Monday, April 28, 2008

General Conference


Linde and Chad W. – Chad is a firefighter and Linde is teacher at Elkhorn Public Schools. They have a daughter, Riley, who is 11 months old.

Don M. – Don sells crop insurance with Pro Ag Insurance.

Susan B. – Susan has a son Kalvin who is almost 3.



Sabbath Night Live, 2008:

Friday, May 2nd, and Saturday, May 3rd

    • Doors open 6:00
    • Buffet Dinner 6:15
    • Show 7:00

Some tickets are still available. Please contact Judy H. at the St. Andrew's Church Office, 431-8560.

For those who have reserved tickets and still need to pay, you can bring your money to the night of the performance

Volunteers needed for both nights. Please contact Adrian.

The Worship Schedule

Saturday, May 3, 5:00

Sunday, May 4, 8:30 & 10:00

Bruce preaching: WEDDING AT CANA

aka: Why Nancy Does Most Of The Weddings At St. Andrew’s

Sunday afternoon, 3:00




May 10 & 11

Nancy preaching: MOTHER-IN-LAW


Regarding the sermon preached over this past weekend, I was asked, this morning, why I thought it was necessary to mention the United Methodist position on homosexuality. That’s easy. The General Conference of the United Methodist Church is currently meeting in Fort Worth. We can pass resolutions about poverty, violence, ecology and a host of other matters, and the only thing that will be covered in the press is what we do or don’t do regarding the homosexuality issue. Better you hear it from your pastors, I figure. WHY JOHN WESLEY WAS KICKED OUT OF THE METHODIST CHURCH is posted on the web page: Click the SERMON link. For that matter, if you want to follow the Conference yourself, try this website: If you see anything there that Nancy or I can help clarify, let us know.


Our congregation was well represented at the Casting Crowns concert last night. Craig B. tells me fliers were distributed among the crowd, publicizing the concert to be held at St. Andrew’s on Thursday evening, May 22. The headliner is CALEB ROWDEN, with an opening act called BENJAMIN. This is a free concert, starting at 7:00.



Y-COSA (Young (20’s and 30’s) Couples of St. Andrew’s) BUNCO NIGHT! Bunco is a fun dice game (you do not need to know how to play) we will be playing at the church on May 9th from 6:30-8:30. Please bring a potluck dish to share! Childcare will be available. RSVP to Mandy at 431-8560 ext. 23


NETTA P. tells us: VBS Registrations are going great! Doing this on the Web is going to be so much more efficient. NOW, volunteers need to also sign up on the Web. We are not processing hard copy. You can do this right now….just go to Hit the children’s button, click on the morning, evening or camp site and volunteer registration is right there! We will need right around 130 volunteers to run these three VBS options. Please prayerfully consider helping and sign up today. You’ll be glad you did. Our volunteers past will tell you it is so much fun, and rewarding!!


1 John 4:7-8

Beloved, let us love one another, because love is from God; everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, for God is love.




Goodness, this not a pleasant April day! It could be worse. I’ve been reading this terrific book, OLD JULES, about life on the Nebraska frontier. Mari Sandoz writes of a year when western Nebraska got three feet of snow on the last day of April.


I think you’ll enjoy what we have planned for this weekend. In keeping with the quadrennial General Conference of the United Methodist Church, currently being held in Fort Worth, I’ve got a sermon titled, WHY JOHN WESLEY GOT KICKED OUT OF THE METHODIST CHURCH. At 5:00 on Saturday, the Ax Of The Apostles will be debuting a current contemporary Christian chart-topper, “Everything Glorious.” At 8:30 and 10:00 on Sunday, the St. Andrew’s Singers will offer the Charles Wesley classic, “Jesus, Lover Of My Soul.” All three worship hours will also feature a great song called “Take My Heart (Holiness)” and the Leon Adams arrangement of one of my favorite hymns: “Blessed Assurance.” “Methodist Pie” gets thrown into the musical mix, as well and we think we have the recipe for a delicious weekend of worship.


Bruce preaching: WEDDING AT CANA

Also titled: Why Nancy Does Most Of The Weddings At St. Andrew’s

Speaking of Nancy, Lord willing, the cast comes off her arm today.

If you’re a Vietnam Veteran, I’d like to hear from you regarding my Memorial Weekend plans.,



BELLS----55 bells plus many added instruments

BROWNIES-----Cream Cheese, chocolate chip, peanut butter, chocolate raspberry, zebra brownies plus lemon bars

BROADWAY---Lion King, Mary Poppins, LeRoy Anderson In Concert

Who could ask for anything more?

May, 4th at 3:00 p.m. THE AMBASSADOR HANDBELL CHOIR is presenting a great Broadway concert with brownies and bars as an added extra for the concert. We also will be giving away a few great prizes and we have an added extra surprise for those attending. Come join us on May 4th. You will be glad you did.


#5 in the 23 item GALLUP MEMBERSHIP ENGAGEMENT SURVEY reads: The spiritual leaders in my church seem to care about me as a person. I was pleased to see that Saints of Andrew responded well to this one. On the 1 (Strongly Disagree) to 5 (Strongly Agree) scale, the Gallup Mean Score is 3.78. St. Andrew’s came in at 4.16. Nancy and I both grew up in small town churches. One of our goals is to bring small church values of caring and personal relationship to the large church experience. I like to think the #5 values are reflected at every level of our congregational life. If you’re among the 1.22 who feel as if you’re not cared for as a person, please let us know how we can correct that.


MIKE P. asks: Can you please add my father, Rex P. (in Ft. Collins, CO), to the prayer request list? He recently suffered a small heart attack and is scheduled for bypass surgery on Tues, May 6.


And are we yet alive

And see each other’s face?

Glory and thanks to Jesus give

For his almighty grace.

Let us take up the cross

Till we the crown obtain

And gladly reckon all things loss

So we may Jesus gain

--AND ARE WE YET ALIVE, Charles Wesley



Thursday, April 24, 2008

Over the Rainbow


Saturday, April 26, 5:00

Sunday, April 27, 8:30 & 10:45

Bruce preaching the General Conference Special:



Each Monday, I get a count of attendance and what was in the offering plate. I was delighted to learn the Rainbow Network event had generated just over $18,000 in contributions. Wow! I assumed, of course, this meant there was $6,000 in the special offering and the Dean H./Mark R. matching gifts had tripled the amount. No. The $18,000 was BEFORE the matching gifts kicked in. I don’t think anyone saw that coming; I certainly didn’t. Anyway, Mark and Dean are indeed matching the $18,000, which by my calculator means the event generated in excess of $54,000. I’m stunned, frankly. A lot of good is going to come of this. Thanks for putting a little love in your hearts—make that a WHOLE LOT OF LOVE!!!


From NANCY D.: If you have some free time to volunteer this summer, La Casa del Pueblo UMC (Omaha Methodism’s Spanish-language congregation) could use your help with some of their summer programs. Volunteers are needed to serve prepared free meals to children from June 2- June 27 and from July 7 – July 31 from 11:30 A.M. to 12:30 P.M., Monday through Friday. Volunteers are also needed to provide adult supervision for field trips for children from June 4 – June 25 and July 7- July 30, Mondays and Wednesdays only from 10:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. And volunteers are also needed to help make crafts, create skits, or tutor in math, English, or technology from July 14 – July 31, Monday through Thursday, 9:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M. If you can help call the pastor, Alberto Silva at 733-0202.



Looking for a way to help out with Vacation Bible School? We are looking for donations for scholarships for some of our children. If interested, contact Netta.

Our first “The Big Ticket” movie night was a great success! We hope all the kids and parents who attended had a great time. Our next movie night is scheduled for Friday May 16th, @ 6:30 pm. More info will come out next week. Reserve the date!





PENNY CHALLENGE RESULTS: 51661 PENNIES were turned into the bank today. The money will go to help pay off the church. THANK YOU every penny counts!

We will be having “ALL PARENTS MEETING” (parents of youth grades 6-12) on Saturday April 26 at 6pm to 6:30pm for those who attend the Saturday service. We will also have a meeting on Sunday April 27 at 11am to 11:30pm for those who attend the Sunday service. The purpose of the meeting is to distribute the youth calendar thru August and to have parents sign up to help with the activities. We will be meeting in the youth room. (You only need to attend one meeting)

Attention Parents! Please e-mail me the name of your GRADUATING SENIOR as we want to recognize him/her at our May 18 Sunday services. We will just ask the seniors to come forward and announce their names and what their future plans are. I want to make sure I have a complete list so e-mail the names to me. Thank you.



Chris G. (sister of Sandi D.) battling cancer..

Gene W., treatment for cancer.

Dick W., father of Pam M., tests.

Pam M., surgery on April 21.

Sandi J. and family, friends of Kathy K., cancer treatment.

Roland S., friend of Christine B., in the ICU unit.

Mark & Kris B., newborn triplets in hospital.

Randy S., friend of Christen B., recovering from back surgery.

Rachel W., Margie W.’s daughter, surgery 4-24-08.

Gene S., knee replacement surgery, 4-23-08.

Diane P., sister-in-law of Laurel P., hospitalized.


Acts 15:1-11

It wasn’t long before some Jews showed up from Judea insisting that everyone be circumcised. ‘If you’re not circumcised in the Mosaic fashion, you can’t be saved.’ Paul and Barnabas were up on their feet at once in fierce protest. The church decided to resolve the matter by sending Paul, Barnabas, and a few others to put it before the apostles and leaders in Jerusalem. After they were sent off and on their way, they told everyone they met as they traveled through Phoenicia and Samaria about the breakthrough to the non-Jewish outsiders. Everyone who heard the news cheered. It was terrific news! When they got to Jerusalem, Paul and Barnabas were graciously received by the whole church, including the apostles and leaders. They reported on their recent journey and how God had used them to open things up to the outsiders. Some Pharisees stood up to say their piece. They had become believers, but continued to hold to the hard party line of the Pharisees. ‘You have to circumcise the pagan converts,’ they said. ‘You must make them keep the Law of Moses.’ The apostles and leaders called a special meeting to consider the matter.



Tuesday, April 22, 2008



Saturday, April 26, 5:00

Sunday, April 27, 8:30 & 10:45

Bruce preaching The General Conference Special:


Also titled: Why United Methodists Don’t Have A Pope


  • Ashley T. and James P.- they are engaged to be married! Ashley is a full-time student and works full-time at West. Corporation. James works at DRI Title and Escrow.
  • Tracy B. – Tracy works as a literacy teacher at Wilson Junior High in Council Bluffs.
  • Jason and Amanda A.- Amanda is a Cardiac Sonographer at Bergan. Jason is the owner operator of Mr. Sparky and Complete Electric. They have two children Isabella, 5, and Joe who will be 2 in June.
  • Jon and Jasonea S.- Jon is a Chef at Con Agra Foods and Jasonea works at Envoy. They have a 4 week old daughter, Sheridan.

BOB D. writes: We welcome the 2008 Confirmation Class as members of the body of Christ at St. Andrew’s UMC. They are: Jacob ., Taylor B., Connor D., Brent G., David J., Elliot K., Peyton L., Patrick L., Nick N., Patrick M., Brandon S., Logan T., Caroline C., Bridget C., Kaitlyn E., Jessica F., Zoe H., Haley H., Andrea L., Natalie L., Miranda M., Jordan P., Emili S., Megan T., Nicole W., and Hannah W.. Congratulations to the 2008 Confirmation Class! We are so proud of you all.


Saturday’s celebration of our ministry with The Rainbow Network and San Andres was an experience of all Six Signs Of Discipleship (Radical Hospitality, Heart-Warming Worship, Risk-Taking Mission, Vital Faith Formation, Gracious Generosity and Connectional Joy) in the space of a single hour. It was a joy to welcome Rainbow Network Founder Keith Jaspers and guests from Nicaragua: Nelson Palacio, Efrain Aguilar Mendoza, Santos Erving Lopez, Elena Aurora Mendoza and Hilda del Socorro Mendez. We were blessed with a wonderful turnout. The generosity was Gracious with a capital G! Be looking for an announcement in days to come. Special thanks to the Matthew Ministries Team for hosting the reception following the worship service, and to Adrian and Sheri A. who opened their home to our guests on Saturday evening.


From NETTA P.: The BIG TICKET was a huge success this past Friday night! 68 children came to our first showing of “It’s a Bug’s Life”. They watched the movie, ate bug snacks, pretended to be bugs and found out even the “smallest ant” is a big part of God’s Plan. You can watch for more of these type of activities for our children as our new Children’s Event Coordinator, Kathy S., has many ideas for Children’s Ministries!

DIANA F. tells us about ALPHA SATURDAY

Wow!! What an exciting day! Alpha Saturday was on April 19th at St. Andrew’s. I overheard someone say that he was supposed to go to his daughter’s game at noon, but was having too much fun at Alpha Saturday, that he called her to tell her he wasn’t going to make it. Alpha Saturday is a day where those on the Alpha Course hear presentations and discuss the Holy Spirit – Who is the Holy Spirit? What does the Holy Spirit Do? How can I be filled with the Holy Spirit? and How can I make the most of the rest of my life? Amazing and profound changes always occur in people’s lives as a result. Participants are given an opportunity to pray a prayer giving their lives to Christ – that is just what happened – right here at St. Andrew’s on Saturday. We would love to have you join us on the next Alpha Course. Watch for details about when it will be offered.



ANNOUNCEMENT: Mark you Calendar, invite a friend, come listen to music and have fun- for FREE!! Caleb Rowden will make a stop in Omaha for the first time on his ‘Lead Me to the Cross’ tour. He will be performing at St. Andrew’s on Thursday May 22nd at 7:00 PM. The opening act will be a local band, ‘Benjamin’. Caleb Rowden has some amazing radio hits and an awesome CD, you can check him out at This will be a great night of music and a great night to introduce friends to St. Andrew’s.

USHERS: With the new schedule up and running we have evaluated the current number of ushers and are still looking for a few more. Ushers are on a three month rotating schedule. They usher for one month and have two months off. We need 1 usher at 8:30, 6 ushers for 10:00, and 6 more for the Saturday night service. Please consider helping out! Contact Mandy B. 431-8560 ext. 23

KAREN REFUGEE FAMILY: Judy F.and I visited the Sein C. family this weekend (our refugee family that we are sponsoring from Burma). The family is doing okay, they several neighbors who are also refugees who are helping and supporting them also. The family is in need of few things; they are in need of a DVD player (to help learn English), vacuum cleaner, and microwave. Another way you can help is by donating money so we may use it for things they need, like a phone, extra groceries until Sein C. finds a job, school supplies for the children, first pack of bus pases… Also the money will be used for things like taking the family to the zoo or other places (to help them learn the language and the culture). For more information please contact me at: Mandy B. 431-8560 ext. 23


Believe it or not, the Church Softball started last night and the Co-Ed Team has already given us a win by a 12-4 score. Our two Men’s teams open play on Sunday night at the Kelly Fields, 120th and Fort.


Tickets are going fast for SABBATH NIGHT LIVE DINNER THEATRE, Friday and Saturday evening, May 2nd and 3rd. Sales continue this weekend in the Rotunda.


Isaiah 55:1-3

Hey there! All who are thirsty, come to the water! Are you penniless? Come anyway—buy and eat! Come, buy your drinks, buy wine and milk. But without money—everything’s free! Why do you spend your money on junk food, your hard-earned cash on cotton candy! Listen to me, listen well: Eat only the best, fill yourself with only the finest. Pay attention, come close now, listen carefully to my life-giving, life nourishing words. I’m making a lasting covenant commitment with you, the same that I made with David: sure, solid, enduring love.



Friday, April 18, 2008

Recognition and Praise

There’s not much going on around the office this morning, but things go into high gear tomorrow. The staff is scheduled to be up here at 10:00 tomorrow morning to rehearse our skit for SABBATH NIGHT LIVE. Nancy has put this skit together and it’s a hoot. SNL is one of the mega-fun events of the St. Andrew’s year. Tickets are available this weekend at a booth in the Rotunda. Our guests from Nicaragua are scheduled to arrive around noon on Saturday. The Matthew Ministry Team and what we call The Travelers (Saints of Andrew who have made the trip to Nicaragua) will be having lunch with them. Nancy has a wedding at 3:00. The Nicaragua-mission-themed worship service begins at 5:00 in the sanctuary, followed by a reception in the Rotunda. While that’s going on, Nancy, Bob and the Confirmation families will be sharing a meal in the Family Life Center, after which they’ll go to the sanctuary to walk through the Confirmation Service. We’ll be doing confirmations at both 8:30 & 10:00 on Sunday. Nancy’s preaching those services: You’re A Good Man, Charlie Brown; while I’m offering The Angel Of Los Fieros on Saturday evening.

We’ve learned a lot in our first three weeks of the new worship schedule. As we’ve said from the start, we’ll be making adjustments as we go along, trying to fit resources to demand. The Saturday evening Children’s Church School has far exceeded expected demand, the number of children approximately equaling what we’ve been running on Sunday. On the other hand, there’s not been much demand for the 8:30 hour. Therefore, we’ll be dropping the 8:30 classes as of the first of May. We are a volunteer organization and deployment of our volunteers is something we’re always thinking about. It doesn’t make sense to try to staff a full Church School hour for a handful of children; nor can we create the kind of quality experience we want for the children.


This issue of volunteer deployment is a good lead-in to our discussion of Gallup Membership Engagement Survey Item #4: IN THE LAST MONTH, I HAVE RECEIVED RECOGNITION OR PRAISE FROM SOMEONE IN MY CHURCH. This is one of the few items where the people of St. Andrew’s came in LOWER than the Gallup Mean (Average) Score. On a scale of 1-5—1 representing Strongly Disagree, 5 = Strongly Agree--Saints Of Andrew ranked 3.17 as opposed to the average of 3.19. Leading me to inquire: When is the last time to you spoke a word of recognition or praise to your child’s Church School Teacher, or perhaps one of the choir members, or another of our great volunteers? As soon as I hit SEND on this, I think I’ll go in and say a word of recognition and praise to the nice ladies who are up here stuffing bulletins this morning.


I remember when Nancy and I were in the process of being appointed to St. Andrew’s, 32 months ago. Hurricanes had put a major dent in US oil supplies and gas was over $3 a gallon. This morning, the bright sign at the station just down Maple flashes $3.39. So far as I know, there’s not been another hurricane. I am particularly mindful of Americans who were just getting by to begin with.


BOB D. writes: Attention Parents! Please e-mail me the name of your GRADUATING SENIOR as we want to recognize him/her at our May 18 Sunday services. We will just ask the seniors to come forward and announce their names and what their future plans are. I want to make sure I have a complete list so e-mail the names to me. Thank you.


Psalm 24:1-6, “The earth is the Lord’s and all that is in it, the world, and those who live in it; for he has founded it on the seas, and established it on the rivers. Who shall ascend the hill of the Lord? And who shall stand in his holy place? Those who have clean hands and pure hearts, who do not lift up their souls to what is false, and do now swear deceitfully. They will receive blessing from the Lord, and vindication from the God of their salvation. Such is the company of those who seek him, who seek the face of the God of Jacob.”



Thursday, April 17, 2008

A Big Weekend

April 19 & 20
Saturday, 5:00
A Celebration Of Our Ministry In Nicaragua
Bruce is preaching: THE ANGEL OF LOS FIEROS
Lots of music, including The Ax Of The Apostles and the St. Andrew’s Mariachi Band!We’ll welcome guests who have come all the way from Nicaragua!
Sunday, 8:30 & 10:00
Confirmation Sunday
We’ll have the joy of hearing 26 young people confess their faith and welcoming them to membership in the congregation.

We’ll be taking a special offering Saturday and Sunday in support of our ministry in San Andres. Our most recent travelers to Nicaragua, Dean H. and Mark R., have told us they’ll match what is given this weekend. In coordination with the Rainbow Network, an ecumenical Christian organization based in Springfield, Missouri, St. Andrew’s is in the second year of a three-year commitment of $20,000 annually to the community of San Andres. This represents the approximate cost of a year’s worth of funding for the Rainbow-sponsored feeding/nutrition center, medical care, elementary education, a micro-loan program, and community economic development. The offering will work this way: We’ll pass the plate a second time on Saturday night. On Sunday morning, we’ll use some purple envelopes left over from a previous missions offering.
We are so excited about the new service schedules. Saturday night has exceeded our expectations. We are currently running about the same number of kids through Saturday night as we are at the 10:00 service on Sunday. What a great thing! The classrooms are filled with friends, where they are laughing, learning and forming life-changing friendships with each other and with Jesus. Our 8:30 service on Sunday morning is not running at that potential. We currently have a very few children attending this hour. This is not a huge surprise to us as it is an early hour for families with children. We wanted to offer an option of learning for all hours, but now have to evaluate if this hour is in the best interest of the children with such low numbers. (5-6 kids, not counting the teacher’s kids). We feel the kids are not getting the best quality learning environment without having other children to interact with, to be able to play games with, and to form friendship with. With that said, we are going to drop the 8:30 classes beginning the first Sunday in May. I want to thank all the dedicated teachers for showing up every Sunday, well prepared with a lesson plan. Your valuable service to the Children’s Ministry was necessary to make the service changes, and you all came through for St. Andrew’s! Thanks to all of you!

Vacation Bible School: Power Lab! Discovering Jesus’ Miraculous Power!!
Registration is up and running. All participants can register on-line through the Website at, Children’s button, then go down to the bottom of the page! The fee is $22.00/child for the first and second child. Three and up are 50% off. Early bird registrations end May 18. Any registrations taken on-line after that date will be $27.00/child. The computer has a way to track this so, be diligent and sign up right away!

All volunteer registrations need to be done through here. Go to the same place but you’ll highlight the volunteer button once you are into the VBS Home Page. We usually need about 130 volunteers to cover both morning and evening sessions. Please prayerfully consider giving of your time to help with this fun and exciting event!!
DivorceCare and DivorceCare for Kids A new session of DivorceCare for Kids will begin on Monday, May 5th from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. DivorceCare for Kids is a special group to help children heal from the hurt caused by the separation or divorce of their parents. DC4K meets weekly in 13-week cycles, and will be offered on an ongoing basis. It is designed for children ages 5 -12. Topics covered coincide with those for DivorceCare which will also begin a new cycle on May 5th. The cost of the material is $15 for both DC4K and DC, scholarships are available. Contact Diana at 431-8560 ext. 31 for more information.
From Joyce M.: Brownies, Bells and a Bit of Broadway: an afternoon of fun and food as the Ambassador Adult and Youth Bell choirs present their May concert. Come join us on May 4th at 3:00 p.m. in the Rotunda as we ring music from favorite Broadway shows. Snack on homemade brownies and bars as you listen to music from Mary Poppins, Beauty and the Beast, and The Lion King to name a few. We are even offering some very special prizes throughout the program. Several adults and youth from St. Andrews ring in both choirs so we hope to see you there on May 4th at 3:00 p.m.
The St. Andrew's Reckless Abandon Players present....SABBATH NIGHT LIVE 2008! Sabbath Night Live is a dinner/theater production written, directed, acted, and produced by church members. The drama team performs a comedy of skits which offer a fun perspective on St. Andrew's happenings, and focuses on messages by sharing The Gospel of Jesus Christ. This will be the 7th annual performance, which has been Sold Out each year since 2004! This years performances will be fantastic, and some of the skits will include:The Blues Brothers featuring the St. Andrew's Blues Brothers Band and the Blues Sisters Smarter than an Idol (spin-off of Smarter than a 5th grader) Holy-wood (Movie quotes that help tell stories of the Bible) Worship + 1 video (Members get lots of choices to get involved) Special Performance by the St. Andrew's Pastors and Staff (see what really goes on inside the staff meetings!) Special Transition skits with Greeters Gone Wild and Coffee Shop stories
Dates: Friday, May 2nd, and Saturday, May 3rd
Times: 6:00 Doors open
6:15 Buffet Dinner
7:00 Show Dinner/Theater Prices: $18 per adult; $14 per child with adult meal; $11 per child with Kid's Meal….
Childcare is available: $7 per child with a $13 max per family. $4 kids meals available per child…..
Reserve your Tickets today. Purchase them during Saturday and Sunday Services in the Rotunda, or by contacting the St. Andrew's Church office 431-8560.
TODD S. writes from Rhode Island : My grandfather, George K., died today in Storm Lake IA. Would you mind including my grandmother, Dorothy “Granny” K., in your prayers? George was into his 90s and still living at home till Sat night when he was having trouble breathing. He died in the hospital this morning about 6 am.
Matthew 25: 41-46 (continued from Tuesday) “Then he will say to those at his left hand, ‘You that are accursed, depart from me into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels; for I was hungry and you gave me no food, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, I was a stranger and you did not welcome me, naked and you did not give me clothing, sick and in prison and you did not visit me.’ Then they also will answer, ‘Lord, when was it that we saw you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison and did not take care of you?’ Then he will answer them, ‘Truly I tell you, just as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to me.’ And these will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.”

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The A Team

Three weeks into the new worship schedule, things couldn’t be going better. I’m particularly gratified by a big spike in the number of children in the Church School. Also notable are the number of visitors checking us out on Saturday evenings, and members of the congregation who are reactivating. This is just GREAT! I’m feeling like the guy on the old television show (The A-Team, maybe?), who was given to exclaim: Don’t you just love it when a plan comes together! We’ll see how we do this Saturday up against the Nebraska Spring Football game. But, hey, Saturday regulars can come on Sunday. That’s the beauty of this model: We’ve got mix-and-match options to choose from.

THIS WEEKEND, April 19 & 20
Saturday, 5:00A Celebration Of Our Ministry In NicaraguaBruce is preaching: THE ANGEL OF LOS FIEROSLots of music!We’ll welcome guests who have come all the way from Nicaragua!
Sunday, 8:30 & 10:00 Confirmation Sunday
Including the witness of five who were there
It’s a Pancake Sunday.
St. Andrew’s in Omaha is in the second year of a three-year commitment to contribute $20,000 to the community of San Andres in Nicaragua. This is the approximate cost of a year’s worth of funding for the feeding/nutrition program, medical care, the Rainbow organized elementary schools, a micro-loan program, and community economic development. On the weekend of April 19 & 20, in addition to our regular giving, we’ll be taking a special offering, inviting any and all who are interested, to contribute toward the $20,000 goal. This is a remarkable ministry and we count ourselves blessed to be part of it. The more you know about Rainbow and our ministry to San Andres, the better you’re going to feel about St. Andrew’s here in Omaha, and our commitment to others.
MICHELLE P. reminds us: Patience Circle will be selling Butter Braids frozen bread loafs before and after all services, April 12th &13th and April 19th & 20th. The money raised will help with our mission work. The cost is $8.50 per loaf. You will be able to pick them up at the church on the night of April 30th, and before or after church services on May 3rd & 4th.
A reminder from Diane M.: This is the last week to order flowers for your garden from the United Methodist Women..orders must be in by Sunday the 20th. This project funds our $500 schlorship to one of our senior students..thanks for your support!!
Prayers of Hope & Healing
Madison D., age 5 (great-grand daughter of Orv & Darlene S.) having tests.
Chris G. (sister of Sandi D.) battling cancer.
Dick P. (father of Diane W.) test.
Gene W. treatment for cancer.
Dick W., father of Pam M., tests.
Pam M., surgery on April 21.
Sandi J. and family, friends of Kathy K., cancer treatment.
Roland S., friend of Christine B., in ICU unit.
Mark & Kris B., newborn triplets in hospital.
Connie W.’s father.
Prayers of Celebration
Birth of Gabrielle Marie W., daughter of Stacy W. and granddaughter of Denise J.

Matthew 25:31-40
“When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, then he will sit on the throne of his glory. All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats, and he will put the sheep at his right hand and the goats at his left. Then the king will say to those at his right hand, ‘Come, you that are blessed my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world; for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me.’ Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when was it that we saw you hungry and gave you food, or thirsty and gave you something to drink? And when was it that we saw you a stranger and welcomed you, or naked and gave you clothing? And when was it that we saw you sick or in prison and visited you?’ And the king will answer them, ‘Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.”
(To be continued)

Saturday, April 12, 2008


THIS WEEKEND, April 12 & 13

Saturday, 5:00 (We’re back in the sanctuary)

Sunday, 8:30 & 10:00

Bruce preaching:


Including the witness of five who were there

It’s a Pancake Sunday.


Some of our readers are able to access e-mail from remote locations. I have been concerned about Saints of Andrew on the business travel, or spring break, who may be caught up in the American Airlines fiasco. I’m sure you’re handling it better than I would. I recently read a fine novel by Robert Harris, The Ghost—as in ghostwriter. A curmudgeonly fellow of my temperament is at London’s Heathrow airport and complains:

Vast lines of passengers queued to be frisked and X-rayed, carrying their shoes in hone hand and their pathetic toiletries in a clear plastic bag in the other. Travel is sold as freedom, but we were about as free as lab rats. This is how they’ll manage the next holocaust, I thought, as I shuffled forward in my stockinged feet: they’ll simply issue us with air tickets and we’ll do whatever we’re told.

I would add this: On the chance you’re stuck in a place with a nice climate, I encourage you to relax and enjoy yourself. There was a smattering of snow here earlier; now it’s settled into a dull, gray, cold and rainy day.


The St. Andrew's Reckless Abandon Players present....SABBATH NIGHT LIVE 2008!

Sabbath Night Live is a dinner/theater production written, directed, acted, and produced by church members. The drama team performs a comedy of skits which offer a fun perspective on St. Andrew's happenings, and focuses on messages by sharing The Gospel of Jesus Christ. This will be the 7th annual performance, which has been Sold Out each year since 2004!

This years performances will be fantastic, and some of the skits will include:

  • The Blues Brothers featuring the St. Andrew's Blues Brothers Band and the Blues Sisters
  • Smarter than an Idol (spin-off of Smarter than a 5th grader)
  • Holy-wood (Movie quotes that help tell stories of the Bible)
  • Worship + 1 video (Members get lots of choices to get involved)
  • Special Performance by the St. Andrew's Pastors and Staff (see what really goes on inside the staff meetings!)
  • Special Transition skits with Greeters Gone Wild and Coffee Shop stories

Dates: Friday, May 2nd, and Saturday, May 3rd

Times: 6:00 Doors open

6:15 Buffet Dinner

7:00 Show

Dinner/Theater Prices: $18 per adult; $14 per child with adult meal; $11 per child with Kid's Meal….Childcare is available: $7 per child with a $13 max per family. $4 kids meals available per child…..Reserve your Tickets today. Purchase them during Saturday and Sunday Services in the Round Room, or by contacting the St. Andrew's Church office 431-8560.


Craig B. tells us about:


Would you like to volunteer for one of the largest Christian Music shows to come to the Omaha area this year? I am helping to put on the Casting Crowns show at the Mid-America Center that is quickly coming up April, 27th. We have reviewed the contract and spoken to Mid-America and have come up with a large list of volunteers that will be needed for the concert. Currently, we have openings for the following volunteer positions: Merchandizing (10 people), Security (3-6 people) and ushers (30 people). Please be aware before you volunteer that with some of the volunteer positions you most likely will not be able to watch the entire concert. If you may have an interest in one of these volunteer positions, please contact Craig. THANKS!!!


Christine B. asks: Can you put a prayer request for Randy S.? Randy helped coach an Upward Team and has been involved in the program now for 2 years. He had an 11-hour back surgery on Tuesday and is recovering. It was a success, but will be a long recovery.

DIANE B. writes: Please continue praying for three people in my life who need prayers right now. My Aunt Virginia continues to recover from her brain stem stroke in the Elkhorn nursing home. Lyle H., our long-time friend has melanoma, had surgery for the cancer in his back last week and his left leg is now dragging and he is in a wheelchair for now. My cousin, Dale F., Omaha firefighter/rescue squad paramedic who had the double lung transplant in Oct. in a Denver Hospital, came back to Omaha to recover, ended up with no white blood cells, went back to the Denver Hospital where he remains.


Luke 17:2, words of Jesus: It would be better for you if a millstone were hung around your neck and you were thrown into the sea than for you to cause one of these little ones to stumble.


Thursday, April 10, 2008

Von Maur

THIS WEEKEND, April 5 & 6

Saturday, 5:00 (We’re back in the sanctuary)

Sunday, 8:30 & 10:00

Bruce preaching:


Including the witness of five who were there


I’ve been mulling over the issues we’ll be discussing this Sunday for months. It was important to me that I do justice to PANDEMONIUM: THE VON MAUR SERMON and I’m grateful for what the Lord’s given me. The Lord’s grace has extended to our music for this weekend; my heart was touched by what I heard at last night’s rehearsals. If you know of someone who was involved in any way, shape or form in the events of last December, I encourage you to invite them to our services.


From DIANE M.: This Sunday is Pancake Sunday at St. Andrews..we invite all of you to join us for a " late breakfast or an early lunch" of Pancakes, sausages and fresh fruit on Sunday morning! Hope Circle will be flipping for you! All of you Sat. night attenders are welcome to join us too!


This Sunday, April 6, 5:00-6:30

Designed for persons interested in membership at St. Andrew’s

Nancy & Bruce will be there, along with other members of the staff.

Sign up at the Hospitality Desk in the Rotunda or via return e-mail

We will NOT be having a PWP in May, our next one is scheduled for June.



This year, St. Andrew’s VBS is Power Lab! Registration is all online @ Look under the “Children” tab. The information for registration is at the bottom of the page. Sign up today-invite your friends. If you have any questions, contact Netta, Kris or Kathi. Also, don’t miss our first “The Big Ticket” movie night on Friday, April 18th from 6:30-8:30. Come find out how even the smallest “ant” is part of God’s Big Plan. Make sure to register soon. The forms are located on the Children’s Ministry’s table located in the Rotundra.

Parents, we are still in need of helpers in the Sunday school classrooms for the Saturday 5 p.m. and Sunday 10 a.m. class times. This is a rotational schedule. We are also in need of a new group of teachers for the month of May. Volunteers are a very important asset to our Children’s Ministry here at St. Andrew’s. We truly believe that our Sunday school program really helps our children to experience Jesus on a level that is exciting and fun for them. Please help us continue this program and prayerfully consider volunteering your time and love for the children.

It’s time to give our fabulous teachers that have been teaching all year a break. Children’s Ministry is in need of a new group of teachers for our Summer Saturday and Sunday school classes which run June, July and August. This is a rotational schedule, please prayerfully consider volunteering your time and love for the children.


Gallup Membership Survey Report: Part 3 of 23

#3: In my church, I regularly have the opportunity to do what I do best.

Diana F., reporting

On a scale of 1 (Strongly Disagree) to 5 (Strongly Agree), St. Andrew’s had an average score of 3.88, compared to the Gallup Mean Score of 3.66.

There are many opportunities to do what you do best at St. Andrew’s. These are all listed in the Ministry and Spiritual Growth Opportunities booklet available at the Connection Point in the Rotunda. Maybe you have a new idea for a ministry. Let Diana know and she can help you make it happen. Not sure what you do best. Take the StrengthsFinder Seminar offered several times a year at St. Andrew’s and find out. Watch for details about the next Seminar.



  • Madison D., age 5 (great-grand daughter of Orv & Darlene S.): having tests.
  • Lyle H.(cousin of Diane B.): cancer surgery.
  • Chris G. (sister of Sandi D.): battling cancer.
  • Dick P. (father of Diane W.): tests.
  • Tommy M.: born with CMV virus.
  • Gene W.: treatment for cancer.
  • Gale H.: surgery April 15th.

Romans 14:8, We do not live to ourselves, and we do not die to ourselves. If we live, we live to the Lord, and if we die, we die to the Lord; so then, whether we live or whether we die, we are the Lord’s. For to this end Christ died and lived again, so that he might be Lord of the dead and the living.


Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Rock Chalk

THIS WEEKEND, April 5 & 6

Saturday, 5:00 (We’re back in the sanctuary)

Sunday, 8:30 & 10:00

Bruce preaching:



I broke out my Jayhawks ball cap this morning, the one purchased at the campus bookstore when my youngest daughter, Laura, enrolled there as a freshman. What a game! The lasting memory will be the Chalmers 3-point shot at the end of regulation, but while the game has changed in many ways since I played it, this remains a constant: if you can’t hit free throws, it’s going to catch up with you.


Among the paradoxes of my personality is this: In my leadership role, I am not at all bashful about instigating change; while adjusting to the change can create considerable personal stress. I clearly underestimated what was going to be involved in moving the Saturday evening worship service to the Family Life Center. Happily, we learned a lot from the experience and I GUARANTEE YOU that when we next meet in there, on May 9, the look and feel will be very different. Then, in the first service on Sunday, I was rolling merrily along when I realized I had skipped over about four paragraphs of material—and it was pretty good material. I can’t remember getting lost like that since our second Sunday at St. Andrew’s—which, of course, was another time of change and stress. Happily, ten o’clock went off without a hitch, so I must be adjusting at some level. And I am DELIGHTED at the initial response to the new schedule. Even in the glitch-plagued service in the Family Life Center (and, to repeat, we will fix the glitches), there was a sweet-sweet spirit in the room and everyone was incredibly kind. I feel as if we’re in the birth pangs of creating something wonderful, and I appreciate every person who is being supportive, from our musicians, singers and tech team (God bless our tech team!); to the teachers and leaders in our children’s department; and each one of you who are supporting this big change through your gift of presence.

Frankly, if we were going to have a rough weekend (and it’s probably inevitable that we would), I count my blessings it happened when it did, as I had Madeline pictures to fall back on. I’ll want to have my wits about me this coming weekend, as I offer PANDEMONIUM: THE VON MAUR SERMON. This has been percolating since the events of last December and will include written “witnesses” from five of our members who were at the mall that terrible day.

It bears repeating that the reason I’m doing so much of the preaching these days is that NANCY is recuperating from hand surgery. Bless her heart, she went into the surgeon on Friday, hoping to have the cast removed. The cast was removed, all right, immediately replaced by a new one she’ll be wearing for three long weeks. This one is shocking pink.


MANDY B. introduces the newest members or our church family: Jessalyn and Rodney W. Jessalyn is a nurse at the med center and Rodney is in sales at Stereo West Auto Toys. They have two boys Sage-6 and Colin-4.

ALSO FROM MANDY: As many of you know, we have recently helped a refugee family from Burma by furnishing an apartment, clothing and food. The family has been here for a little less then 3 weeks and are starting to adjust to their new home! St. Andrew’s is continuing their connection with the Sein Chit family of 6 by sponsoring them through the Church World Service. What this means is our church family will help them learn the language and culture and help them become self-sufficient Americans. The family has had a delay with their social security cards and cannot get food stamps until they receive the cards. We will be providing food for them until they receive their cards, probably another week or so. There are many ways to help – you can send money for groceries or other items that may come up (maybe a week or two of bus passes for Sein Chit when he gets a job). We also need people to take them to the grocery store, help them learn how to ride the bus, possibly take them to a job interview, maybe take them to the zoo… The more we can spend time with them the faster they will learn the language and become self-sufficient! Please contact me if you would like more information!


MICHELLE P. tell us: Patience Circle will be selling Butter Braids frozen bread loafs before and after all services, April 12th &13th and April 19th & 20th. The money raised will help with our mission work. The cost is $8.50 per loaf. You will be able to pick them up at the church on the night of April 30th, and before or after church services on May 3rd & 4th.


From BOB D.: We need youth who can provide childcare on May 2nd and or 3rd during the Sabbath Night Live performance here at the church. They are offering $15 per night per person, but I think it would be nice if the youth just did it to help out the church. The time commitment would be 5:45pm to 9pm. Youth need to be at least 13 years old in order to baby-sit. Please e-mail Bob to sign up .


From CHANTELLE H.: Are you retired? If so, St. Andrew’s CEC is looking for you. We are looking for a “grandmother” to come and work in our Infant Room. Hours are flexible, both Full and Part Time. Please call the CEC office at 431-8609 for more information.


April 19 & 20

Saturday evening, 5:00


comes to St. Andrew’s.

Bruce preaching: THE ANGEL OF LOS FIEROS

Reception following

Sunday morning, 8:30 & 10:00




Luke 13:1-5

At that very time there were some present who told him about the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices.He asked them, “Go you think that because these Galileans suffered in this way they were worse sinners than other Galileans? No, I tell you; but unless you repent, you will all perish as they did. “Or those eighteen who were killed when the tower of Siloam fell on them—do you think that they were worse offenders than all the others living in Jerusalem? No, I tell you; but unless you repent, you will all perish, just as they did.”



Friday, April 04, 2008

The Royals

THIS WEEKEND, April 5 & 6

Saturday, 5:00 (Family Life Center, due to a wedding in sanctuary)

Sunday, 8:30 & 10:00

Bruce preaching:


And in weeks to come…

April 12 & 13

Bruce preaching: PANDEMONIUM: The Von Maur Sermon

April 19 & 20

Saturday evening, 5:00


comes to St. Andrew’s.

Bruce preaching: THE ANGEL OF LOS FIEROS

Reception at 6:00

Sunday morning, 8:30 & 10:00



April 26 & 27



This is going to be a big weekend around St. Andrew’s. Nancy hopes to get the cast removed this morning, replaced by less-clumsy splint. This evening and tomorrow, she’ll be leading a Lay Speakers training class at the church. Matt J. and Sarah W. are getting married in the sanctuary tomorrow (Saturday) at 4:00. At 5:00, we worship in the Family Life Center. To repeat, the congregation met in there for ten years before the new sanctuary was built, so we can surely manage on these Saturday evenings when there are weddings in the sanctuary. We’re going to try to spruce the space up some, and I’m actually looking forward to the experience. The Saturday Night band, THE AX OF THE APOSTLES, will be with us on Sunday morning, as well, offering a song called Grace Like Rain. I think you’ll like the taste of SOLID FOOD, our sermon entrée for the weekend. It has been lovingly prepared by my own hands.


The Kansas City Royals are off to an impressive start! Sweeping the Tigers in Detroit is no small achievement. It would be great the see the team just down I-29 put together a competitive season, particularly with the NU grad, Alex Gordon, in the middle of the lineup. I predict the St. Louis Cardinals are going to surprise the baseball world by winning the Central Division, then beating the Mets in the NL Championship game, and taking the Tigers to Game 7 in the World Series, emerging triumphant, the winning run driven in by Rick Ankiel. Remember, come October, you heard it first, right here in St. A-Mail.


BOB D. writes: Dear Parents, Please share this info with your youth grades 6-12.. We have an awesome service activity on Saturday April 26 8:30am to 3:30pm! The activity is called Global Youth Service Day. We will be working on various garden plots located around the metro-Omaha area. These garden plots help provide fresh produce to different communities that they otherwise would not be able to afford. I often think about the kids and think that these garden plots can help provide healthy vegetables for them which are so important in regards to their nutritional needs. The Registration fee is $15 per youth this includes lunch and a commemorative t-shirt. The deadline for Registration is Thursday April 10. Please encourage your youth to be a part of this activity…….I was a part of this activity last year and I really enjoyed it and the kids did too. E-mail me to sign up and make your checks out to St. Andrew's UMC.

Parents please check out the St. Andrew’s website for upcoming youth activities for April and review with your youth even your older youth. Just go to website click on the “Youth” button and then click on “Link to Youth Calendar”. Any questions just give me a call or e-mail me.


The St. Andrew's Reckless Abandon Players present....SABBATH NIGHT LIVE 2008!

Sabbath Night Live is a dinner/theater production written, directed, acted, and produced by church members. The drama team performs a comedy of skits which offer a fun perspective on St. Andrew's happenings, and focuses on messages by sharing The Gospel of Jesus Christ. This will be the 7th annual performance, which has been Sold Out each year since 2004!

This years performances will be fantastic, and some of the skits will include:

  • The Blues Brothers featuring the St. Andrew's Blues Brothers Band and the Blues Sisters
  • Smarter than an Idol (spin-off of Smarter than a 5th grader)
  • Holy-wood (Movie quotes that help tell stories of the Bible)
  • Worship + 1 video (Members get lots of choices to get involved)
  • Special Performance by the St. Andrew's Pastors and Staff (see what really goes on inside the staff meetings!)
  • Special Transition skits with Greeters Gone Wild and Coffee Shop stories

Dates: Friday, May 2nd, and Saturday, May 3rd

Times: 6:00 Doors open

6:15 Buffet Dinner

7:00 Show

Dinner/Theater Prices: $18 per adult; $14 per child with adult meal; $11 per child with Kid's Meal….Childcare is available: $7 per child with a $13 max per family. $4 kids meals available per child…..Reserve your Tickets today. Purchase them during Saturday and Sunday Services in the Round Room, or by contacting the St. Andrew's Church office 431-8560.


1 Corinthians 12:4-7, Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of services, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who activates all of them in everyone. To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good.
