love. We are still in need of a few more people to help portray the live nativity. Please call Margie and be here for practice at 9:30 on Saturday
Also from NETTA: There is an excellent article at entitled “Talking to Children about Violence” that may be a good resource for parents who wish to discuss the Westroads Tragedy with their children. It is directed to safety at school, but could be a very useful tool.
Steve Smith will be making his preaching debut in the 8:00 service on Sunday.
In the wake of Wednesday’s disaster, The Missouri River District of the United Methodist Church will hold a prayer vigil at St. Luke’s UMC, 11810 Burke Street, 7:00 tonight (Friday). Nancy and I have a prior commitment and won’t be there, but we wanted you to know of this opportunity.
The number of St. Andrew’s people were on the scene Wednesday and were in actual harm’s way has me giving thanks that we were spared death in the congregation. We are, of course, learning of various personal connections. Ron W., for instance, wrote to share the following: “I'm in Chicago this week and just learned that Gary Scharf, a former manager of mine for 2 years, a good friend through some very difficult times over the years, a solid Christian and very loving father was among those killed. Just spoke with his in-laws on the phone and needless to say they need our prayers as do his son and family at this time to help them through their pain.” My daughter Mary, who lives in Bordeaux, France, wrote to say the story was being covered over there. Some way to make the news, huh.
BOB D. writes: I just wanted to remind the middle school parents that they are to drop off and pick up their youth at Thunder Ally on Sunday 1pm- 3pm (might run over)……The senior high Christmas party will be at the Jessick’s home on Saturday 6pm- 9pm.
The world’s best rock and roll band is coming to Omaha. If any of you have an inside track on Springsteen tickets, let me know. I’ve caught every Springsteen rock and roll tour since The Darkness On The Edge Of Town tour in the late ‘70s and have no intention of missing this one.
The Women of Faith Conference comes to Omaha on March 28 and 29. We can order tickets before Jan. 18 and get in on the early bird price. If we have 10 or more, that cost is $45. Please let me know if you are interested, and I will order tickets so we can sit together.
JULIE H. asks that we pray “for Camryn D., 6 year old daughter of our friends Mark and Karyn D. - she is at Children's Hospital having just been diagnosed with a mass on her brain....prayers for Cam, her family, and all of the folks at Children's who are working on the diagnosis and treatment plan.”
PASTOR CHARLOTTE asks Prayers for Robin, undergoing cancer surgery; her brother who is awaiting heart and kidney test results; and her mother preparing for knee replacement surgery (cousins of Denise Johnson).
There’s a song in the air
There’s a star in the sky
There’s a mother’s deep prayer
and a baby’s low cry
And the star rains it fire
while the beautiful sing
For the manger in Bethlehem
cradles a king
--Josiah G. Holland (1819-1881)
There’s A Song In The Air.

Thursday, December 06, 2007

The Morning After

Dear Saints of Andrew:

This is normally my most productive time of the day. I got to Panera's at my usual time--around 7:00--but I've just been spinning my mental/emotional wheels, unable to concentrate on much of anything.

I was paged to the telephone about a half hour ago. It was Nancy, asking if I thought we ought to try to put together some kind of service tonight. We decided against it. The weather reports are discouraging and there's the concern people might feel they "should" get out and we could wind up making a bad situation worse. I don't know that that's the right call, but it's the call we made.

Renelle W. just came over to say hello. She's exactly right on this: This will go to a whole new level of grief today as we put names and faces and stories with the victims.

In the days and weeks to come, please know our doors and hearts will be open to talk with you about anything you want to talk about. I'm particularly glad to have Bob on staff right now, as he'll be a tremendous resource for our youth.

If you're like me, you're already going through a roller coaster of emotion. Be good to yourself. It's okay to feel what you feel (so long as you don't take it out on someone else). What you're feeling this hour may very different the next, but that's to be expected. If you don't know what else to do, pray this prayer; it is tried and true:

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen.

John 11:35: Jesus wept.


Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Cantata Sunday

WE’RE ON A MISSION: This is kind of embarrassing. After making a big deal about how blank pledge cards could be found at the Hospitality Desk in the Rotunda on Sunday morning, I’m told they weren’t there. I clearly failed to communicate with the office. Anyway. We keep receiving new pledges daily, mostly on-line. I think we’ll wait until next week now to do any follow up, There will indeed be blank cards at the Hospitality Desk this Sunday. I promise. And if they’re NOT there, for any reason, grab me and demand to know: WHERE ARE THOSE PLEDGE CARDS? We want you to have a pledge card! Of course, the on-line option is still running:
THIS SUNDAY December 9
8:00, Steve Smith preaching: MY JOURNEY
Steve is an active member of our congregation and is currently in the process of candidacy for ministry in the United Methodist Church.
9:15 & 10:45:
This is one of the highlights of any year, sure to be a Heart Warming Worship experience for you and those you bring with you.
December 16
Bruce preaching: OLD MEN AND BABIES
The Praise Band will be offering “Christmas Eve/Sarajevo 12/24” and the Chancel Choir will be debuting a new song.
December 23
CHRISTMAS EVE, 3:00, 5:00, 7:00
Candlelight Communion Services
Featuring the Horns of Jericho, The Herald Angels Singers and other wonderful music in all three services. The Children’s Choirs will be singing at the 5:00 service. Bruce preaching: NUTS! Our special guest will be Sgt. Tracy Cogdill, talking about the experience of being a soldier far from home at Christmas.
SHARON D. writes regarding the MEMORIAL TREE: St. Andrew’s has a Christmas Tree that is decorated with ornaments by members who wanted to remember their loved ones. The tree will be decorated beginning this Sunday from past contributors. If you would like to add to the Memorial Tree please drop your ornament off at the Welcome Table and it will be placed on the tree. If you have any questions please contact Sharon.
I’m still trying to process the auction numbers Beth and Kelvin W. announced on Sunday. Last year, we were thrilled to report a net of $90,000. If I have my math correct, $120,000 represents a 33% increase. Goodness gracious.
If you’re giving books this Christmas, let me highly recommend the late David Halberstam’s just-released book on the Korean War: THE COLDEST WINTER. It’s a wonderful written, powerful narrative.
From YOUTH LEADER BOB D.: I just wanted to share with everyone that we as a youth group are off to a great start this Advent season. We had 83 youth and adult leaders in attendance this last Sunday. The youth praise band played “Angels We Have Heard on High” and “Joy to the World”. Pastor Charlotte led us in communion. Talia H. and Jaeda R. read scripture and lit the candle of hope in the Advent Wreath. We started watching the movie “The Nativity Story”. We ended the service in prayer. I am so thankful for St. Andrew’s youth and for all of the adult leaders that help make our youth group successful! I find myself quietly saying many, many times a day “Thank you” to God for all that he is doing in my life and in the lives of our youth.
DIANA F. writes: In past years, the Christmas holiday season may have been a time of great anticipation and excitement …but this year, the prospect of facing the holidays without your mate may cause anxiety and dread. You are not alone in these feelings. DivorceCare has compiled practical ideas and words of encouragement and comfort to help you face the holiday season. Please check out the articles at They will be of help you cope this holiday season. Articles for single parents are included.

And PASTOR CHARLOTTE advises: Surviving the holidays without a loved one – see for ideas on how to cope.
PASTOR CHARLOTTE asks: Prayers of sympathy for the family and friends of Jose N., in his recent passing (friend of Adrian A.). Prayers for Betty B., recovering from a broken ankle, due to a fall. Prayers for Mike (54 years old), diagnosed with stage 4 cancer of the brain; spreading to other parts of his body (friend of Mary & Jerry E.). Our CEC (Childhood Enrichment Center) Director, CHANTELLE H., asks prayers for her mother, Robin S., as she will be having surgery on Friday… We extend our sympathy to FRANCIS L. at the death of his sister.
Lo, how a Rose e’er blooming
from tender stem hath sprung!
Of Jesse’s lineage come
as those of old have sung
True man yet very God
From sin and death now save us
and share our every load.
“O, How A Rose A Blooming.
15th century German lyric translated by Theodore Baker, 1894

Monday, December 03, 2007

Omaha A&E

Our newest members are:
ANDY & MELISSA G. Melissa works for the Douglas County Attorney. Andy is a student. They have two songs, TYLER & HUNTER.
KAREN M. is a teacher with the Omaha Public Schools. Her husband BILL is a retired United Church of Christ pastor.
We were DELIGHTED to hear Kelvin and Beth W. report that the 2007 Dinner/Dance/Auction cleared over $121,000. Mega-thanks to everyone who supported this event in any way, shape or form.
THIS SUNDAY December 9
8:00, Steve Smith preaching: MY JOURNEY
Steve is an active member of our congregation and is currently in the process of candidacy for ministry in the United Methodist Church.
9:15 & 10:45:
This is one of the highlights of any year and you won’t want to miss it.


Teachers need to be present

• 9:30 a.m. Band, Narrators, Sound Tech, Living Nativity arrive and meet in Sanctuary

• 9:40 a.m. Youth and Adult Choirs arrive and meet in choir loft

• 9:45 a.m. Preschool and Pre-K go to Sanctuary and have a seat in the front with parent. You will practice 1st and be dismissed. K-6 meet in the Family Life Center.

• 10:00 a.m. Rehearsal begins

• 11:00 a.m. Rehearsal ends. Pick up children in FLC.

Please be on time to make this hour productive!

CANTATA—Sunday, Dec. 9th

Performance at the 9:15 and 10:45
Services. Pancake feed between services.
Teachers stay with your class
*No Sunday School that day*

• 8:45 a.m. Youth and Adult choirs meet in the music rehearsal room to warm up.

• 9:00 a.m. Preschool and Pre-Kind arrive and sit with parents in designated area. After song “Child of Peace” they will go to stage to sing “Away in a Manger”. After their song, they will return to sit with parents for remainder of program.

• 9:00 a.m. Kindergarten-5th grades arrive and go directly to stage in your position where you practiced on Saturday. These children stay on stage for the entire program. Its length is 35 minutes + offertory.

Pancakes will be served between services. We’ll try to dismiss parents with children first so kids are ready to perform again for our 10:45 service!

Reminder: Required dress for youth and adult choirs is all-black. All other Christmas outfits for Pre-school—5th are welcome!
Due to the inclement weather on Saturday, another evaluation is scheduled to this Tuesday, Dec. 4 from 6:00-7:00. This will be the last opportunity to get your child evaluated. Please make every effort to get here. This is difficult to reschedule as it takes a lot of people to run this. Thanks in advance…..Coaches Training is Saturday, Dec. 15 from 9:00-10:00, with Safe Sanctuaries/background check from 10:00-10:20….. Referee Training is Tuesday, Dec. 18 from 6:30-7:30, with Safe Sanctuaries/background check from 7:30-7:50. WE ARE STILL IN NEED OF REFEREES. Please contact Margie or Netta to sign up.
Here’s our Joke Of The Day: The Bowl Championship Series.
THIS IS REALLY INTERESTING and comes to us from Music Director LEON A.: Here is some info that I think folks might want to know for music community events that are coming up. The Confidentials will be having their 4th annual Christmas concert at Millard North High School auditorium on Sunday Dec 16th at 7:00. Admission is $10 and you can purchase the tickets online by going to There will be a silent auction will be held to benefit the Omaha School of Music (which is a sponsor for the concert). Also, the Omaha Entertainment and Arts Awards will be held on Jan 3rd at the Holland Center at 7:00 and there are some St Andrews people who have been nominated!! I (Leon A.) was nominated in the "Best Music Direction" category for my work with the musical play "Crowns" with actor John B., the Confidentials were nominated in two categories "Best Cover Band" and "Best R&B band" (Leon A. keyboardist/music director) and Jeff H. has been nominated for the "Best Classical Musician" category. For ticket prices for the awards show, go to Anyway, it's good to see some representation from our own folks here at St Andrews for a big event.
Those who have passed along e-mails about THE GOLDEN COMPASS, may be interested in an article on author Philip Pullman from the most recent edition of TIME MAGAZINE: “Pullman is the author of HIS DARK MATERIALS, a trio of fantasy novels that has sold more than 15 million copies since the first volume, THE GOLDEN COMPASS, was published in 1995. It has been turned into a radio drama and a hit London stage play. A movie of THE GOLDEN COMPASS, starring Nicole Kidman and Daniel Craig, opens in the U.S. next week and will probably take its place in the pantheon of profitable fantasy franchises that includes THE LORD OR RINGS, THE CHRONICLES OF NARNIA and HARRY POTTER. But the most striking fact about Pullman’s work is that his characters aren’t fighting Sauron or the White Queen or Voldemort. Their enemy is the Christian church.” Huh.
December 16
Bruce preaching: OLD MEN AND BABIES
The Praise Band will be offering “Christmas Eve/Sarajevo 12/24” and the Chancel Choir will be debuting a new song.
December 23
CHRISTMAS EVE, 3:00, 5:00, 7:00
Candlelight Communion Services
Featuring the Horns of Jericho, The Herald Angels Singers and other wonderful music in all three services. The Children’s Choirs will be singing at the 5:00 service.
Bruce preaching: NUTS!

Pastor Charlotte asks: Prayers for Bev, who is recovering from surgery; pray that she heals and is home very soon (Mother of Ann, Milton and Jackson G.; Jane, Rob, John and Emily W.).
Savior of the nations come
Virgin’s Son, here make thy home!
Marvel now, O heaven and earth
That the Lord chose such a birth
Martin Luther, “Savior of the Nations, Come”